
A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"This chest tightness and wheezing situation must be investigated," said doctor Li Zhiqiang, who looked at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan, a 48-year-old account manager at a bank, has been feeling tight in her chest and wheezing lately, and she breaks out in a cold sweat at every turn when she is working. Finally, she couldn't resist going to the community hospital for consultation.

The doctor recommended that she do a comprehensive physical examination. After the results of the physical examination came out, Lin Yuan found out that she had stomach problems, specifically chronic gastritis. She often felt upset in her stomach, especially after eating irritating foods. This situation made her gradually become more cautious about what she ate. The doctor told her that chronic gastritis is likely to cause more serious stomach problems, such as stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer, if left untreated.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

Lin Yuan began to look for various ways to regulate her stomach problems, and one day she decided to drink a bowl of red date porridge every morning on the recommendation of a friend. A friend told her that jujube porridge not only nourishes the stomach, but also nourishes blood and beauty, which is very good for women. So, Lin Yuan began her journey of red date porridge to nourish her stomach.

Every morning, Lin Yuan would get up early to cook a pot of red date porridge. The recipe for jujube porridge is not complicated, it only requires the red dates, rice and water to boil, and then simmer over low heat until the porridge becomes thick and sweet. In order not to make this time seem boring, she also listens to some funny jokes while cooking porridge to keep a good mood.

In the first few days, Lin Yuan felt that the red date porridge tasted good, but her stomach problems did not improve significantly. However, she didn't give up because of this, but persevered. A month later, Lin Yuan felt that her stomach problems seemed to improve. Her stomach no longer hurts as often as she used to, and she no longer feels tight and panting after eating.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

More than three months have passed, and Lin Yuan has not only greatly improved her stomach problems, but also her complexion has improved a lot. Her colleagues and friends were amazed by the change and asked her what her secret recipe was. Lin Yuan smiled and told them that she drank a bowl of red date porridge every morning.

Half a year later, Lin Yuan went for another physical examination, and the results showed that her gastritis was basically cured. The doctor was also surprised and asked how she did it. Lin Yuan told the doctor about her insistence on drinking red date porridge.

Why does jujube porridge have such a magical effect? This starts with the nutritional content of jujubes. Jujubes are rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, and other minerals, which have a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. In addition, jujube also has a variety of effects such as regulating immune function, antioxidant and anti-fatigue. Rice, on the other hand, is a mild carbohydrate that does not irritate the stomach and is easy to digest and absorb.

Modern medical research has also shown that certain components in jujube can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help food be better digested and absorbed. These are the scientific basis for jujube porridge to nourish the stomach. After learning about this, the doctor also suggested that other patients with similar stomach problems can try this method.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

Lin Yuan's story not only benefited herself, but also helped many people with stomach problems. Under her influence, relatives and friends around her also began to try to drink red date porridge every day, and many people reported that their stomach problems had improved to varying degrees. Everyone praised Lin Yuan as a "little nemesis of stomach problems".

However, the doctor also reminded everyone that although jujube porridge has a certain stomach-nourishing effect, it is not a panacea. For patients with severe stomach problems, it is still necessary to follow the doctor's instructions and carry out standardized treatment. At the same time, changes in eating habits and lifestyle are also very important. Eating less spicy and stimulating foods, avoiding overeating, and maintaining a good attitude and routine are all key to nourishing the stomach.

In Lin Yuan's story, there is also an interesting episode. Once, one of her old classmates, Zhao Minghua, heard about her experience and also started drinking red date porridge. However, Zhao Minghua's stomach disease not only did not improve, but tended to worsen. Lin Yuan felt very strange, so she suggested that Zhao Minghua go to the hospital for examination. It was found that Zhao Minghua's stomach disease was not ordinary chronic gastritis, but a gastric ulcer, and there were already signs of erosion. In this case, drinking red date porridge alone is obviously not enough, and medication must be administered.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

The doctor used Zhao Minghua's case to remind everyone once again that health problems must vary from person to person, and they cannot blindly follow the trend. Before trying any regimen, it is best to consult with a doctor to choose the right treatment and conditioning method for your specific situation.

Lin Yuan's journey of red date porridge to nourish her stomach is not only her personal success, but also brings a lot of inspiration to everyone. The way to health lies in persistence, but more importantly, in science and rationality. Although jujube porridge is good, it should also be drunk reasonably according to your own situation.

In response to Lin Yuan's story, someone raised such a question: Does red date porridge really help everyone's stomach problems? The doctor gave a detailed answer to this.

First of all, jujube porridge has a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on gastric diseases, but not all types of gastric diseases are suitable. In chronic gastritis, stomach cold, stomach deficiency and other conditions, red date porridge has a certain relieving effect, because red jujube has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, and invigorating qi and blood. For gastric ulcers, excessive gastric acid, etc., jujube porridge may not be suitable, and may even aggravate the condition, because jujube contains more sugar, which may stimulate gastric acid secretion.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

Secondly, the effect of jujube porridge varies from person to person. Everyone's physique is different and reacts differently to food. Some people may be allergic to jujubes, or the digestive system may be intolerant to the ingredients in jujubes, in this case, jujube porridge will not only not nourish the stomach, but will cause other uncomfortable symptoms.

In addition, jujube porridge is only a part of dietary conditioning, and in order to really nourish the stomach, it is also necessary to comprehensively consider many factors such as dietary structure, work and rest rules, and psychological state. Jujube porridge alone is not enough, it must be combined with other healthy lifestyles.

The doctor also mentioned a set of data: according to the statistics of a medical research institution, about 30% of patients with chronic gastritis have significantly improved their symptoms after insisting on drinking red date porridge for three months; About 50% of patients have some degree of symptom relief; However, about 20% of patients have no significant changes or even worsening symptoms. This set of data shows that although jujube porridge has a certain curative effect, it is not a panacea and cannot replace formal treatment.

A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

In short, jujube porridge, as a traditional health food, has its unique value, but it must be different from person to person when used, and it cannot be blindly relied on. For patients with stomach problems, the most important thing is to choose scientific and reasonable treatment and conditioning methods under the guidance of doctors, so as to truly achieve the purpose of nourishing the stomach.

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A 48-year-old woman drank jujube porridge every day to nourish her stomach for half a year, and her body changed unexpectedly

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