
A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Mr. Li, have you had any special tea lately?" Doctor Lin Ming's voice carried a hint of concern.

Li Youcai, a middle-aged corporate white-collar worker, has just experienced a peculiar weekend. He went fishing with a few friends, and it was his favorite pastime. However, after returning from fishing, his body began to show abnormalities. His skin was constantly itchy, especially at night, making it impossible to sleep.

"Doctor, I went fishing on the weekend, and that's it after I came back, could it be allergies?" Li Youcai asked with a puzzled face.

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

Doctor Lin Ming smiled and waved his hand, "Allergies are not enough, but have you drunk any special tea recently?" Some tea leaves are not to be drunk indiscriminately. ”

Li Youcai nodded, "Yes, a friend recommended a new tea, saying that the health effect is particularly good, and I drink it every day." ”

"Well, that's right." Doctor Lin Ming paused, and then said, "A cup of tea a day sounds like a good habit, but some tea leaves will cause harm to the body if they are not symptomatic. ”

Next, the doctor Lin Ming explained in detail the characteristics of several teas and warned Li Youcai to choose carefully.

1. Yerba mate: A health drink full of controversy

Yerba mate has gradually become popular in China in recent years and is known as the "green gold of South America". Its benefits are numerous, such as refreshing, antioxidant, and immunity boosting, but its side effects should not be overlooked. Yerba mate contains a lot of caffeine, and excessive intake may cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, insomnia, and gastrointestinal upset.

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

"Yerba mate is particularly irritating, especially for those with a history of high blood pressure or heart disease." Doctor Lin Ming added, "According to research, long-term consumption of yerba mate is associated with the development of certain cancers, especially gastrointestinal cancers. Therefore, like Mr. Li, a cup of yerba mate a day, in the long run, is very taxing on the kidneys. ”

2. Oolong tea: Drink with caution, especially for patients with kidney stones

Oolong tea is a fermented tea, between green tea and black tea, with a unique taste and is loved by tea lovers. Oolong tea has many benefits, such as lipid-lowering and weight loss, anti-aging, promoting digestion, and so on. However, for patients with kidney stones, oolong tea is a potential danger.

"Oolong tea is rich in oxalate, which is easy to form calcium oxalate stones when combined with calcium." Doctor Lin Ming continued, "Patients with kidney stones have a heavy burden on their kidneys, and if you drink a lot of oolong tea, it will be tantamount to adding insult to injury. ”

Doctor Lin Ming mentioned a case, "A few days ago, a patient with kidney stones had to be hospitalized for surgery because he drank a lot of oolong tea, which caused his stone condition to deteriorate. So, Mr. Li, if you have a history of kidney stones, you should try to drink oolong tea as little as possible. ”

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

3. Pu-erh tea: a double-edged sword for the elderly

Pu-erh tea, especially aged Pu-erh tea, is believed to have lipid-lowering, weight loss, and blood lipid regulation. However, for the elderly, the strong taste and theophylline content of Pu-erh tea can be a burden.

"Pu'er tea has a high theophylline content, and long-term consumption of large amounts will lead to increased gastric acid secretion, which can easily cause stomach discomfort and even ulcers." Doctor Lin Ming said, "Especially for the elderly, the digestive function is gradually weakening, and if you drink too much Pu'er tea, not only can you not maintain your health, but may cause gastrointestinal diseases." ”

Doctor Lin Ming also mentioned, "There is an old gentleman in his 70s who drank several cups a day because of his superstitious belief in the health effects of Pu'er tea, but as a result, he had a stomach attack and was hospitalized for several days. Therefore, although Pu'er tea is good, it must be in moderation, especially for the elderly. ”

4. Black tea: refreshing but may hurt the kidneys

Black tea is loved by the public because of its rich taste and aroma. Black tea helps to refresh the mind, warm the stomach, and can also help lower fat and lose weight. However, the caffeine and theophylline components in black tea should not be underestimated.

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

"Black tea has a high caffeine content, and long-term consumption of large amounts will cause a burden on the kidneys." Doctor Lin Ming said, "Studies have shown that the proportion of people who drink a lot of black tea for a long time has abnormal kidney function is higher than that of the general population. ”

"Moreover, the diuretic effect of black tea is obvious, although it helps to detoxify, if you drink too much, it will cause the body to lose water too quickly, and it is also a burden on the kidneys."

Doctor Lin Ming particularly emphasized, "Like Mr. Li, who drinks a lot of black tea every day, he may not feel the problem in the short term, but in the long run, the burden on the kidneys will increase, and the problem will appear sooner or later." ”

After listening to the explanation of the doctor Lin Ming, Li Youcai suddenly realized that the health habits he had always thought might be the source of health problems. He decided to immediately adjust his tea drinking habits, choose the tea that suits his physical condition according to the doctor's advice, and control the amount of tea he drinks.

After Li Youcai returned home, he began to carefully study the characteristics of various teas, and formulated a tea drinking plan that suited him. Each week, he chooses a different kind of tea, but the amount of tea he drinks each day is strictly controlled within a reasonable range. At the same time, he also began to pay attention to diet and exercise to improve his health in an all-round way.

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

Through the story of Li Youcai, it can be seen that although tea has many health benefits, if you do not pay attention to the choice and control of the amount of drinking, it may cause harm to the body. So, the question is: how to choose and drink tea in order to truly achieve the effect of health preservation?

1. Choose the right tea for you: Everyone's physique is different, and the type of tea that suits them is also different. For example, patients with kidney stones should avoid drinking oolong tea, the elderly should limit the amount of pu-erh tea they drink, and people who are sensitive to caffeine should drink less black tea and yerba mate.

2. Control the amount of tea you drink: Even if it is suitable for you, the amount of tea you drink every day should be controlled within a reasonable range. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to drink 1-2 cups of tea a day, excessive consumption may cause a burden on the body.

3. Pay attention to the time of drinking: The caffeine and theophylline in tea have a refreshing effect, and it is best to avoid drinking it before bed to avoid affecting sleep. At the same time, it is not advisable to drink tea on an empty stomach, which is easy to stimulate the stomach and intestines.

4. Combined with personal health status: Tea drinking should be combined with personal health status, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, etc., you should choose tea suitable for yourself to avoid aggravating the condition.

A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

5. Diversified tea drinking: Different types of tea have different effects, and you can drink them in a variety of ways, avoiding drinking a single tea for a long time, and increasing the diversity of nutritional intake.

Through scientific and reasonable selection and drinking of tea, we can truly achieve the effect of health preservation. I hope that Li Youcai's story can give you some inspiration, so that we can enjoy the pleasure brought by tea while maintaining a healthy body.

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A cup of tea a day, is it a health trick or a kidney weapon? Doctor: 4 kinds of tea should not be drunk indiscriminately

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