
Xiaoman health strategy: strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and spend the summer peacefully

author:Yao'an knew it early
Xiaoman health strategy: strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and spend the summer peacefully
Xiaoman health strategy: strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and spend the summer peacefully

In a blink of an eye, it will be Xiaoman, today we will talk about the solar terms Xiaoman~

"Xiaoman" is the eighth of the 24 solar terms and the second solar term of summer. When the sun reaches 60 degrees of ecliptic longitude, the "little man" begins. "The Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order" says: "Xiaoman, mid-April. The small one is full, and the thing is so small that it is full. At this time, the grains of wheat and other crops in the northern region began to fill and became full, but they were not ripe, so they were "Xiaoman"; The precipitation in the southern region has increased, and the river has gradually become "full", which can be called another kind of "small full".

"When life is small, there is room for thoughtfulness". The word "Xiaoman", although it is a solar term, is used as a metaphor for life, and it is also ingenious.

Xiaoman health strategy: strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and spend the summer peacefully


Xiaoman has three waitings

One waits for the bitter vegetable show, the second waits for the grass to die, and the third waits for the wheat to arrive. "A waiting for the bitter vegetable show" refers to the fact that after the small full solar term, the branches and leaves of the bitter vegetables are luxuriant; "The second waiting for the grass to die" refers to some plants with thin and soft branches that like shade and begin to die under strong sunlight; "Three Waiting for the Wheat Autumn Solstice", because in the last period of Xiaoman, the original full but unripe wheat grains have matured and can be harvested. Although the time is still summer, for wheat, it is the ripe "autumn", and "wheat autumn" refers to the season when wheat is ripe in early summer.

At this time, all parts of the country are gradually entering summer, the temperature difference between north and south is narrowing, the rain is abundant, the sun is sufficient, and the temperature is suitable.

There are different customs in various places during the small full season, let's take a look!


Xiaoman customs

1. Silkworm

Silkworms are pampered "pets" that are difficult to feed. Temperature, humidity, cold, ripe, dry and wet mulberry leaves all affect the survival of silkworms. Because silkworms are difficult to raise, silkworms were regarded as "heavenly things" in ancient times. In order to pray for a good harvest of silkworms, the silkworm festival is held in April during the silkworm release season.

2. Eat bitter herbs

"Book of Zhou" said: "Xiaoman's Day Bitter Vegetable Show". As one of the earliest edible wild vegetables, bitter herbs can be found all over the country. Bitter herbs are rich in nutrients, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, choline, sugars, riboflavin and mannitol required by the human body, and have the functions of clearing heat, cooling blood and detoxifying. In ancient times, people also used bitter herbs to decant wine.

3. Busy harvesting

In the provinces of the Yellow River Basin, the fourth lunar month has just been busy harvesting wheat. The Pearl River basin sows autumn rice, and the northeast is the period when cotton, wheat and soybeans are planted.

"Yang in spring and summer, yin in autumn and winter" is the principle of health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine, how should we maintain yang energy in the small full season?


Xiaoman's health guide

1. Don't be greedy for immediate comfort, too much heat and coolness

For example, if you stay cold overnight in the open air, or drink cold excessively, it will cause the inner qi to be empty, which will lead to the evil of summer heat and wind chill to take advantage of the void to enter.

When enjoying the cold, special attention should be paid to covering the abdomen, many rural places like to wear "belly", which is very in line with the way of health preservation. The reason why the ancients proposed to maintain yang qi in summer is that the heat of summer steaming, sweat leakage, and open pores, so that the body is most vulnerable to the invasion of wind, cold and dampness.

2. Maintain emotional stability and peace of mind for good health

In summer, the weather is hot, and mood swings are easy to fluctuate, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure and other diseases. In addition, the incidence of stroke in the summer is quite high, which is a cause for concern. It is worth mentioning that excessive mood swings can also lead to gastrointestinal disorders, and respiratory diseases such as asthma are also very related to mood. Therefore, we need to consciously regulate our emotions and maintain a peaceful mood to reduce the risk of disease attacks.

3. In summer, the temperature replenishes and dehumidifies to drive away dizziness and brain swelling

In summer, people often feel dizzy and swollen, and are prone to depression, fatigue, chest tightness, and poor appetite. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "all dampness and swelling belong to the spleen", the spleen is mainly transported, and the spleen and stomach function is good, so the excess dampness in the body can be transported, so warming the spleen and stomach is the best way to relieve dampness.

It is recommended to eat soup and light and easy-to-digest meals every day, eat less greasy, fried, and cold foods, and eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and stomach.

4. Use an appropriate amount of cold diet and pay attention to nutritional matching

In the hot summer, people inevitably eat more cold drinks. If the cold diet is used excessively, it will aggravate the accumulation of moisture in the body, leading to spleen deficiency, and then aggravating the abnormal water metabolism. In addition, the summer diet should not be too full, usually eat until seven or eight minutes full, but we must pay attention to a comprehensive and balanced nutritional matching, not picky and partial eating.


Healthy medicinal diet

Lily mung bean lotus seed porridge

[Ingredients] 30g of lily, 100g of mung beans, 30g of lotus seeds, 100g of glutinous rice, appropriate amount of sugar

【Method】Wash and soak the lily, mung bean and lotus seeds respectively for half an hour; Boil mung beans first, add lilies, lotus seeds, and glutinous rice when they are nearly ripe, boil them into porridge, and season with sugar

【Efficacy】Clear away heat and nourish yin, strengthen the spleen and calm the nerves. It can be used for dry mouth, thirst, insomnia and dreams

Source: China Medical News

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