
As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Doctor Wang, my throat has always been dry, itchy, swollen and sore during this time, what's the matter?" Uncle Zhang sat in the hospital consultation room and asked with a worried face.

"Uncle Zhang, your throat problem is actually a symptom, and the real problem lies in your joints. Your joints are aging much faster than the average person, which has a direct impact on your overall health. Dr. Wang patiently explained while looking at Uncle Zhang's inspection report.

Uncle Zhang, who just turned 50 this year, is a technical director of a small company, and although his daily work is not too tiring, he often needs to sit and stare at the computer screen for a long time. Lately, he has been feeling that something is wrong with his body, not only in his throat, but also in his whole body, especially in his knees and elbows, especially when he gets up in the morning.

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

"Are joints aging so fast? So what can I do? Am I going to have to be unable to get out of bed in the future? Uncle Zhang asked in surprise.

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang, don't worry, joint aging is a natural process, but we can slow down this process through some measures, so that we won't be able to get out of bed when we get old." Next, I will give you some advice, as long as you pay attention to these four points, the situation will improve a lot. ”

So, Dr. Wang described in detail the four things that Uncle Zhang needs to pay attention to:

1. Exercise moderately and avoid overwork

"Uncle Zhang, you need to stick to moderate exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes a day, which is very beneficial to your joints. But avoid strenuous exercise, especially impact exercises on the knees and ankles. Some people think that running is good for the body, but for the already somewhat aging joints, it is tantamount to adding insult to injury. ”

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

Dr. Wang told a typical case, "There is a patient named Aunt Li, who was very fond of running when she was young, but when she was in her fifties, she found that her knee was seriously aging, and later changed to swimming and yoga, and her symptoms were greatly improved. In fact, moderate daily exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance the flexibility and durability of joints. ”

According to one study, moderate exercise can slow down the rate of joint aging. Data shows that people who insist on a moderate amount of exercise every day have a slower rate of joint aging than those who do not exercise. Those who exercise vigorously every day are twice as likely to have their joints damaged.

2. Eat a reasonable diet and supplement the nutrients needed by the joints

"Diet is also key, what are your usual eating habits?" Dr. Wang asked.

"I usually like to eat some big fish and meat, and some fried food." Uncle Zhang said a little embarrassed.

"That's the problem." Dr. Wang continued, "Joints need adequate nutrition to maintain health, especially protein, calcium, vitamins C and D, and omega-3 fatty acids. You should eat foods rich in these nutrients, such as deep-sea fish, milk, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits. ”

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

Dr. Wang also shared a case, "There is a patient, Mr. Liu, who originally had a serious joint problem, but later changed to a healthy diet, especially adding collagen-rich foods, such as fish skin, chicken feet, etc., and the situation has improved significantly. When his doctor checked up six months later, he found a significant improvement in the flexibility and durability of the joints. ”

According to nutrition research, joint health is closely related to diet. Moderate intake of vitamin C can promote collagen production, while omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow down the inflammatory response of joints. Data shows that a reasonable diet can reduce the incidence of joint inflammation by about 40%.

3. Maintain good posture and avoid overuse of joints

"Uncle Zhang, how do you usually sit and stand? Do you often feel back pain or cervical spine discomfort? Dr. Wang continued.

"Yes, I often sit, and after sitting for a long time, I feel back pain." Uncle Zhang replied.

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

"That's the problem." Dr. Wang explained, "Long-term poor posture can lead to overuse of joints and accelerate joint aging. You need to maintain a good sitting and standing posture, try to avoid sitting for long periods of time, and get up and move every hour of sitting. At the same time, pay attention to adjusting the height of the computer screen when working to maintain the natural curvature of the cervical spine. ”

Dr. Wang cited a case, "There was a patient named Miss Wang, who had been working in the office for a long time, and as a result, he had serious cervical spine problems before the age of 40. Later, she adjusted her working environment, such as using an ergonomic chair and getting up and moving regularly, and the situation improved a lot. ”

A study on the effects of work environment on joint health has shown that a good working posture and environment can reduce the rate of joint aging. Data shows that people who use ergonomically designed office furniture and maintain good posture have a 50% lower incidence of joint problems than those who don't pay attention to these details.

Fourth, timely examination and treatment without delay

"Last but not least, Uncle Zhang, you must check your body regularly, especially the condition of your joints. If there is a problem, treat it promptly, without delay. Doctor Wang advised.

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

"I usually don't think there's a big problem, so I haven't gone to the doctor, and if it weren't for the throat problem, I wouldn't have come to the hospital this time." Uncle Zhang said with some regret.

"In fact, many joint problems have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, but through regular check-ups, they can be detected and treated early to avoid developing into serious problems." Dr. Wang recounted an example, "There was a patient, Mr. Zhao, who usually had no special discomfort, but found early degenerative changes in the joints during a physical examination, and through early treatment and conditioning, his condition was effectively controlled and did not deteriorate further. ”

According to medical statistics, early detection and treatment of joint problems can effectively delay the rate of deterioration. Data shows that people who have regular joint check-ups have about 30% lower severity of joint diseases than those who do not have regular check-ups.

Uncle Zhang listened to Dr. Wang's advice and felt very beneficial. He decided to start changing his lifestyle habits from today and follow Dr. Wang's advice for conditioning and prevention.

After Uncle Zhang returned home, he started a new life according to Dr. Wang's advice. He insisted on walking for half an hour every morning, eating more fish and vegetables in his diet, paying attention to maintaining a correct sitting and standing posture, and going to the hospital for regular check-ups. After a few months, his throat problems were significantly reduced and his joints no longer felt so painful.

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

After a few months of life adjustments, Uncle Zhang's joint problems have improved significantly, but he still has a question in his heart: "Can all joint problems be prevented and improved through these methods?" ”

In order to answer this question, we need to analyze the different types of joint problems in detail. There are various types of joint problems like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, etc. Each type of joint problem has a different etiology and pathological mechanism, so the methods of prevention and treatment will also be different.

Take osteoarthritis, for example, which is a common degenerative joint disease that is mainly related to aging, joint overuse, and genetic factors. Moderate exercise, a reasonable diet, and maintaining good posture can indeed be effective in preventing and improving osteoarthritis.

Whereas, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is mainly characterized by inflammation and destruction of the synovial membranes of the joints. For this type of joint problem, in addition to lifestyle adjustments, medication is needed to control the abnormal response of the immune system.

Gouty arthritis, on the other hand, is associated with elevated levels of uric acid in the body, and symptoms are usually prevented and relieved by dietary control and medication.

As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to

In summary, there are different ways to prevent and treat different types of joint problems. While moderate exercise, proper diet, and good posture are positive effects on most joint problems, some specific types of joint disease require comprehensive management in conjunction with professional medical treatment. Only in this way can we maintain joint health more comprehensively and avoid joint problems affecting the quality of life.

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As we age, how quickly do joints age get to the bottom? I don't want to get out of bed when I'm old, 4 things to pay attention to