
An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"You're a typical allergic reaction." The doctor sighed, looked at David Zhao in front of him, and shook his head.

David Zhao, a sales manager in his early thirties, had just gone fishing with a friend over the weekend, but when he came back, he was itchy and went to the hospital overnight for a check-up. The doctor examined David Zhao's rash and asked him if he had eaten anything special or been exposed to any new substances recently.

David Zhao thought about it for a while, he had a regular diet in the past few days, and he didn't touch anything special, the only difference was that he went fishing on the weekend, and he was very happy to eat an apple after coming back.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

"How can there be a problem with an apple?" David Zhao was a little puzzled, after all, I had heard since I was a child that "an apple a day, the doctor stays away from me", how could it make the body uncomfortable?

The doctor examined Zhao David's body in detail and finally came to a conclusion: "You are allergic to apples." ”

David Zhao was taken aback, and then he realized that his problem was actually with the apple. The doctor patiently explained: "Although apples are highly nutritious, for some people, some chemicals or pesticide residues on the apple peel can trigger allergic reactions. ”

After listening to the doctor's words, David Zhao began to re-examine his usual eating habits. The doctor further pointed out that allergies are just a signal, and David Zhao's health problems are much more than that. So, the doctor arranged a series of tests, and it was found that Zhao David's blood sugar was high, his cholesterol level was abnormal, and he even had early signs of fatty liver.

"Your usual eating habits may need to be adjusted." The doctor earnestly advised.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

David Zhao was a little puzzled, his usual diet is healthy, how could there be so many problems? The doctor explained with a smile: "Healthy eating is not only about eating less and exercising more, but also about paying attention to the science and rationality of the diet. For example, apples are good, but if they are eaten incorrectly, they can be harmful to the body. ”

David Zhao was skeptical, and the doctor went on to tell some specific case stories.

Xiao Wang is a programmer, usually busy with work, and it is common to stay up late and work overtime. In order to stay healthy, he insisted on eating an apple every day, hoping to combat the negative effects of staying up late. However, in recent months, Xiao Wang has always felt unwell, fatigue has increased, and strange red rashes have appeared on his skin.

He came to the hospital for a check-up, and the results showed abnormal blood sugar levels in his body and even early signs of diabetes. After careful questioning, the doctor found that Xiao Wang likes to eat apples when he stays up late at night and works overtime, but the fructose in apples is too much at night, causing blood sugar levels to soar, which damages his health in the long run.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

Lao Li is a retired teacher who usually pays attention to health preservation, and insists on eating an apple every morning, hoping to maintain a healthy physical state. However, he has recently noticed that his cholesterol levels are getting higher and higher, and he even has some signs of high blood pressure.

After examination, the doctor found that although Lao Li eats apples every day, his diet is not balanced, and the excessive intake of saturated fat, coupled with insufficient exercise, leads to an increase in cholesterol levels. The doctor suggested that Lao Li should increase the intake of vegetables, reduce high-fat foods, and increase the amount of exercise appropriately while maintaining the habit of eating apples.

David Zhao was deeply inspired by these stories of the doctors. Apples, while beneficial, are not a one-size-fits-all health food. When, how, and how apples are eaten need to be considered, and the health of the individual needs to be considered. The doctor explains in detail several key points of a healthy diet:

1. Eat a balanced diet: No single food can replace a balanced diet. Vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in a reasonable manner.

2. Fructose in moderation: Although fructose in apples is healthier than regular sugar, excessive intake can still cause blood sugar to rise. Especially at night, the body's metabolism slows down, and consuming too much fructose can increase the burden on the liver.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

3. Food safety: Pesticide residues on apple peels may cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to wash them well before eating, or even peel them before eating.

4. Eating time: The effects of food ingested at different times on the body are different. Eating apples in the morning can help replenish vitamins and fiber, while eating apples in the evening may affect sleep and blood sugar levels.

Doctors point out that in recent years, there has been a growing body of research on the health risks of excessive fructose intake. Fructose is a natural sugar that is widely found in fruits. Consuming fructose in moderation is beneficial to the body, but excessive intake can lead to a range of health problems.

1. Affect liver function: fructose is metabolized in the liver, and excessive fructose intake will increase the burden on the liver, leading to fatty liver and even liver damage.

2. Elevated blood sugar levels: Fructose is quickly absorbed, causing blood sugar levels to spike, and long-term excessive intake may trigger insulin resistance and even diabetes.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

3. Increased risk of obesity: Excess fructose is converted into fat and stored in the body, increasing the risk of obesity, especially abdominal obesity.

4. Cardiovascular disease: Studies have shown that long-term high-fructose diets increase blood triglyceride levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Affect intestinal health: Excessive fructose intake can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, leading to intestinal problems such as diarrhea, flatulence, etc.

Doctors also cite some specific data to illustrate the dangers of fructose:

One study found that experimental mice that consumed a high-fructose diet for a long time had significantly increased liver fat content and impaired liver function.

Another study in the population showed that people who consumed a diet high in fructose had a 40% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

Through the doctor's explanation, David Zhao finally understood that healthy eating is not simply eating a certain food, but needs to consider a variety of factors. So, how do you eat apples properly?

1. Choose fresh apples: Prioritize fresh, organic apples to avoid pesticide residues.

2. Moderate intake: An apple a day is a good recommendation, but it should also be adjusted in moderation according to individual circumstances.

3. Eat a balanced diet: Apples are not a substitute for other foods, so you should pay attention to a varied diet to ensure a balanced diet.

4. Eat at the right time: Try to eat apples in the morning or during the day and avoid consuming too much fructose in the evening.

5. Wash thoroughly: Wash apples thoroughly before eating, or peel them to reduce pesticide residues.

An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

After this visit, David Zhao felt that he benefited a lot. Not only did he learn about his body's problems, but he also learned a lot about healthy eating. Through the advice of his doctor, he began to adjust his diet, no longer blindly pursuing a certain "healthy food", but focusing on a balanced and scientific diet.

The doctor finally asked David Zhao a question: "Why does a healthy diet need to be personalized?" ”

In fact, everyone's physical condition, lifestyle habits and genetic background are different. A personalized diet plan can better meet the nutritional needs of the individual and avoid unnecessary health risks. For example, some people have allergies to certain foods, and some need to control their blood sugar levels. These individual needs need to be fully considered in the diet. Doctors recommend that it is best to develop a personalized healthy eating plan under the guidance of a dietitian or medical professional to achieve the best health results.

Through this story, I hope you can realize that healthy eating is not just about simply eating a certain food, but requires a comprehensive, scientific and personalized diet plan. Only in this way can we truly stay away from disease and stay healthy.

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An apple a day hurts the body? The doctor sighed: If you eat like this, your body will not necessarily be better

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