
The child is impatient and impatient, try these three methods

The child is impatient and impatient, try these three methods

The child is impatient and impatient, try these three methods

Many parents say that they have never seen their children can stay quiet for a while, the building blocks just put up a layer of boredom, the book just turned a page to find other toys to play. Most parents will think that this is a sign that the baby is lively and active. no! no! no! In fact, this may be a sign of the baby's impatience.

Children between the ages of 3 and 4 have a strong spirit of exploration, curiosity about many things, willing to try, but often difficult to persevere even if they are interested in things, may quickly divert attention. At this time, the parent's harsh preaching does not work for the child.

So, how do we develop our children's patience?

1. Words are not as good as teaching by example

Children are good at learning, parents have a great influence on children, and children often carry the shadow of parents. Parents' principles of doing things and handling problems should adhere to a beginning and an end. To cultivate children's patience, parents also need to pay attention to the fact that before starting a new activity, let the child have an understanding of the ongoing activity, and not let the child develop the habit of giving up halfway. If you let your child take a bath, you should tell your child to draw this picture when you start boiling water, and then go to the bath. Then don't forget to see if your child's drawing is finished before bathing. In addition, parents must patiently complete the appointment with their children before asking their children to do something; if they do not complete it, they not only need to make up for the unfinished work, but also have to increase the time to deal with related things. In this way, the child can do things in a planned way and can patiently finish things in a certain period of time.

The child is impatient and impatient, try these three methods

2. Deliberately delay

Now many families' children are treasures in the eyes of their parents, and what the child asks for, parents can do, will try to meet, but it is not a good thing to meet the needs of children without restrictions. In this "immediate satisfaction", the child's personality will become impatient, impatient, easy to be self-centered, unable to understand the efforts of others. In the future, it is easy to do things based on interest, and there is no beginning and no end. In fact, parents need to learn to delay gratification: when the child makes a request, do not meet the child's needs immediately, but let the child learn to wait and accept in a gradual way or conditionally. Delayed gratification is not only an education for children, but also a good help for children's psychological growth. Studies have shown that children who are able to give up the temptation in front of them and have stronger "endurance" are more likely to succeed than children who have difficulty resisting temptation. Through their own efforts, they can get what they want, and let children feel the efforts of their parents more and learn how to understand their parents.

3. "Play" out of patience

"'Interest' is the best teacher. It is the nature of children to love to play games, and while we arrange a schedule for children, we must conform to the nature of children and cultivate children's patience in playing. For children, the process of playing games itself requires patience. For parents, playing games is based on children's interests, through interesting games, combined with knowledge, purposeful, planned so that children unconsciously more efficient absorption of knowledge, cultivate patience. Because in the game, children are more likely to be highly focused, and in this state, it is much more efficient than rigidly asking the child to sit quietly for a few minutes, and it will not cause them to resent. In fact, reading is also a kind of "play", and the most advanced "play", the process of reading can not only fully mobilize the child's visual, tactile, thinking and other sensory organs, but also require the child's patience... Of course, for children who lack patience, choosing a difficult book at the beginning will make the child lose interest, so it is important to choose the appropriate book. Try to choose books with easy-to-understand language and brightly colored pictures. In this way, the child slowly develops patience in reading, and his attention gradually concentrates. Of course, it is also a good choice for children to play with educational toys. Mothers try not to buy remote control toys for their babies that do not need to use their brains, and often let the baby play with some educational toys. For example, puzzles, building blocks, etc., which not only develop the baby's intelligence, but also cultivate the baby's patience.

The child is impatient and impatient, try these three methods

Patience cultivation is very important in the child's growth process, once the child has the patience to do things, he will increase confidence, but if because the child lacks patience to do things halfway, it will not only affect the child's learning, but also affect the child's life...

Source: Pengbai News

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