
When you go home and open the door, don't forget to do it to your children...

When you go home and open the door, don't forget to do it to your children...

I especially like a feeling.

When you go home, there are people in the house, as long as there is a knock, the door will be opened by the beloved.

Instead of groping in your pocket, grab the cold, hard key.

And when we have children.

Many families do not know when to start, and the opening of the door is contracted by the children.

Let's say I go downstairs to pick up the courier.

Before I got to the door, the door opened.

My son said he heard my footsteps and knew it was me.

While happily opening the door, he bragged that his special skills were getting stronger and stronger.

And every time he was out of school.

I couldn't get out of the kitchen.

There was a thudding of the door in the living room.

I knew it was the little hunter who was energetically beating the war drums at me.

Immediately someone will ask, "Is anyone home?" ”

And I would laugh and reply, "No one is home." ”

Then he grabbed me and smiled and asked, "So what is this, isn't it human?" ”

Almost every time, there is a father-son dialogue.

The moment the door is opened, it has become an interesting ritual between us.

The future will be precious and beautiful memories.

Honey, when you open the door, remember to smile with your child.

Try to imagine when you're dragging your tired body home.

Even if you are depressed, you must sort out your mood.

Suppose you open the door and see a room that has been messed up by a child.

Different moods will react differently.

If it is a calm heart after tidying up, you will have the patience to give your child the opportunity to tidy up.

They will also calmly remember to use the rules to talk, rather than scolding.

If it is a mood in a state of anxiety and anger, it may be directly angry.

And if you are hairy, you will deviate from the theme.

Because emotions are fluid, in the event of an out-of-control situation, your grievances, distress, uneasiness, and anxiety will be tilted out.

As a result, the child becomes your emotional junkyard.

Every day when you come home from work, before opening the door, please put down all your identities.

The moment the door opens at home, remember to smile.

Children who are happy to open the door for their parents will be happy for a longer time.

And they'll be happy to share what they've seen in the day with you.

When your child comes home from school, remember to give your child a smile when the door is opened.

Maybe the grievances and anxiety that the child receives outside will all be blown away.

Especially for children who have just gone to kindergarten.

Because of changes in the environment, their hearts will become very sensitive.

At this time, the mother's optimistic and positive mood will be like warm sunshine, driving away the fog and warming the atrium.

The mother's smile will give the child a lot of strength.

And the more the parents give their children the performance of love, the more power of love.

So you just have to look closely.

Many loving, child-reared families.

Children will also be uncomfortable with separation at first.

But after a period of adaptation, they will change very much.

Because such a child is warm inside and has a sense of security.

So they're not afraid, they just don't adapt.

Parents' emotions are an important factor affecting children's inner stability.

So when you see your child getting dirty little hands or clothes.

Don't rush to yell at your child.

You can calm down a bit and ask why first.

Even with a smile.

When the child is relaxed, he will explain the truth.

At this point, you will find that things are not as you think.

And your child will become more trusting of you and willing to share his little secrets with you.

This means a lot to parents.

If you love your child, let him feel it.

Like hugging, a smile is the best language of love.

Even more natural than hugging.

The relaxed and happy family atmosphere is the best growth nourishment for children's souls.

You will find that some children especially love to laugh.

Some children, on the other hand, are always full of sorrow.

Because the environment in which they grew up is different, the emotions they absorb are different.

It can be said that parents are the emotional mentors of their children.

This is not like teaching like a teacher, but it is usually felt between ears and eyes.

Child psychology has found that children search for emotional information from their mothers (or other familiar people) and then take action to approach or avoid. For example, 9-month-old babies have begun to develop the ability to understand or interpret adult facial expressions.

Babies often use the mother's facial expressions as emotional messages, and when the mother is angry, he will also be angry; if the mother is happy, he will also be happy.

So the mother has been facing the child with a cold face.

Children also learn this expression and think that this is the norm.

Even with the person you like, it is difficult to show the feelings between the lovers.

In life, remember to practice loving vocalization more.

Recently returned to my hometown because of things, and video chatted with the little guy:

Son: Dad, I don't feel well these days.

What's wrong?

Because you're not at home, I don't feel well when I get home.

Don't you miss Daddy!

When are you coming back?

It's about three days...

Dad tells you that this uncomfortable feeling is called missing!

Because Dad doesn't feel well either.

When the child is young, we should talk to the child more about these sweet words.

Tell your child to recognize his emotions.

Especially the boys.

They are slower in both feeling and expressing emotions.

Parental guidance is more needed.

Edit: Wang Xing

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Peng

Reprint: Raising boys

Disclaimer: This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If there is a source labeling error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact the author with the proof of ownership, we will correct and delete it in time, thank you.

【Source: Wenhui Network】

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