
What are the most common situations in your child's stomach

Stomach pain, for children is a more common situation, the eldest child has a stomach pain, will cover the stomach to tell you; while the small baby can only pedal the legs, crying and expressing pain. Listening to the baby's crying, parents are often busy and overwhelmed.

So, what are the causes of children's stomach pain, and how should they be distinguished and dealt with?

What are the most common situations in your child's stomach

Small babies: Babies have stomach pain, the most common causes are intestinal spasms, intussusception and digestive tract viruses, bacterial infections, etc.

Intestinal spasms, flatulence:

In babies from 10 days to 3 months old, intestinal spasms cause the baby to contract stronger and more frequently intestinal muscles, and the baby feels pain.

Symptoms: This pain worsens in the afternoon and evening, and the baby is characterized by crying all day and night, farting frequently.

What parents do: What we have to do is to try to relieve the discomfort and let the baby calm down. You can choose the airplane hug, let the child lie on the adult's arm, and then gently shake, so that the baby feels more comfortable. You can also use a pacifier to calm your baby down. Usually do not feed the baby too much, and the interval between meals is longer.

What are the most common situations in your child's stomach


Intussusception is the most common abdominal emergency in babies aged 2 years. When one part of the intestine is embedded in another and a blockage occurs, it causes intestinal obstruction, which leads to severe pain.

Symptoms: In addition to crying, the baby will also have vomiting, bloody stools and other symptoms.

What parents do: Because they cannot relieve and improve on their own, if intussusception is suspected, they should be rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Viral or bacterial infections of the digestive tract:

Symptoms: When infected, your baby's symptoms include stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

What parents do: If it is an infection caused by the virus, it does not need treatment, and most of them heal themselves within a week or so. Abdominal pain symptoms also go away on their own after 1-2 days. If you still don't get better after a week, you need to go to the hospital to check whether it is a bacterial infection.

Older children: Abdominal pain in older children is most commonly constipation. In addition, there are urinary tract infections, appendicitis, septic laryngitis and so on.


When older children experience pain in the lower abdomen, the most common cause is constipation. If your child eats too few fluids, vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich whole grains in their diet, constipation due to this colorectal movement disorder is more likely to occur.

Symptoms: Parents should observe and ask about the child's defecation, when the stool is hard, 3-4 days to defecate once, abdominal pain after defecation is alleviated, this constipation occurs.

What parents do: Plain train children to develop good bowel habits, pay attention to the addition of high-fiber foods, such as prunes, raisins, soybeans, broccoli, whole wheat bread, etc. If the constipation is severe, the doctor will treat the enema to alleviate the symptoms of abdominal pain.

What are the most common situations in your child's stomach

Urinary tract infections:

Common in children aged 1-5 years.

Symptoms: Urinary tract infections generally cause pain in the lower abdomen and bladder area, and there is painful urinary tract and burning sensation when urinating. Children with urinary tract infections often have symptoms of frequent urination and may also develop bedwetting.

What parents do: Urinary tract infections need to go to the hospital to check the urinary routine and treat them with medication.


Appendicitis generally occurs in children over the age of 6.

Symptoms: The first symptom is persistent periumbilical pain, followed by a transfer of pain to the right lower quadrant, which may be accompanied by vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite.

What parents do: Appendicitis should be treated in time and treated conservatively or surgically according to the condition.

What are the most common situations in your child's stomach

Septic laryngitis:

It is a throat infection caused by streptococcus and tends to occur in children over 3 years of age.

Symptoms: In addition to sore throat, there are abdominal pain, fever, vomiting and other symptoms during infection.

What parents do: Septic laryngitis requires bacterial culture and, if positive, antibiotic therapy.

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