
These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other


In the process of communication between people, language communication is indispensable.

Verbal communication is not something that can be opened up between people.

After all, people's hearts are separated from their stomachs, and it is difficult for us to discover what a person really thinks.

Therefore, at this time, we need to have the insight of people, otherwise we are likely to be bullied by the people around us.

Li Ka-shing once said: "To overcome the anxiety and depression of life, you must first learn to be your own master." ”

This sentence also tells us that we should rely on ourselves to be human. After all, our relationship between people is inherently fragile.

So a lot of times people who are good to you in life, they are just making a scene.

If a person says these 4 sentences in front of you, it seems polite, but in fact, they look down on you.

Because this kind of person is very dark inside, superficially very generous, respect you,

But they will make it bad behind their backs, so we must stay away after we encounter it.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

People are originally social animals, and it is inevitable that they will deal with each other in life.

Coupled with the fact that everyone's personality and way of doing things are different, it is difficult for us to judge whether a person is sincere or not.

In my opinion, the secret of harmonious coexistence between people is nothing more than a little,

See if the other party respects you enough, only respect for such feelings can last.

So once we meet someone who doesn't respect us, we have to get away quickly, otherwise we'll only make ourselves miserable.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

One. I'm for your own good

I believe this sentence is very familiar to each of us,

This phrase usually comes from our elders or parents.

It sounds like a lot of things are for our own good, but they never put themselves in our shoes.

This kind of person always thinks that they are a person who has come over, so they use the tone of a person who has come to talk to you.

Usually parents and elders say this to us, we can understand, because after all they are worthy of our trust.

But if colleagues and friends around us talk to us like this, we probably have to think about it.

From a psychological point of view, this sentence will carry a little threat and concealment.

It doesn't mean that this person is really and completely for your own good, maybe it's to see you take a detour.

So if a person repeatedly emphasizes that his own interests are for you,

At this time, we must judge through our own heads and not fully believe.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

Two. I speak more directly, you don't mind

Many people feel that there is not much wrong with this sentence, and it is also a very normal sentence.

In fact, the original meaning of the person who said this sentence was to come to us.

The most direct expression of a person's language is to reflect his inner thoughts and way of thinking.

So when a person says something like this, the beginning means that I say that this sentence is difficult to hear, and if it is difficult to hear, you must also listen.

At this time, we must be vigilant and not be used and bullied by the people around us.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

Three. Thank you for not daring to bother you

As adults, not everything we use words to express and suggest.

In life, we can't make everyone around us satisfied.

Therefore, the interaction between people is always separated by a veil of mystery.

When the people around us are especially kind to us, often say thank you and dare not bother you and so on,

This proves that the relationship between them is not so familiar.

At this time, we should not deliberately try to please a person, because it is very unworthy.

Each of us has to do something meaningful in this society.

If it is different from the three views of friends around you, there is no way to continue.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other

Four. You're all right

Getting along with each other requires us to be honest with each other,

In the workplace and in life, we often hear colleagues around us say that what you do is right and so on.

We should not take seriously what such people say, most of them are yin and yang.

So I don't really want to give you advice, I just want to see your jokes.

At this time, we also need to be humble, and don't think that what we say and do is completely right.

After all, no one in this society wants us to be truly good.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other


In this society, what needs to be done between people is to compare hearts to hearts.

People make friends in this life not in many, but in essence.

You need to use a sincere heart to make friends around you, but at the same time don't be deceived by others.

If a person does not have the ability to distinguish the mistake, the villain as a friend will be very miserable in this life.

So let's not overestimate our relationship with anyone around us, and don't bother to please others just because we see that others are not friendly enough.

Only after truly doing ourselves well will there be people around us to please us.

Just in response to that sentence, if you bloom, the butterflies will come.

These words, seemingly polite, are actually looking down on each other


Today's Topic:

Have you ever experienced being "belittled" by someone?

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References | Organizational behavior and human decision processes

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