
These four "gynecological diseases" are not diseases, in fact, they do not need to be treated! Don't always worry, overtreatment will hurt you

author:Dr. Wong of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Imagine a kind elderly woman who suddenly feels a heat wave hit her at night, and an indescribable anxiety wells up in her heart. She wondered if it was a warning of some kind of disease. However, these are just normal physiological reactions to menopause, not conditions that require urgent treatment. Such misunderstandings not only create unnecessary anxiety, but can also lead to unnecessary medical intervention. This article aims to clarify four commonly misunderstood "gynaecological conditions" and provide scientific guidance to help you understand when to be reassured and when to seek help.

These four "gynecological diseases" are not diseases, in fact, they do not need to be treated! Don't always worry, overtreatment will hurt you

Deciphering the truth about menopause

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life that marks the end of fertility. During this stage, estrogen levels in the body gradually decline, which may trigger a range of physiological and emotional reactions, such as hot flashes, night sweating, mood swings, etc. While these symptoms can be inconvenient in daily life, they are part of the body's natural aging process and usually do not require medical treatment.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

Moderate exercise: Moderate physical activity, such as swimming, brisk walking, or yoga, can help relieve symptoms of menopause.

Eat a balanced diet: Increase your intake of calcium and vitamin D and reduce foods high in fat and sugar to help maintain a healthy weight and improve your mood.

Get enough sleep: Try relaxation techniques, such as meditation or gentle music, to improve your sleep quality.

Through these non-pharmacological approaches, most women can effectively manage the symptoms of menopause, thereby reducing their dependence on medications.

The true face of mild pelvic pain

Many women experience intermittent mild pelvic pain in their lives. This pain is usually related to the menstrual cycle, such as the brief pain that may occur during ovulation, which is caused by a small tear caused when the egg is released from the ovaries. This pain, known as "ovulation pain," usually does not require treatment and resolves on its own within a few hours.

When to seek medical help:

Pain persists or intensifies: If the pain persists for more than a few days, or if the pain suddenly worsens, it could be a sign of other health problems.

With other symptoms: If mild pain is accompanied by fever, bleeding, or persistent nausea, prompt medical attention should be sought promptly.

These four "gynecological diseases" are not diseases, in fact, they do not need to be treated! Don't always worry, overtreatment will hurt you

By understanding the common causes of pelvic pain and its natural healing properties, women can manage this symptom more rationally and avoid the physical burden of overtreatment.

Vaginal dryness in the elderly: not a disease, why treat it?

As they age, many postmenopausal women experience symptoms of vaginal dryness, mainly because of a decrease in estrogen levels in the body. Estrogen plays a vital role in maintaining the thickness and lubrication of the vaginal wall. When levels of these hormones decrease, the walls of the vagina become thinner and lubrication is reduced, leading to a feeling of dryness.

Physiological changes, non-pathological

First of all, we need to be clear that vaginal dryness, while it may be uncomfortable, is a natural physiological process, not a disease. Not only is overtreatment of this symptom unhelpful, but it can also cause other health problems. For example, frequent use of hormone therapy may increase the risk of other diseases.

Practical response: Relieve discomfort

These four "gynecological diseases" are not diseases, in fact, they do not need to be treated! Don't always worry, overtreatment will hurt you

There are a number of non-hormonal relief options for vaginal dryness:

Use of lubricants: Water-soluble or silicone-based lubricants can be used before sex to reduce discomfort.

Vaginal moisturizers: Regular use can help maintain the moistness of the vagina and is suitable for daily care.

Lifestyle modifications: Maintaining a moderate sex routine can help improve vaginal health and promote local blood circulation.

Dietary modifications: Foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as beans and flaxseeds, may help regulate hormone levels in the body.

With these methods, dry symptoms can be effectively relieved without relying on hormonal therapy.

Physiological leucorrhea changes: know the truth, no need to panic

Leucorrhea is a part of a woman's health and is a natural discharge produced by the vagina and cervix. The color, texture, and amount of vaginal discharge can vary depending on the different stages of the menstrual cycle.

Normal leucorrhea features

Normal leucorrhoea is usually clean, odorless, may range in color from clear to milky, and can be liquid or slightly dense in texture. Most of these changes are related to the menstrual cycle, hormone levels, sexual activity, and general health.

When to seek help from your doctor

Although changes in vaginal discharge are normal in most cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor if:

Leucorrhea changes in color to yellow-green or has a strong odor.

Leucorrhea is accompanied by itching or pain in the vulva.

Sudden changes in leucorrhoea, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain or fever.

These symptoms may indicate an infection or other problem that requires medical intervention.

The importance of education and self-examination

It is very important to spread knowledge about vaginal discharge. Knowing what type of vaginal discharge is normal and what situations require a doctor's evaluation can help women better understand their bodies and avoid unnecessary anxiety and treatment.

These four "gynecological diseases" are not diseases, in fact, they do not need to be treated! Don't always worry, overtreatment will hurt you