
Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

author:Versatile oranges

At the beginning, I will pour a basin of cold water on everyone. At the beginning of June, Chenlong's friends, especially those who have deep friendships with the two specific zodiac signs, need to be vigilant. It's not alarmist, maybe disputes and troubles will follow one after another in the coming days. It's not a good sign, but there's no need to panic too much, after all, life will always give us some tests inadvertently.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

Remember that old saying? "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and muscles." In the face of the coming turmoil, we might as well calmly analyze it before responding.

【Chicken: Sparks fly】

When it comes to disputes, the first thing we have to mention is naturally the zodiac that clashes with the attributes of Chenlong - the chicken. This is not something out of nothing, in Chinese culture, there is a certain truth in the attributes of the zodiac. Chenlong and chicken, but the attributes of the conflict, this has long been confirmed by the wisdom of the ancients.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

"It is difficult for a dragon to get rich when it meets a rabbit, and it is even more unlucky to meet a chicken." Although this sentence is a colloquial saying, it embodies the experience and observation of previous people. At the beginning of June, if the dragon friends have a dispute with the rooster friends, then it is inevitable that sparks will fly, and there may be unhappiness between the two of them. But this is not that it cannot be resolved, as long as both sides have more understanding and concessions, everything will be dissipated.

[Cattle: Chronic consumption]

In addition to the Rooster, we also have to pay special attention to another zodiac sign - the Ox. In the zodiac, although the dragon and the ox do not directly oppose each other, there is a subtle "consumption". This kind of consumption is not as intense as the dispute with the chickens, but it is slow and continuous, and it will slowly consume Chenlong's energy and mental strength.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

"The wind and waves are calm, and the waves are turbulent." Although this is talking about the changes in the wind and clouds on the sea, it is also applicable to Chenlong at this time. At the beginning of June, if the friends of the dragon have an entanglement with the friends of the ox, then there may not be strong winds and waves, but they will inevitably be entangled in some trivial matters and exhausted.


In the face of the coming strife and trouble, Chenlong's friends must be cautious and not impulsive. Know that impulsiveness is the devil and tends to make us make some unwise decisions under the control of our emotions. At the same time, we must also learn to protect ourselves wisely and not easily get involved in other people's disputes. This is not an escape, but a way to protect yourself from being burdened by strife.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

Of course, in addition to being cautious and wise, we also need to maintain a normal heart. Life is like a play, and drama is like life, there will always be ups and downs, ups and downs. As long as we maintain a normal heart, we will be more calm and comfortable in the face of disputes and troubles.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

Finally, I would like to give a message to all Chenlong's friends: "Wind and rain come and go, keep a normal heart, and do things with conscience." "I hope that at the beginning of June, no matter what kind of disputes and troubles you face, you can maintain a normal heart, face them calmly, and turn crises into opportunities.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

At the end of the article, I would like to say to Chenlong's friends, don't be afraid of the upcoming strife and troubles, because these are the tests in life and the stepping stones to growth. As long as we maintain a normal heart, face it with our hearts, and solve it with our hearts, we will be able to get through it smoothly and usher in a better future. I wish every friend of Chenlong can have a smooth sail and all the best in the coming days.

Chenlong: Be wary of these two zodiac signs, as they may be in "constant disagreement" with you at the beginning of June, so be cautious

I hope everyone can like, comment, and share this article, so that more Chenlong friends know and benefit. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can maintain a normal heart in life, bravely face various challenges in life, and create a better future together.