
The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

author:Observer's Diary

The Russian-Ukrainian war has been going on for more than two years, and not only has it failed to witness the rapid victory of the "blitzkrieg" expected by the Russian army, but has instead evolved into a long trench war.

This war is unlike anything that has been fought in that both sides have invested a lot of modern weaponry, but the form and effect of the battle is reminiscent of World War I more than 100 years ago.

Recently, an eye-catching war report has attracted wide attention in military circles.

On April 27, in the sky of Odessa, a Ukrainian "Yak-52" trainer aircraft launched a fierce battle with the Russian army's "Sea Hawk-10" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the air.

As a result, the propeller aircraft, which originated in the 1970s, managed to shoot down the latter in a duel with modern UAVs.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

Since the Yak-52 trainer was not equipped with specialized weapons for air combat, the backseat pilot had to shoot down the drone by an archaic and direct way - armed with a submachine gun, opening the hatch to shoot. This scene seems to travel through time and space, recreating the scene of low-speed air combat during World War I.

Although this method seems quite primitive and is even regarded by some as "disgraceful", from the perspective of economic benefits, the Ukrainian army's approach is extremely clever.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

In modern warfare, the cost of anti-aircraft missiles is much higher than that of UAVs, therefore, the use of propeller aircraft to conduct a "dogfight" with UAVs is, in fact, a cost-effective tactical option. It made full use of existing resources and achieved its operational objectives at the minimum cost, which undoubtedly demonstrated wisdom and strategy in warfare.

At the same time, in another corner of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, the Russian army also demonstrated a unique tactical innovation. One of their T-72 tanks underwent a peculiar modification and was given new combat capabilities.

The tank, nicknamed the "Iron Turtle" by netizens, has a sturdy iron frame on the outside of the hull, on which multiple layers of steel plates are welded to form an indestructible protective layer.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

This seemingly clumsy modification actually gave the tank a powerful defense. In the face of various means of attack of the Ukrainian army, including traversers carrying RPG warheads and drones throwing grenades, this modified tank can effectively defend itself.

However, this modification did not come without cost. The weight of the tank increased significantly, which slowed down the driving speed, and at the same time, some of the shooting range and vision were affected.

Nevertheless, from a real combat point of view, such a modification is still significant. It reflects the constant change in offensive and defensive superiority in modern warfare, as well as tactical innovations to accommodate this change.

In fact, if we look back at history, we can see that the choice of forms and tactics of warfare has always changed with the development of science and technology. During the First World War, due to the widespread use of fixed ammunition and machine guns, the traditional tactics of lining up to shoot were gradually eliminated, and trench warfare became dominant.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

This tactic emphasizes the construction of fortifications and firing points to reduce casualties and sustain operations.

And by the time of the Second World War, the spread of tanks and armored vehicles made it possible to fight in motion. These armored forces had a significant offensive advantage on the battlefield and promoted the transformation of the pattern of warfare.

However, after World War II, with the rapid development of anti-tank weapons, the offensive advantage of tanks on the battlefield was gradually weakened. Countries have developed high-performance anti-tank missiles and other weapons to counter the threat of armor. In this context, it is not difficult to understand the phenomenon of trench warfare and "dog fights" in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Both sides are struggling to find new tactics and strategies to adapt to the changes in the modern battlefield.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

It is worth noting that air supremacy and air-ground coordination in modern warfare are becoming increasingly important. The advent of fifth-generation fighters makes air superiority one of the key factors in determining the outcome of a war.

These advanced fighters have technical features such as stealth capabilities, supersonic cruise speed, and highly integrated avionics systems, giving them an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield.

However, in the Russian-Ukrainian war, we have not seen such air superiority fully exploited. The Russian Aerospace Forces have not been able to completely seize air supremacy, nor have they been able to form an overwhelming air strike force against the Ukrainian army. This led to the separation of air and land warfare, and the return of the form of warfare to a more primitive and simple mode.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

In addition, the position of information warfare and network warfare in modern warfare is becoming increasingly prominent. With the rapid development of information technology, the acquisition, transmission, and utilization of information have become one of the important factors determining the outcome of a war.

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, both sides have launched a fierce struggle in the field of information. Cyberattacks, information leaks, and the spread of disinformation have proliferated, adding more uncertainty and complexity to warfare.

To sum up, the reason why the Russian-Ukrainian war presents some characteristics of the First World War is not because modern warfare is no longer modern, but because new tactical and strategic options have emerged in the process of changing offensive and defensive advantages.

The Russian army changed the turtle shell tank, and the Ukrainian army dispatched propeller aircraft to fight in the air, and fought back to the First World War?

In this war, we have seen various innovations and attempts by both sides in order to adapt to the battlefield environment. These attempts not only reflect the challenges and dilemmas in modern warfare, but also provide us with reflections and enlightenment for future warfare.

Future wars will pay more attention to the development of informationization, intelligence, and networking. With the advancement of science and technology and the innovation of tactics, the form of warfare will continue to evolve.

Therefore, we need to pay close attention to the development and changes of the international situation and the latest advances in military technology in order to better understand and respond to possible challenges and threats in the future.

At the same time, we should also recognize that war is not the best option to solve problems, and that peace and cooperation are the right direction for human development.

Resolving disputes through diplomatic means, strengthening international cooperation and exchanges, and promoting the improvement of the global governance system will help maintain world peace and stability.

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