
Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

author:Observer's Diary

Recently, the Philippines has imposed restrictions on Chinese visas and unfounded accusations that China is engaged in "land reclamation" at Sembin Reef, a move that has undoubtedly exacerbated regional tensions.

According to a number of authoritative media reports, the Philippines is gradually tightening restrictions on China, especially visa restrictions, on the grounds that it is to safeguard the country's national security.

However, the move appears to run counter to its provocative actions at places such as Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal. There have been instances of a number of fishing boats attempting to force their way into these areas.

Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

China Central Television (CCTV) released three pieces of information on the same day. First of all, the Chinese Coast Guard has carried out regular patrols and law enforcement at Scarborough Shoal, which is unusual for the past.

In addition, China has organized fishing boats to conduct various operations and exercises in the region.

Recently, the Philippines has become more and more arrogant at the instigation of the United States, especially with the support of the United States, which has carried out "shoulder-to-shoulder" military exercises and deployed weapons and equipment on a large scale.

In addition, the Philippines is also trying to provoke China by creating incidents.

Recently, the Philippines began restricting Chinese visas, claiming to be for "security".

However, in fact, more Chinese traveling to the Philippines may boost its economic development and thus better serve its national security. If the Philippines continues to restrict or expel Chinese, it could trigger even more serious consequences.

Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

Therefore, the Chinese Navy and Coast Guard need to be fully prepared to deal with the Philippines' diplomatic troubles and obstacles to Chinese citizens. These moves show that the Philippines is moving closer to the U.S. government.

At sea, the Philippines has carried out so-called "expansionist operations" at the instigation of the United States, and has baselessly accused China of "land reclamation" at Sembin Reef.

It should be emphasized that if the Philippines continues to cause trouble, then the time for China to reclaim land may be getting closer and closer.

It is reasonable and legal for China to carry out land reclamation on its own territory. If the Philippines tries to change the status quo in bad faith, China will be able to take any measures that will benefit the growth of the national security environment.

Previously, the two sides had signed a treaty promising not to change the status quo, but if the Philippines were the first to default, China's ability to change the status quo would far outweigh that of the Philippines.

This should be made clear to the Philippines: with China's ability to reclaim land in the South China Sea, construction of both Sembin Reef and Scarborough Shoal can be completed quickly.

Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

At present, the Philippines is building up its arms in so-called "disputed areas", and joint military exercises with the United States are also increasing. In addition, the Philippines has introduced Indian missiles and is cooperating with Japan on radar projects.

The support of the United States and its allies for the Philippines may continue to grow, but in the South China Sea, it is difficult to find a clown like the Philippines who is willing to play and take the blow.

China is also taking strong measures. Our large destroyer squadron conducted combat readiness drills in the South China Sea, and the coast guard's regular patrols in the South China Sea have also become a reality.

China's navy, coast guard, and various aviation combat units have formed a three-dimensional defense capability in the surface, underwater, and air in the South China Sea.

On the South China Sea issue, if the Philippines insists on "hitting a stone with an egg", it will inevitably be the Philippines itself that will be hurt in the end.

Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

As can be seen from the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine is in a very passive position. If the United States really abandons military operations in the periphery, then Ukraine's situation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict may be even more difficult.

Another so-called "maritime Ukraine" has emerged in the South China Sea.

The current Marcos administration, which has close ties to the United States, mistakenly believes that there is a benefit to be gained by challenging China. They saw that the United States provided military bases, equipment and financial support, and shouted all kinds of beautiful slogans, such as defending the lives of the Filipino people.

However, these words have extremely little credibility. The Philippine government seems too naïve and stupid.

Not allowed to change the status quo in the South China Sea? The more provocative the Philippines is, the faster China will reclaim the sea and build airports

It also shows that in the South China Sea, if the Philippines breaks the status quo, China has the ability to respond more forcefully than anyone else.

Whether it's Sembin Reef, Ren'ai Reef or Scarborough Shoal, China has the ability to build it into a fortified airfield that will enhance its deterrence against the Philippine sea. If the Philippines really wants to provoke, then please let it go.

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