
The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

author:Observer's Diary

Recently, high-level US officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others, have frequently made various remarks against China, mixed with many malicious speculations and serious warnings.

This tense atmosphere, coupled with the intensification of the US military encirclement of China, especially the frequent provocations in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, and the deployment of intermediate-range missile systems in the Philippines, have undoubtedly exacerbated the tension in Sino-US relations and further increased the possibility of conflict between the two countries.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

In the face of this situation, some Russian experts on international affairs have pointed out sharply that the recent series of US reactions and measures are actually preparing for a possible conflict.

In order to more accurately assess the possible consequences of a conflict between China and the United States, the United States recently conducted another war game. However, the results of the deduction were shocking: on the first day of the simulated conflict, the US military suffered huge losses.

This result shocked some US politicians into a cold sweat and also had a far-reaching impact on US strategic decision-making.

According to members of the U.S. Congress, the results of the latest war games show that the U.S. military bases in the Indo-Pacific region are extremely vulnerable in the conflict.

Especially in the Taiwan Strait, if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States, up to 90% of the fighters on the ground may be destroyed by Chinese missiles before the air war begins.

The results of this exercise aroused great concern among Republican congressmen in the United States, who acted quickly and sent a joint letter to the US Secretaries of the Air Force and Navy, urging them to strengthen the protection measures of the bases, especially the number of fortified aircraft forts, so as to improve the defense capability of the bases.

In the letter, the lawmakers warned that China has sufficient weapons and equipment to pose a serious threat to the air defense and anti-missile systems of American bases.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

They fear that a Chinese attack could result in the inability of U.S. Air Force warplanes to take off, disruptions to logistical supply chains, and a severe erosion of the U.S. ability to intervene in the region.

Although the U.S. military already has an active defense system, these lawmakers argue that the system is too costly and has limited availability in practical applications.

Therefore, they strongly recommended strengthening the construction of passive defense measures, including strengthening the defense capabilities of aircraft forts and underground bunkers, strategically dispersed deployment of troops, adding redundant logistics facilities, and improving the rapid repair capability of runways.

The implementation of these measures will make better preparations for possible conflicts between China and the United States.

The results of the military push are not conjectures, but reasonable speculations based on the actual situation. Over the years, China has significantly increased its military power in order to safeguard the country's sovereignty and security.

However, compared with the United States, there is still a certain gap in the overall strength of China's air force and navy. What really makes the United States jealous is China's rocket force and the various missile systems it is equipped with.

These missile systems have not only put the US Air Force under great pressure, but even the commander of the US Navy's Pacific Fleet has expressed a high degree of vigilance against them.

In order to deal with the threat of China's rocket forces, the US military has carried out a lot of exercises and preparations. However, it is relatively difficult to combat the Navy's mobile ships, while the Air Force's stationary airfield facilities are relatively straightforward. This is precisely why the US Air Force and Navy bases are worried.

The missile strength of the Chinese People's Liberation Army should not be underestimated. They have a variety of models of short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles, including Dongfeng-15, Dongfeng-21, Dongfeng-26, etc.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

In addition, it is armed with advanced weapons such as the Changjian-10 cruise missile and the Dongfeng-17 hypersonic missile. These missiles vary in range and speed, posing a great challenge to the defense of the US military.

Hypersonic missiles are difficult to intercept due to their extreme speed and maneuverability, while other ballistic missiles are fearsome due to their destructive power.

Overall, China's missile diversity and numerical superiority pose a serious threat to U.S. military bases in the Indo-Pacific region.

The U.S. military's strategic strike capability and strategic maneuverability are largely dependent on its air force.

For example, the U.S. military often uses bombers to carry out long-range strikes against targets, or strategic transport aircraft to quickly deliver troops and weapons to a specific area.

Therefore, once these air bases are damaged or destroyed, it will seriously weaken the combat capability of the US military.

Although the U.S. military has hundreds of military bases around the mainland, there are not many of them that are really critical.

Even if these bases are fortified with enhanced defenses, it remains unknown whether they can withstand saturation attacks by the Chinese People's Liberation Army's various types of missiles.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

To be clear, however, China is not actively seeking conflict or war with the United States.

On the contrary, China has been working hard to maintain regional peace and stability. However, in order to deal with the potential threat of the US military to the sovereignty and security of the mainland, the Chinese side has to make full preparations for defense and counterattack.

If the United States can treat China in a friendly and equal manner and respect each other's sovereignty and security interests, then the two sides will not have to be caught in a vortex of tension and confrontation.

Therefore, we hope that the United States will deeply reflect on whether its current strategic decisions and military deployments are truly in line with the overall situation of peace and stability in the region and the world.

The right way to resolve differences and disputes is to work together and resolve differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation. We hope that China and the United States can work together, strengthen communication and cooperation, and make positive contributions to maintaining regional and world peace and prosperity.

At the same time, we should also realize that the potential for cooperation between China and the United States is enormous.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked by the results of the calculations and break out in a cold sweat

The two sides have extensive space for exchanges and cooperation in the economic, scientific, technological, and cultural fields. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation and achieving common development and prosperity is a wise choice that serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

Therefore, we should actively promote the development of bilateral relations in a more stable, healthy, and pragmatic direction.

In short, in the face of the current international situation and the current state of China-US relations, we should remain calm and rational, adhere to the path of peaceful development, strengthen communication and cooperation, and promote the continuous development of bilateral relations.

Only in this way can we truly realize the common prosperity and progress of China and the United States and make greater contributions to world peace and development.

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