
"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

Many people have prejudices against Feng Xiaoqin, including me.

In particular, the section where she asked Gu Lei to borrow money from Gu Qingyu to buy a house let us see her calculation - she only had tens of thousands of yuan in hand, and she wanted to borrow a million from Gu Qingyu when she opened her mouth, not to mention when to pay it back.

Such an approach, proper empty gloves white wolf.

Later, I learned that the reason why she married Gu Lei in the first place was to take a fancy to Gu Lei's Shanghai hukou, and before Gu Lei, she also had a child, that is, the later Feng Danian, so I did not like her even more.

Fortunately, after Gu Lei's death, she was motivated to be self-motivated, from delivering takeaways to nursing homes, she has been working hard to live, so she, even if she is still down, but the upward strength in her body is indeed really touching.

The most important thing is that as the story slowly progresses, her love also comes, that is, Xiaoding.

Thinking about it carefully, the intersection of Xiaoding and Feng Xiaoqin is still quite bloody-

At the beginning, Xiaoding chased after Feng Xixi, but Feng Xixi did not look up to Xiaoding, Xiaoding married someone else, and when she met Feng Xiaoqin, Xiaoding was already divorced.

From the perspective of weighing interests, Xiaoding is really suitable for Feng Xiaoqin——

Xiaoding is not only a civil servant, but also a top rich second generation, buying a villa in Shanghai, taking it all in one go, or luxurious decoration plus elevator. The most important thing is that even if Feng Xiaoqin has children, he still launches a passionate pursuit.

According to our previous understanding of Feng Xiaoqin, she will definitely choose Xiaoding, if nothing else, that single-family villa alone has this fatal attraction for her.

But to our surprise, such a good man, Feng Xiaoqin refused.

Thinking about it carefully, the reason why Feng Xiaoqin rejected Xiaoding was at least three reasons-

"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

Screenshot of the TV series "Heart House"

First of all, Feng Xiaoqin already had someone she liked, and that person was Zhan Xiang.

Many people think that Zhan Xiang should be with Gu Qingyu, after all, Zhan Xiang likes Gu Qingyu for so many years, but I think, not to mention whether the two are suitable in the end, from the perspective of feelings alone, I always feel that Zhan Xiang is not as fond of Gu Qingyu as we think, and the reason why he has been insisting is just a year of obsession.

In contrast, Feng Xiaoqin is more suitable for Zhan Xiang.

At the beginning of the story, Feng Xiaoqin did not like Zhan Xiang, because she was also a foreigner, she also helped Zhan Xiang to pursue Qingyu. At that time, Zhan Xiang, in Feng Xiaoqin's eyes, was probably just a kind of infatuation with a lot of stupid money.

Personally, I think that Feng Xiaoqin's liking for Zhan Xiang should have started from the time of opening a nursing home.

During that time, they stayed together all day, working hard for the nursing home, and as the time they spent together increased, their understanding of Zhan Xiang became deeper and deeper, and they could naturally see the advantages of Zhan Xiang and like him.

After all, they are also foreigners, they know the heartache of working hard when they are young, and they are very compatible in their souls, so when they are together, they are far more comfortable than when Zhan Xiang and Gu Qingyu are together and Feng Xiaoqin and Xiaoding are together.

Although Xiaoding is good at everything, when a person has others in his heart, even if you are good, the other party cannot see it. Even if they see it, they will choose to turn a blind eye.

At this point, Feng Xiaoqin was very similar to Gu Qingyu, when Gu Qingyu was full of Shi Yuan, even if Zhan Xiang was eight or nine years after she saddled up, she would not choose Zhan Xiang.

Of course, for Xiao Ding's liking, Feng Xiaoqin still knows, but her heart is already full of Zhan Xiang, naturally there is no room for Xiao Ding.

"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

Secondly, it is because of Feng Xiaoqin's inferiority and feels that she is not worthy of Xiaoding.

At the beginning, Feng Xiaoqin chose Gu Lei because Gu Lei had a good temperament and did not have much ability, and even the later work was also helped by Gu Qingyu to find it.

To put it mildly, only an ordinary man like Gu Lei would look up to a woman like Feng Xiaoqin.

On the other hand, Xiao Ding, although he looks mediocre, can become a civil servant in that city, and in terms of cultural level alone, he is beyond the reach of Feng Xiaoqin, who has a junior high school education.

When you are in love, it is okay, after all, there is a sense of freshness to support, but after marriage, the freshness of the past fades, and the two people are together every day, and the gap naturally comes out.

Someone once said that the most ideal state of marriage is that we are seven years old and eighty, and we can still sit together and talk about the world, although Gu Qingyu and Shi Yuan are not very compatible, but we have to admit that they have common hobbies, it is much easier to get along.

We recognize Feng Xiaoqin's excellence, but excellence is not the same as excellence. For Feng Xiaoqin, she is more concerned about how to make money, and when it comes to this, she can talk about it, but when it comes to other aspects, she is likely to be dumbfounded.

If she really marries Xiao Ding, the two chickens and ducks will definitely be the biggest torture for each other.

A lot of times, we like a nice guy, but only if we like it, because we know the difference with ourselves.

From this point of view, Feng Xiaoqin's rejection is not only inferiority, but sober. Because she knows that although Xiao Ding likes him now, after they really enter the marriage, they will definitely face such and such problems, and some of them cannot be changed by hard work.

"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

Third, Feng Xiaoqin's mentality has changed, and she is no longer the woman who was counting on men for everything.

The reason why we don't like the original Feng Xiaoqin is because she put her fate on others from the beginning, hoping to change her fate by marrying someone.

Therefore, she will marry Gu Lei, and she will also think of Gu Qingyu borrowing money to buy a house.

After Gu Lei's death, she had no dependence, she could only rely on her own efforts to make money to support her children, in this process, she began to understand that in life, only when she is strong is really strong.

Therefore, she will "stalk" Zhan Xiang and want to open a nursing home for Zhan Xiang, at this point, not only let us see Feng Xiaoqin's keen observation, but also let us see her persistence.

For the matter of opening a nursing home, Zhan Xiang refused at the beginning, and it was precisely because of Feng Xiaoqin's efforts that he saw the value of doing so and agreed to invest.

Although the nursing home is invested by Zhan Xiang, if it is not Feng Xiaoqin who is good at business, the nursing home may not be able to last for a long time.

In the process of running a nursing home, Feng Xiaoqin not only made money, but also found her own life direction, so she is gradually becoming a person like Gu Qingyu.

If this had happened eight years ago, Feng Xiaoqin would have chosen Xiaoding without hesitation, but eight years later, she experienced Gu Lei's death and experienced hard work to make money, and she was no longer the original she was.

At that time, Feng Xiaoqin valued interests the most, but now she, in addition to interests, she values her inner feelings more.

The reason why Gu Qingyu can bravely pursue love is because she has enough material foundation, if Gu Qingyu is not a company executive, like us to earn two or three thousand eldest sons a month, it is likely that she will also choose to spread the glory.

"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it.

In "Heart Residence", whether Gu Qingyu or Feng Xiaoqin, this sentence is very applicable - Zhan Xiang is gentle and golden, humorous and kind, but Gu Qingyu just doesn't like him; we all think that Xiaoding is very suitable to be Feng Xiaoqin's husband, but Feng Xiaoqin chose to quit on his own initiative.

As a netizen left a message saying -

"The key difference between love and marriage is that love can be one-way and doesn't require a reason or interaction. Marriage must be a mutually agreeable union. ”

In a marriage, it is inseparable from chai rice oil and salt sauce vinegar tea, and it also needs the common interest of Yangchun Baixue (lower Riba people), if two people live together, only chai rice oil and salt are left, such a life is inevitably too sad.

From This experience of Feng Xiaoqin, it is not difficult for us to find that two people who are suitable for marriage need at least three prerequisites.

First of all, it is necessary for two people to go in both directions, if it is always just one person's unilateral like, no matter how deep the affection, there is no way to go to the end. This is also the most important point, if two people don't want to be together, everything is in vain.

Secondly, the gap between two people should not be too large, whether it is academic qualifications or work, only two people who are basically close together can have a common language, and two people can go further.

(Of course, if two people really love each other, they will also try to get closer to each other and slowly close the distance between two people, and this relationship will naturally last.) )

As for the third, it still comes from ourselves, and only when we are excellent can we be worthy of excellent people. If you pin your hopes on others like Feng Xiaoqin at the beginning of the story, you are doomed to not get true happiness.

"Heart Residence": Some people are obviously very good, but they just don't like it, and no one can do anything about it

(Originality is not easy, if there is a reprint, please indicate the source.) )

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