
Professor Zhong Zhenzhen Q&A Mailbox(64)

Professor Zhong Zhenzhen Q&A Mailbox(64)

Dr. Zhong Zhenzhen was born in 1950 in Nanjing. He is currently a professor at Nanjing Normal University and a doctoral supervisor. Director of the Institute of Ancient Literature Collation. He is also the guidance professor of the "Foreign Scholars Chinese Culture Research Scholarship" of the National Scholarship Council, the president of the Chinese Rhyme Literature Association, the vice president of the Global Chinese Poetry Association, the consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the general consultant of the "Poetry Conference" of CCTV, the consultant of the poetry platform of "Listening to the Rain in the Small Building", and the Distinguished Professor of the Wenjin Pulpit of the National Library. He has been invited to lecture at more than 30 famous overseas universities such as Yale and Stanford in the United States.

Professor Zhong Zhenzhen Q&A Mailbox(64)

Professor Zhong Zhenzhen Q&A Mailbox(64)

Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Chazi" word "flower market"

Raw Chazi

[Song] Ouyang Xiu

On New Year's Eve last year, the flower market was lit up like day. The moon reaches the head of the willow tip, and the person is about after dusk. 〇 On New Year's Eve this year, the moon and the lights are still there. I didn't see last year's people, and I was full of tears in my spring shirt sleeves.

Xueyou Junjun asked: Hello Mr. Zhong! Please ask, how exactly is the "flower market" in Ouyang Xiu's poem explained? Thank you!

Zhong Zhenzhen replied: "Flower market", the original meaning is to buy and sell flowers market.

According to ancient texts, at the latest in the late Tang Dynasty, Chengdu Province (present-day Chengdu City) already had such a market.

Xiao Xiao's poem "Chengdu" says: "The moon has blossomed and the city has been combined, and Jiang Ping has many prejudices." ”

Wei Zhuang's poem "Bong and Zuo Shilang's Sense of Darkness in the Spring Objects" reads: "The wind of the Jinjiang River is scattered and rainy, and the flowers are fragrant and desert dusty." "Jinjiang, also in Chengdu.

Are there any other cities? Dare not say no. However, the literature is sparse and difficult to understand.

Li Shangyin's "Inscription of the Four Witnesses Hall of the Southern Zen Temple of The Huiyi Jingshe of Tang Zi Prefecture" says: "The situation is suspended by Huiyi, and the mountain is towering and flat." Flower Market Division, Xiangcheng Turn. "The writing is a Buddhist temple in Zi prefecture (梓州, in present-day Sandai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province). Is the "flower market" in the text a metaphor, or is it a "temple fair" nature of the bazaar? Because it is an isolated evidence, it is difficult to cite meaning, and it can only be doubted.

By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, where Ouyang Xiu lived, there were more cities with "flower markets" that could be known. For example:

(1) The capital is Tokyo, which is now the city of Kaifeng, Henan Province. Song Liu Changshi's "Notes on Lupu" contains the fifteen poems of the partridge Tianshang Yuanzi (上元字) with the title of Partridge Tian, which reads: "When I remembered that when I was in its heyday, human feelings and matter were self-hectic. The curtain curtain of the family returns late, and everywhere the building platform is late. 〇花市, make people fascinated. The state east has no time to look at the west of the state. The people of the capital have only been to the night of the lights, and have gone to the pond in front of the bottle. "This is the word of the Southern Dushi people who remembered their homeland after the Jin people occupied Northern China. The so-called "toto" are residents of Tokyo. "Kamiteki" refers to a visit to Tokyo's famous kaneaki pond.

(2) Xijing Henan Province, that is, the present-day Luoyang City, Henan Province. In the Song Dynasty, the peonies of Luoyang were famous all over the world. Song Cao's "Water Dragon Yin Peony" lyrics: "Spring light in March, Shanglin Chiguan, Xidu Flower Market." Zhu Dunru's "Partridge Heaven" said: "The water of the extreme rivers and lakes is soaked in clouds, and it is impossible to look back at Luoyang Spring." Tianjin tent drink Ling Yunke, flower market song generation. Cao Xun's "Appeal to Heartfelt Feelings and Peony in the Palace" said: "Xidu Flower City Jinyun Tong, Gu Yugong Huangfeng." And the words of the "Chao Zhong Zhuo" (酴醿芳架引 Fanying): "More and Luoyang Flower Market, moved to the palace court together." "Xidu, that is, Xijing."

(3) Yizhou, which is now Chengdu. Chengdu's "flower market", from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, has been prosperous for a long time. Song Zhang Yong's poem "Forty Rhymes of Mourning Shu" says: "The country of Shu is rich and prosperous, and the customs are superficial and thin... The liquor store stays up all night, and the flower market is full of spring shame. ”

(4) Runzhou, which is now Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. Song Zhongshu's "Nan Xu Hao" (南徐好) is the third of the ten poems "Shuishui Bridge": "On the north and south banks, the orchestra of the flower market." Invite guests upstairs to double wine, boat clear night two street lights. "Nanxu, the ancient name of Zhenjiang."

(5) Yangzhou, which is now the city of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. In the Song Dynasty, Yangzhou peony was famous throughout the country,

Song Wang Guan's "Yangzhou Peony Medicine Spectrum" said: "Yang people are not different from Xiluo (Luoyang), no nobles and lowly people like to wear flowers, so between the Kaiming Bridge, the moon of Fang Chun, and the flower market of Fudan." Cao Xun's "Linjiang Immortals And Peony Medicine" said: "Tender green yin yin tai xie ying, the south wind first sent Qing Wei." Yangzhou flower market into Fangfei. ”

Professor Zhong Zhenzhen Q&A Mailbox(64)

In the Southern Song Dynasty, the list of cities with "flower markets" was added to the capital Lin'an Province (present-day Hangzhou), see Song Wu Zimu's "Records of Dreams", Zhou Mi's "Past Events of Wulin", And Qian Shuyou's "(Xianchun) Lin'an Zhi"; and Shaoxing Province (present-day Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province), see Song Shi Su and other "(Jiatai) Membership History". But these were all after the era in which Ouyang Xiu lived, and there was no need to be recruited.

Ouyang Xiu served as an official in Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Yangzhou, three cities with "flower markets.". Therefore, it is not clear which city the "flower market" in his word is in. In fact, it does not need to be accurate, because his word is originally a literary fiction.

The time background of this song is "Yuan Night", that is, the night of the Lantern Festival. In the first month of the lunar calendar, before and after the spring, there are not many varieties of flowers, and more are sold in the "flower market" when the lanterns are in time. In the Song People's Lantern Words, "Flower Market" is often mentioned. For example, Zhou Bangyan's "Interpretation of Flowers and Lanterns" said: "Wind sells flame wax, dew oven, flower market light shooting." Mao Huan's "Huanxi Sha Shangyuan You Jinglin Temple" said: "The east wind of the flower market rolls laughter, and the shadow of Liuxi people is chaotic in the clouds." Li Feng's "Female Crown Zi Shangyuan" said: "Imperial City Three Five, Light Flower Market Ying Road." The words of the King's Way of the King's "Fisherman's Pride" say: "The lights are bustling and the old are old." Happy to be in the evening. Flower Market Qi Lou is good everywhere. "These are all examples. Among these words, the prominent is "lamp" instead of "flower", which shows that the "flower market" at that time of the Lantern Festival is mainly "flower lantern".

In the Song Dynasty, the market for selling flower lanterns also had a direct call "lamp market". For example, Song Liuyong's "Xi Shi" said: "Liu Street Lamp City has many flowers, let Mei Qiong'e." Chen Shidao's poem "Heyuan Night" says: "Drums and drums are noisy in the city, and cars avoid fire in the city." Wang Tingjue's "Dotted Lips" (Spring into the West Garden) lyrics: "Sheng song boiling, painting bridge lamp city, one night frightened peach and plum." Chen Ke's "Partridge Day, Sending Friends" said: "Camellia is full of spring, and everyone in the lamp market does not return at night." The poems that write "Lamp City" often also write about "flowers".

As far as the Lantern Festival is concerned, whether it is a "flower market" or a "lamp market", the names are different, but in fact, there is no fundamental difference. In poetry, whether to call it "flower market" or "lamp market" is sometimes just to avoid the repetition of words. If the context has the word "lamp", it is called "flower market"; if the context has the word "flower", it is called "lamp market".


Some scholars believe that the author of this word is Zhu Shuzhen of the Southern Song Dynasty. This is wrong. The "Lefu Yazi" compiled by Zeng Yu at the turn of the two Song Dynasties has already received the words of Ouyang Xiu. The Lefu Yazi was compiled in the sixteenth year of Emperor Gaozong's Shaoxing of the Song Dynasty (1146), when Zhu Shuzhen was still an adult.

Editor's Note:

Welcome friends to continue to the public number behind the album, leave a message you want to ask Professor Zhong all the questions about poetry. The answers will be published in this issue.

Professor Zhong said, readers pay attention to reading is support, peach to repay Li, not to think of the newspaper, always think good also!

Author/Zhong Zhenzhen Editor/Feng Xiao

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