
A man who gives birth to a daughter outside of wedlock and abandons him is sentenced for committing the crimes of abandonment and bigamy

Modern Express News (Correspondent Guangjian Reporter Gu Xiaowen / Photo) Yangzhou man Zhang Mou (pseudonym) gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock and abandoned her in the neonatology department of the hospital for more than 8 months, and finally with the help of the uninspected procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Guangling District, Yangzhou City, the child returned to his mother. Zhang was sentenced by the court to one year and six months in prison, suspended for two years, for the crime of abandonment and bigamy.

A man who gives birth to a daughter outside of wedlock and abandons him is sentenced for committing the crimes of abandonment and bigamy

△ Not abandoned in the hospital, medical staff became "temporary mothers"

In September 2020, the Department of Neonatology of the East District Hospital of Yangda Affiliated Hospital accepted a premature baby girl Weiwei (pseudonym) who had been transferred from other hospitals. According to the doctor, the child was sent by a man surnamed Zhang, and after completing the admission procedures, the other party left in a hurry.

After 10 days of treatment, she did not fully recover, but her parents refused to show their faces. "At first, I was able to get in touch, but then I couldn't get in touch at all." Wei Wei was "forgotten" in the neonatology department, and more than 8 months passed.

"The child has not been around Mom and Dad, and we can only pay a little more to take care of this special child." According to Liu Feng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Neonatology, the medical staff has always been three shifts, in order to better take care of Weiwei, the medical staff put her small bed next to the nurse's station, as long as through the glass can observe Weiwei's every move, "The child is hungry, urinating, sleepy, we will come to deal with it in time." "The medical staff of the neonatology department have become the loving mothers of Weiwei.

In late May 2021, observers for the protection of the rights and interests of minors called the uninspected procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Guangling District, Yangzhou City, to report the case, and the procurator of the procuratorate immediately launched an investigation. It is understood that around 2017, Wang Mou (pseudonym) and Zhang Mou lived together in the name of husband and wife during the existence of their respective marriages and gave birth to a son. In September 2020, Wang gave birth to a daughter Weiwei. Due to the premature birth and weak body, Zhang Mou will not be sent to the hospital for hospitalization. After the end of the treatment, Zhang suspected that he did not have a congenital disease, and even did not go through the discharge procedures on the grounds that he was not his biological father, and deceived Wang that he did not need to go to Shanghai for surgery, but the beds in Shanghai had to be scheduled and had to stay in the hospital to wait. Wang Did not think much about it, resulting in Weiwei being stranded in the hospital all the time.

A man who gives birth to a daughter outside of wedlock and abandons him is sentenced for committing the crimes of abandonment and bigamy

△ The procuratorial organ provided a picture of 20,000 yuan for the judicial aid that was not yet distributed

In order to solve the predicament of Survival, the Guangling District Procuratorate applied for a judicial aid fund of 20,000 yuan for Weiwei, and the cadres and policemen also spontaneously donated 7,500 yuan. During the handling of the case, Zhang realized the mistake of his behavior and was willing to continue to raise him. After verification and investigation, Zhang and Wang have guardianship ability, and the staff urged them to raise them within 1 month.

In addition, the civil affairs department decided to provide economic assistance for 6 months without payment, and the hospital also determined an installment payment plan for the unpaid medical expenses to alleviate Wang's economic pressure.

With the failure to return to the family and receive proper care, the case-handling team proceeded from the perspective of fully protecting the healthy growth of minors and classified measures according to the different situations of Zhang and Wang. Among them, Wang mou was deceived by Zhang mou, subjectively there was no intention to evade the obligation of support, and only one crime was suspected of bigamy. The Guangling District Procuratorate, taking into account the circumstances of Wang's crime, his attitude of admitting guilt and repentance, and the actual situation that 2 young children need to be raised, invited the public security police, social workers, and lawyers to hold a non-public hearing on the proposed non-prosecution, and reached an agreement to make a relative non-prosecution decision against Wang.

Zhang Mou abandoned his life in the hospital, which was unable to take care of himself, which was a bad crime. Recently, after the Guangling District Procuratorate initiated a public prosecution, Zhang Mou was sentenced by the court to one year and six months imprisonment, suspended for two years, for committing the crime of abandonment and bigamy.

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