
Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

Listen to the fireworks together and watch the bustling

Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

Qingyu case · New Year's Eve


East wind night flowers and thousands of trees,

More blowing down, the stars like rain.

BMW carved car fragrant road.

The sound of the phoenix moves, the jade pot turns lightly,

One night fish dragon dance.

Moth snow willow golden wisp,

Laughter filled the dark incense.

The multitudes sought him a thousand hundred degrees,

Suddenly looking back, the man was there,

The lights are dimmed.

Round Moon Round snacks

Which one do you choose between the cute Lantern and Tangyuan?

The Lantern is "rolled" out, and the skin is dry and fluffy

The dumplings are "wrapped" and the skin is smooth and sticky

Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~
Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

Which one do you like to eat?

The stuffing of the Lantern loves sweetness

The stuffing of the tangyuan is not rejected

The Lantern set up camp in the vast land to the north

Tangyuan takes root and sprouts in the southern water towns

As an adult, the group all wants to ~

The origin of the Lantern Festival

It is said that the custom of the Lantern Festival dates back to the Yongping period of the Han Ming Emperor, when the Han Ming Emperor ordered the fifteenth night of the first month to "burn the lamp to watch the Buddha" in the palace and monastery in order to promote Buddhism. In the Tang Dynasty, it developed into an unprecedented lamp market, and after the Middle Tang Dynasty, it has developed into a national carnival. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, the lamp market in Chang'an was very large, with 50,000 lamps, a variety of lanterns, and even made a huge lamp tower, as wide as 20 rooms, 150 feet high, brilliant in golden light, extremely spectacular. The Lantern Lanterns of the future generations will continue to develop, and the time of the Lantern Festival will become longer and longer. In the Tang Dynasty, the lantern festival was "one day before and after the Shangyuan", the Song Dynasty added two days after the sixteenth, and the Ming Dynasty extended to ten full days from the eighth to the eighteenth day of the first century. In the Qing Dynasty, the court no longer held lantern festivals, but the folk lantern festivals were still spectacular, but the date was shortened to five days.

The moon on the willow tip head people about after dusk

The Lantern Festival is also a romantic festival. In ancient times, it provided a precious opportunity for young men and women who usually had little contact with each other - girls raised in deep boudoirs could finally travel together. The annual carnival, the bright and eventually extinguished lights in the streets, the fleeting and gorgeous fireworks, the full moon that lights up the night and is lonely, and the years that will not be repeated if they miss it are the most romantic moments for young boys and girls in Huaichun. Pluck up the courage to meet the ta you like, go to see a lantern party, put a river lamp, listen to fireworks ringing in your ears, see the prosperity printed in your eyes, and say a confession of a lifetime. Strange on whose family is young and full of affection, the concubine intends to marry and rest for a lifetime!

Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~
Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~
Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

Pictures| "Shangyuan Lantern Color Map", "Shengping Leshi Album", "Lantern Drama Map"

Finally, Tuan Tuan gave everyone a riddle

Look to the south and face north

Elephant is also worried, elephant is happy and happy

(Hit a thing)

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to tell the mystery of the group Oh ~


Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

The source | Song of Youth

Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~
Group News| Chengzhong District Youth League Committee: listen to fireworks, see the prosperity, a bowl of Lantern Spring Festival~

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