
He was reluctant to go home, and the couple became strangers, and that's why!

My husband is the one who will accompany us throughout our lives, and his attitude towards us will affect our happiness throughout our lives. But as for spending time together for a long time, do you feel that your husband is becoming more and more strange to you? Does he not love you and this family anymore? In fact, it is not necessarily that he does not love you, but the mode of getting along between you has changed, and the communication between you has become more and more unsmooth. In this way, the longer you spend together, the less likely it is to feel intimate, your family life will be depressed and numb, and men will become less and less fond of coming home, which is not surprising. There are a few questions you can test your emotional life, are you becoming more and more strange?

He was reluctant to go home, and the couple became strangers, and that's why!

The first problem is that you don't share each other's lives now, because many women will think that we are husband and wife, we must be living together, but couples can also look like strangers under the same roof. So I mean sharing when I mean whether you're sharing that unique part of your experience. Do you know what's been going on around him lately? If you don't know, it means you don't share your life anymore.

He was reluctant to go home, and the couple became strangers, and that's why!

The second question is whether you have not sought the advice and help of the other party if you have encountered difficulties and pressures. Most of the men who do not want to go home at night and drive around the city have problems with poor communication with their wives. Obviously, I was very tired after work, and I had to be forced to talk to my wife about some trivial things when I came home. If you don't listen, your wife will be angry, and you will feel annoyed when you listen to it. What is said is nonsense, and what you really want to say cannot be said. You can think about it, if a man has an upset, does he want to talk to you? If you feel like he's not talking to you about anything, pay attention.

He was reluctant to go home, and the couple became strangers, and that's why!

The third question, you think about it, are you communicating or suppressing men. A good state of communication is half the battle. When we women are communicating, the most common mistake is to think that we are communicating, but in fact? We are accountable. The man who does not want to go home is actually on the verge of cheating, as long as he has the right opportunity and candidate, then he is very likely to take the wrong step. So, women don't feel that it's a small thing for men to deliberately come home late, you have to pay attention to this issue.

Give the man the space to be alone, and the man is reluctant to go home, surely because he feels tense when he is at home. So you have to take a step back, give the man more space to be alone, give him a relaxed environment, give him a chance to relax his mind. Turn questioning into communication and make him like going home as quickly as possible.

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