
Test: Are you and his relationship a two-way street?

Test Rules:

1, choose a quiet and undisturbed environment, keep your heart calm, meditate for 30 seconds,

2. Silently recite the other person's name 3 times in your heart,

3, here is the public test, not necessarily 100% in line with everyone's situation,

4. This test is analyzed from a female perspective, and the actual content can be applied to both men and women.

5. From the following three groups of ABC cards, intuitively select a group, and cannot be changed after selection:

Test: Are you and his relationship a two-way street?

【Select A Sword Knight King Card Sword King】

Test: Are you and his relationship a two-way street?

The friend who chose this deck of cards, I feel that he is a little bit trying to escape, he feels that you are not synchronized with each other on some issues, so he has set a boundary for himself in his heart, not so much to open. He gives you feelings of being inactive and always feeling ambiguous; and you're very engaged, which leads to a bit of stress on you.

Your relationship has reached a turning point where you need an exact attitude, but he can't give you an answer. There's not much of a problem with the communication between you, it just can't involve feelings, and the relationship between the two people is a bit flat, as if it's hard to blend together.

From the card face, you want to establish a relationship, stabilize your feelings, and want to run your own little life with him. But his reluctance to give you a commitment in this regard makes people feel hesitant. It doesn't have to be that he doesn't want to, he may just want to wait, wait for a point in time that he thinks is appropriate.

The feeling that the two of you give me is that you are walking fast, and he is walking slower, and he may be a little unable to let go of some things in the past, and his heart cannot calm down for the time being. Your relationship is going in both directions, it is a bit reluctant at present, and it may take some time.

Test: Are you and his relationship a two-way street?

【Select B Scepter Eight Power Cards Judgment Cards】

I think there are many possibilities for this relationship, such as the feeling of a partnership, a colleague relationship, an ambiguous relationship, and even multiple relationships intertwined. His feelings for you are a kind of long-term companionship, silent giving, so I think he should be around you for a long time. He's willing to do something for you because in his heart he thinks you have a future with him.

What about you to him? I don't feel as silent as he is to you, of course, you also have feelings for him, but this feeling is not lasting, there is a feeling of finding out, want to find out about him as a person, his family, his background.

I think there is a certain problem with your communication with him, maybe this problem is mainly on your side, and the other party is chasing you. He felt as if no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let the relationship develop according to his heart's expectations, so he was actually miserable and sometimes felt extremely lonely. And for you, you definitely like him, but not the kind of special like, for this relationship is a little unbearable and can not put down, is a very tangled emotion.

This relationship wants to develop smoothly there are indeed certain difficulties, may be some obstacles in reality, so that the two of you are difficult to solve, the current situation can only be to do a good job of yourself, lay a good material foundation, and then come together if there is a chance in the future. So I think the future is a bit far away for you. If you want to continue to develop your feelings, you can only overcome the obstacles in reality, such as the opposition of your family, the reasons for distance, etc., you feel that you have done everything you can, but it still has little effect, if you need help, you can also ask me, I am Tarofonfi, see if he is really willing to work hard for you as he said, what is his real thoughts, check my name to find me.

This relationship will last for a while, but whether you can really integrate in the end, it is not easy to say now, to say that two-way is still two-way, but the feelings are still relatively shallow, and only if each other is willing to pay for each other in the future, it is possible.

Test: Are you and his relationship a two-way street?

【Select C Righteous Scepter Knight Holy Grail Ten】

In this relationship, he is more enthusiastic and passionate, and he was also in contact with the purpose of marriage. It should be said that his feelings are no problem, he wants to be with you, wants to care for you forever, and is also very yearning for the future.

You are also down-to-earth hoping that your relationship will have a substantial progression, so this group gives me the feeling of being a two-way street. But you may pay more attention to the realistic aspects of your feelings, including like future life, matching each other's conditions in all aspects, etc. You consider more.

From the card, it seems that you don't know each other very well, and the distress in your heart is that you want the establishment of this relationship. Your grasp of the relationship is not very certain, you are still in the process of communication, and he really thinks that the future may have some worries in his heart, or it can be said that he is insecure, or confused, similar to this feeling. At this stage, your communication is still relatively smooth, although the two people think differently, but you both have the idea of continuing, and you are willing to work hard for a common future.

There may be some friends, your previous communication is very smooth, but now you have encountered some problems, resulting in you can't see his inner thoughts, so you want to test whether this relationship is a two-way rush, because you don't have a very positive answer in your heart. Because this is mass divination, I can't see the problems in every relationship, if you are very confused, you can also ask me, I am Tarofonfi, see if he is as affectionate to you as you are to him, what his plans for the future are, check my name to find me. By grasping each other's thoughts, seeing each other's hearts, and determining how the future road will go.

Well, at this point, the interpretation of our three sets of cards is all completed, and I wish everyone a perfect love. If you like, you can follow me, read more of my articles, or let me see your options in the comments section. If you are confused, you can also come to me, help you do future trend analysis, bring you guidance, I will also give you corresponding suggestions, see you again for the next test!

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