
Children and adolescent development standards are coming! Attached tall tips

Every spring, I always hear that this is the golden season, but for height, I have to say two heart-wrenching facts:

The first is the height of the child, mainly by genetics.

Second, as long as the bones are not closed, the height is growing all year round.

70% of a child's height is determined by genetic factors of the parents and 30% by the day after tomorrow. In addition, according to the research results of the Journal of Chinese Preventive Medicine, the heritability of parents to the height of their children is comparable, 0.89 and 0.87 respectively, "the father is short and short, the mother is short and a nest" is suspected of throwing the pot, which is not scientific.

The height of the husband and wife is not ideal, can they only lie flat and be hammered by genes? Of course not. Don't underestimate the 30% of the influencing factors of the day after tomorrow, scientific intervention can make children "change their lives against the sky".

The same tall couples should not be too reassured, because feeding is not scientific, and it is not uncommon for tall parents to have short dolls.

The fact that the child grows tall is "seven points destined, three points rely on hard work".

There are several developmental criteria for children's physical development:

1. Weight standard, 3-12 months weight (kg) = (month age + 9) ÷ 2, 1-6 years old weight (kg) = age ×2 + 8, 7-12 years old body weight (kg) = (age ×7-5) ÷2

2. Height standard, average height of 50cm at birth, 75cm at the age of one year, 87cm at the age of two, height of 2-12 years old = age × 7-77

3. Head circumference standard, 34cm at birth, 46cm at the age of one, 48cm at the age of two, 50cm at the age of five. 54-58 cm at the age of 15

4. Bust standard, 32cm at birth, 2cm smaller than the head circumference, after the bust and head circumference development are equal, waist circumference standard and bust circumference are similar

5. Tooth development standards, a total of 20 deciduous teeth, the morning and evening individual differences in teething are very large, the earliest four months of eruption, late 10-12 months of eruption, the average of 7-8 months of teething, the number of deciduous teeth after two years old = months of age - (4-6), two and a half years old when the deciduous teeth are out, after the age of six years old the deciduous teeth begin to fall out, and then gradually the permanent teeth appear, a total of 32 permanent teeth

6. Muscle development, immature muscle development in childhood, muscle growth accelerates after the age of five, and muscle development accelerates during puberty

7. Reproductive system development standards, adolescent girls begin to develop at the age of 9-12, boys begin to develop at the age of 11-13

Children's growth and development always follow their own specific tracks, but due to diseases, hormone deficiencies, malnutrition and other factors, children will grow slowly, off their natural production tracks, resulting in backward growth, once these factors are removed, they will catch up at a normal rate.

Children and adolescent development standards are coming! Attached tall tips
Children and adolescent development standards are coming! Attached tall tips

"Evaluation of Height Development Grade of Children and Adolescents Aged 7 to 18" issued by the Health Commission

The height development level is divided into 5 levels:

Height <-2SD is inferior;

Height ≥-2SD and <-1SD is middle and lower class;

Height ≥-1 SD and ≤ +1 SD is medium;

Height > +1SD and ≤ +2SD is upper middle;

Height > + 2SD is superior.

-2SD in height below normal, the so-called inferior grade in the table, can be diagnosed as short stature.

Children and adolescent development standards are coming! Attached tall tips

Stages of growth and development

▊Basic stage——— Preschool

The preschool period (4 to 6 years old) is an important period for children's growth and development, and it is also the basic stage for children to grow taller. Calcium supplementation around the age of 6 is very important for children's future growth, at this time, human bones are in the reserve period, and the amount of calcium required for bone development is 800 mg per day.

Children of this age may have a serious shortage of partial eating, anorexia, and calcium intake, which affects the calcium reserves in the bones, which will directly lead to the child's short stature and reduced height increase during development. According to the 2014 National Nutrition Survey, the dietary calcium intake of mainland residents only reached about 40% of the recommended intake, so children at this stage need calcium supplementation.

▊Sudden increase stage——— School age

10 to 16 years old is the development period of children, the size of the child is like a mushroom after the rain, "whizzing" straight up. The study found that at this stage, for every additional 30,000 mg of calcium absorbed by children, the height can be more than 1 cm, and the daily meals provided by the general family, the calcium content of the child's needs is less than 50%, far from meeting the needs of growth and development, so additional calcium supplementation is needed.

▊ Sprint stage ——— Adolescence

Males are 17 to 25 years old and females are 16 to 23 years old, which is the final sprint stage of growing tall. Studies have found that at this stage, adolescent epiphyseal cartilage has not really healed, and there is still a potential of 2 to 3 centimeters per year. At this time, supplementing with sufficient calcium can fully tap their growth potential and allow them to "go further".

▊The three golden periods are interlocked

The child's three golden growth periods, like dominoes, one ring and one link, are a continuous dynamic process, and this stage is the basis for the growth of the next stage.

Children with insufficient calcium intake during the reserve period, if the diet is improper and malnourished, will affect the height growth of the development period; if the child in the development period cannot consume sufficient calcium, it is bound to affect the final sprint of growing tall. Therefore, at all stages of the child, it is necessary to ensure the full intake of calcium and not to take it lightly.

3 points to help improve your acquired height

▊ Sports:

Refers to reasonable exercise, like the amount of high-intensity exercise of athletes, but will increase the child's joint burden, inhibit the child's growth and development. Jump rope for improving the height of children the effect is more obvious, the operation is simple, parents can let the child jump once a day, ten minutes each time, adhere to it, can receive good results.

In addition, it is best for parents to help their children develop good habits of loving sports. Basketball, badminton, and swimming are all very good ways to exercise. For boys, basketball will be the best choice, not only to exercise, but also to greatly promote the growth of height!

▊ Sleep:

It is best to go to bed early, and the most vigorous time for growth hormone secretion is from 10 pm to 2 pm. Parents should not let their children sleep more than 10 o'clock, and primary school students are best to go to bed before 9:30 o'clock and ensure eight hours of sleep every day.

According to the recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the length of sleep for all ages should be:

April to December - 12 to 16 hours/ day

1 to 2 years old - 11 to 14 hours/day

3 to 5 years old - 10 to 13 hours/ day

6 to 12 years old - 9 to 12 hours / day

When your child sleeps, leave no lighting. Because lighting affects the secretion of melatonin, and a decrease in melatonin can cause growth hormone secretion to be lower than normal.


It must be balanced, if the child is partial and picky, it is easy to grow tall. Parents should supplement their children with enough protein, such as milk, meat, etc., zinc, calcium, iron and other trace elements should also pay attention to, lack of growth and development will also cause growth retardation, miss the best growth time, it will be difficult to catch up later.

The famous medical journal "Lancet" published comparative data on the average height and average body mass index of school-age children and adolescents in various countries around the world, and the results showed that the height of Chinese adolescents and adolescents ranked first in East Asia.

The biggest contributor to the leap in height growth of Chinese children is diet.

The researchers believe that the increase in height of children and adolescents is mainly due to energy balance, adequate nutritional supply and continuous improvement in quality, especially the increase in the intake of some proteins, fats and trace elements.

Among all countries, dairy protein intake correlated most closely with height growth trends, with residents of the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland, which ranked in the top rankings, averaging more than 30 grams of milk protein per day.

Mainland experts recommend that children in the growing stage consume 350 to 500g of milk per day, while ensuring the intake of protein and calcium, and supplementing children with vitamin D that helps calcium absorption, 400 UI a day.

▊ Good mood

A survey by the Yale Children's Health Organization found that children who are often scolded are not easy to grow tall. This is because scolding and reprimanding children will lead to children's mental tension, which will inhibit the secretion of growth hormone and even become "mental dwarfs".

▊ The misunderstanding of growing tall

Many times, parents are often concerned about chaos, the more worried the baby is not tall, the easier it is to fall into some misunderstandings, but can not find a good way to help the child grow tall.

1, only drink milk and do not exercise

The calcium supplement effect of milk is very good, especially full milk, the calcium content reaches 104mg/100g, and it also contains vitamins and proteins needed by children to grow tall, which can be said to be the leader in nutritious food.

However, relying only on drinking milk to supplement calcium, it is not easy to achieve high, on the one hand, the intake of calcium, the absorption rate may be insufficient; on the other hand, the lack of exercise, the actual effect of calcium supplementation will be greatly weakened.

2. Calcium supplementation but vitamin D supplementation

Many mothers have eaten calcium tablets for babies, and when I was a child, I ate several large boxes of calcium tablets under the coercion and inducement of my mother. But after having a child, I didn't force my baby to take calcium tablets.

Light calcium supplementation, but no vitamin D supplementation, the effect of calcium supplementation is not obvious. And calcium tablets also have a lot of exquisite, children are best to choose calcium tablets below 200mg specifications, otherwise the one-time intake is too much, the absorption rate is low, and the effect is not ideal.

3. The stretching method is increased

This method is very much like the fable of "pulling seedlings to promote growth" (also known as seedling growth), physical stretching can only elongate the child's bone seam for a short time, and in a few days, the bone seam will return to its original state, and the effect of heightening will disappear.

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