
What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

Children are introverted and shy, and parents are such a character. Children's socialization is staged, and the cultivation of social interaction is also divided into different aspects.

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

At the beginning of the social stage, it is to observe the social interaction of others, take the baby out, wait for her to observe the social interaction of others, and the parents take the initiative to greet people and demonstrate socialization.

Behind it is parallel social, which is the most primitive social, such as imitation, following. At this time, adults with less interference and watching from a distance is the best encouragement.

The later stages are cooperation, conversation. For example, doing housework at home to let her help, that is, cooperation, such as coming back from kindergarten to ask her about kindergarten, that is, talking, and taking her out to play, telling her what she played before going home, and then asking her father to ask her what she played when she got home.

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

Cultivate social interaction and seize opportunities for children's development.

This is the most important. Every child is different, and there is no time to create an environment for the baby to show interest.

When children are interested in socializing, do parents have a keen sense of opportunity, and observe whether they will try their best to create more environments for babies to practice socializing in the future. For example, some children suddenly have social needs when they are eighteen months old, and they often observe other children and see what other children play.

We can help our children make one or two good friends in the community or in their children's kindergartens. Make an appointment to play together at home, or play outside after school. It is to gradually help the child broaden her comfort zone, help the child build friendships, and let the child feel that it is really happy to play with the children.

Children have playmates, under the leadership of other children, they will adapt to the environment faster, play with more children, and gradually adapt.

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

Give your child encouragement and support.

Sometimes I see some counterexamples of this, and some parents and elders say that you can do it quickly, but in fact, it is not encouragement but pressure.

Children trying new things need psychological preparation, and parents are best to accompany and wait. Mom is here with you, and when you're ready, we'll begin. Or, that sister is doing it, so good, should we go and see it together?

For children who are very introverted, they usually seem quieter, especially when they encounter difficulties, and do not know how to seek help. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to learn to communicate with others, especially on holidays and holidays, they should go to a crowded place to turn around.

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

The family environment has a great impact on the child, especially in the first three years of the child's growth, which is a critical period for building maternal and infant attachment.

At this stage, parents cannot use the "cry immunity" method, and they cannot often "sneak to work when the child does not see it", which is very bad for the establishment of the child's inner security.

Therefore, parents and teachers should communicate more, tell the teacher about the child's personality characteristics, ask the teacher to be patient, and give the child time.

Often ask the child about the status of the kindergarten, if the child is in a normal mood and happy to go home, there is nothing to worry about.

Over time, children will naturally adapt to kindergarten and integrate into collective life.

What should I do if a child who is very lively at home is very shy when he arrives at kindergarten and does not participate in activities?

As the saying goes, "Good medicine is good for the sick, and good advice is good for the ear." ”

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[Author of this article]: Secretary Zhang of Orangutan Village

[Original Statement]: Some of the content of the article is excerpted from the Network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to correct and delete.

[Column Introduction]:

"Orangutan Ball Has Something to Say" is a parent-child education column of the new media channel under "Orangutan Ball Village". We aim to help more families improve their parent-child relationship and let the flowers of the motherland have a good childhood.

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