
The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

"Only Mother is Good in the World" is a nursery rhyme that many children love to hum when they are young. Mothers give children life; mothers love that allow children to grow up safely and healthily. Children's love for their mothers is always deep. A mother's love for her child is sometimes very complicated.

In this world, where there is good, there is evil; where there is health, there is disability. Everything is opposite, and this is always the truth. A child who is born healthy may seem like a very common thing, but in fact, it is a very fortunate thing.

Those children who are born disabled, they don't want to lose at the starting line as soon as they are born. The girl was born with polio, and if her family had been wealthier, perhaps her illness would have been cured.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

Unfortunately, the girl was born into a destitute rural family, and her parents had no money to treat her. When the little girl was eight years old, her mother carried her to the station and discarded her, and has since disappeared. After 29 years, the girl grew up and married a woman. She posted on the Internet: Mom, I hope you come back to me!

Such a touching story made many netizens burst into tears.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

Neglected children

Lei Haifeng was born in a remote mountain village to a poor family, and her parents worked outside the home for many years. Unlike other children, Lei Haifeng suffered from polio, which is often referred to as polio, when she was very young. In her early years, the disease was almost incurable.

In Lei Haifeng's memory, she could hardly recall her mother's appearance. For her father, she has no concept. She had only met her mother a few times, and it was as if she had never seen her father. In her vague childhood memories, it was always her grandparents who took care of her.

Lei Haifeng was disabled in his right leg from an early age, and he was ridiculed by the cold eyes of other friends in the village. Because of his poor health, Lei Haifeng learned to speak and walk much slower than his peers. At the age of four, Lei Haifeng was able to stand firm and walk a good road.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

The grandparents were excellent to Lei Haifeng, they would never starve her or scold her. They cherished this granddaughter and felt helpless about her illness. From the mouth of his grandparents, Lei Haifeng knew that his mother's name was Lei Xiaolan. Because the number of meetings is very small, Lei Haifeng often sketches the imaginary mother in his mind.

In 1992, Lei Xiaolan returned to his hometown from other places. This year, Lei Haifeng has already remembered. Hearing the news of his mother's return, Lei Haifeng was very excited. She longed for her mother's arms, and she longed for her mother to coax herself to sleep.

When Lei Xiaolan returned home, grandma asked Lei Xiaolan to take Lei Haifeng out to play and cultivate feelings. At that time, Lei Haifeng was full of fun with his mother, and never thought that he would be separated from his mother from now on.

Early in the morning of August 31, 1992, Lei Haifeng was woken up by his mother. They drove to the county seat and walked into the train station. The bustling crowd at the train station drowned out many conversations, and she stood by, watching her mother talking to another strange middle-aged woman in confusion.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

After this walk, there was no turning back

Lei Haifeng looked at the back of his mother talking to people, just quietly waiting on the side. She's 8 years old and already knows she can't cry at will, and she's afraid that her mother won't like her.

After a while, the middle-aged woman was gone, and her mother returned to her side. She and her mother took a train to Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, got off the train, and there were strange scenes everywhere.

After getting off the train, her mother asked Lei Haifeng to sit there and wait for her, don't run around, she is going to do something. Although the young Lei Haifeng was afraid in his heart, he still agreed to his mother. Lei Haifeng looked at his mother's back step by step, but never waited for her to return.

She was an eight-year-old girl who was abandoned by her own mother. She was too young to know what that meant. She took her mother's words to heart and sat there motionless.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

The next day, someone called the police. After the police inquired about the general situation, they sent the little girl to a welfare home. Since then, the welfare home has become Lei Haifeng's home.

Gradually, Lei Haifeng grew up in the welfare dean. She had her own friends and learned a lot. Deep down, she still missed her mother who had left her. She had always wanted to find her mother, but she never dared to act, nor did she know how to find it.

Later, Lei Haifeng started a family and had his own family. She and her husband live in harmony and happiness, and have two daughters. After becoming a mother, her desire to find relatives became stronger.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

Posted online, netizens enthusiastically reprinted

In 2017, Lei Haifeng saw the public service advertisement "Baby Coming Home" online. This time, The desire to find relatives in Lei Haifeng's heart was ignited again.

Lei Haifeng told his husband and children about his thoughts, and he received unanimous support from his husband and children. To this end, Lei Haifeng finally decided to start looking for relatives! She used the Internet to post a post about her family online.

In the post, Lei Haifeng told his name, the time and place where his mother abandoned him. She said, "Mom, I don't hate you. "Mom, I want you to come back to me."

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

In the post, Lei Haifeng described his physical characteristics in detail, recalled his childhood life scenes, and wrote down the name of his mother in his impressions. She hopes that through these remaining memory fragments, she can help her find her mother as soon as possible.

Netizens were very touched to see this post and left messages to support her search for relatives. Not only that, netizens also enthusiastically reprinted the post, hoping to let her mother see it as soon as possible.

Lei Haifeng did not hate his mother at all, although her mother abandoned her. Now as a mother, she has long forgiven her mother's mistakes and only wants to be reunited with her in her lifetime. Long search for relatives, hoping that the abandonment and abduction of children will slowly disappear into the world.

The 8-year-old girl was taken to the station by her mother and discarded, and 29 years later she posted: Mom, I hope you come back to me

brief summary:

Lei Haifeng's family search post only appeared in people's field of vision after twenty-nine years. Maybe the search for relatives was a little late, but the idea of finding relatives has been surging deep inside her. Love, never withers.

Parents want "baby to come home", this little girl who was abandoned by her mother's own hands, also strongly longs to call her "mother" again. The emotions in the world are complicated, and Lei Haifeng no longer hates her for abandoning herself. Similarly, the enthusiastic reprinting of the majority of netizens is also hoping that her mother can see this post as soon as possible, fulfilling the dream of the reunion of mother and daughter.

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