
Only cute couples can click on this article:

Author: Warm-blooded animal (ID: staywarmblood)

Only cute couples can click on this article:

@Mao Mao

We agree on a thanksgiving day every month.

That day, we found a time to sit down and have a good talk and share the things we were thankful for doing last month.

For example, the especially delicious potato rice we cooked together.

Because the longer we spend together, the easier it is for us to get used to the heart-warming little things in love.

But since we agreed on a gratitude-sharing day, we have become more aware of how lucky it is to have someone around us to accompany us to do these things.

@Museum of Innocence

It's also important to grasp the rhythm of the quarrel.

When I was with my ex-boyfriend, every time I finished fighting, he would come and grab my arm when I turned around.

Even though he had begged for forgiveness, I still said in a bad way: "Give up! ”

He would add, "Humanity."

Three times in a row, we smiled and hugged each other to dinner.


It's not a special skill, it's more of an experience.

I think that people can only talk if they are rational.

So, every time the two of us were angry, and the more we looked at each other, the more angry we became, I would force myself to walk away or calm down and do something more urgent.

When this momentum has passed, we will naturally reconcile.

@ Stinky and fart

I stink.

Sometimes when you encounter sweltering hot weather and waiting for a car or other depressing things, your temper will become grumpy.

At this time, I didn't dare to speak, didn't know what to do, and could only expect some strong winds or a quick car to arrive at the station.

Later, we set a special word: "refrigerator", which can make people think of the refrigeration function, and then slowly calm down.

As soon as he starts to get grumpy, he says "fridge", and then I will quietly accompany him and wait for him to slowly calm down.


We use the "Archive" function when we quarrel.

Just like in the love apartment, when Yo-Yo and Sekiya are halfway through their quarrel, they will say "Let's archive it", which means that where the quarrel is, save it first, and then continue to argue later when there is time.

Every time we communicate, as long as we go to a dead end, I will say "archive it first", and when we get to the back, the two people can't remember what the reason for the quarrel is.


Sometimes after a fight, I am very angry, and both sides insist that no one is wrong.

At this time, we will calm down and write down on the memorandum what the other party has recently done to move ourselves, what makes us sad, and what we want the other party to accompany us.

Every time you write it, you will magically reconcile, and then you will change and complete these things together.


My boyfriend and I used to have a lot of fights, and every time I had a fight, I was the harder one to coax.

Later, we agreed that as long as I was still angry, he would learn the video on the Internet, make a set of cute movements with clenched fists around his chest, and then cross his waist, and I would come out of my emotions.

Every time he made that move, I would laugh out loud with his cuteness.


We will formulate scoring rules in daily life, clarify responsibilities and obligations, and establish corresponding reward and punishment mechanisms.

For example, in the matter of doing housework, if it is the week when it is the turn of someone to be on duty, the person who is delayed or lazy will suffer a punishment similar to not being allowed to drink milk tea for half a month.

I have to say that since the establishment of the reward and punishment mechanism, our contradictions have been significantly reduced.


Agree that quarrels never stay overnight, and must be made clear before going to bed.


When we agree to quarrel in a different place, we must not use words, we can play videos, and we can call voice if we can't.

Because it is easy to cause misunderstanding without knowing what tone the other party is.

@Fan Wujie

For a while, because of the special dependence on mobile phones, we had less and less time to communicate.

When I came home from work, there was often such a scene: he was lying on the couch brushing work-related information, and I was aimlessly brushing short videos without saying a word.

Later, we agreed that after 9 o'clock in the evening, we would turn in our mobile phones.

Keep your phone far away from the activity area so you have more time to find topics and enhance your relationship.

@ Peach juice

Unlock new skills together.

We'll buy that complicated puzzle on the Internet and come back and fight it together, and it's the kind that lasts for days, or we'll learn to make a new dish with a food tutorial.

Work together to solve difficult problems and grasp the qualities that love needs to have on smaller things.

@Wang Wang Team

Where economic conditions permit, differences are reduced through the power of science and technology.

For example, we often disagree about washing dishes and sweeping the floor, so we agreed to save money for the sweeping robot and the dishwasher.

It's a little bit tighter on other living expenses, but after completing these to-dos, life is really quite different.

@Milk Candy

Carry romance into smaller things.

Compared to the sense of holiday ritual in love, what impressed me more was the seriousness of the other party in ordinary small things.

For example, he sat on the couch with a needle and thread to sew buttons to my pants.

A person who is usually quite rough is quite attractive when there is a sense of contrast on his body.


Familiarize yourself with your girlfriend's menstrual cycle.

Girlfriends have a few days a month when they are very irritable, and at first I don't know, and I often fight with her.

Later, I would deliberately record her menstrual cycle, and every few days of the month, I would be more disciplined than usual, trying not to provoke her to be angry, and let her in many things.

So we don't seem to have had a fight in months.

@Yuan Fan

Boys also need some proper "care machines".

Within the right range, seize the other person's weaknesses and create some opportunities to enhance the relationship.

For example, if she has less strength, I will secretly tighten the caps of all her cosmetic bottles.

She wasn't tall, and I would secretly raise the automatic lift height of the clothesline and hide the remote control in a hard-to-find place.

In this way, when she needs it, she will take the initiative to call me for help.

Write at the end:

After carefully reading these love skills, you may find that they are not very "special".

There are no particularly profound theories and particularly amazing tricks.

Some are just a little more sincerity and a little more initiative to try to solve problems.

Therefore, these techniques can never be regarded as binding people's requirements and standards.

But it gives us reason to believe:

Couples with genuine and proactive problem-solving initiatives can create more than 100 "love skills."

- END -

*Article Source: Warm-Blooded Animal (ID: staywarmblood).

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