
What makes good protein?

Have you ever heard the saying that children and patients who are healthy should eat protein-rich foods, preferably high-quality protein?

Protein-rich foods? Is that an egg? So what is high-quality protein? It still feels a bit confused.

Toot Mom will popularize this knowledge point with everyone today.

What makes good protein?

How to determine whether it is high-quality protein?

Although many foods contain protein, the quality of protein in different foods varies. There are two main criteria for measuring the quality of protein:

1. The amino acid components in proteins, including whether they contain all essential amino acids, (adults need methionine, lysine, tryptophan, threonine, valine, phenylalanine, leucine and isoleucine in a total of 8 kinds. Young children also need histidine to grow. and whether the proportion of amino acids is close to what the body needs.

What makes good protein?

Animal proteins, including meat, eggs and milk, are mostly high-quality proteins, but the disadvantage of meat is that the fat content, especially the saturated fatty acid content, is also high.

General cereals are low in lysine and low bioavailability, so it is not a high-quality protein.

2. Digestibility of protein.

Highest digestibility (PDCAAS 0.9 to 1): animal protein (egg, milk and meat), soy protein, whey protein powder.

Medium digestibility (PDCAAS 0.5 to 0.9): other legumes (72% to 84%), nuts such as peanuts, and rhizome vegetables.

Low digestibility (PDCAAS

What makes good protein?

How to arrange protein foods reasonably

1. Adult protein intake arrangement

In general, the protein intake of male and female adults is:

Light physical activity 75 g / day and 60 g / day;

Medium physical activity 80 g /day and 70 g /day;

Heavy physical activity 90 g/day and 80 g/day.

2, in the choice of protein food, to play its complementary role

This can improve the physiological value of protein, such as mixing or alternating different kinds of food.

Pay attention to the proper combination and balance of animal protein, general plant protein and soybean protein, eat more protein foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, milk and soy products, and ensure that high-quality protein rich in 8 essential amino acids accounts for 1/3 to 1/2.

3, to rationally process and cook food to improve the digestion and absorption rate and utilization rate of protein.

For example, the protein digestibility of fried soybeans is 54%, the digestion absorption rate of fried after germination is 65%, the digestion and absorption rate of soy milk is 85%, and the digestion and absorption rate of tofu can be as high as 90%.

4. Scientific cooking methods

It is necessary to avoid the cooking time of protein foods for too long and the temperature is too high, especially methods such as frying, roasting, and frying make protein more vulnerable to destruction.

4. Encourage more consumption of soy protein.

Soybeans are a combination of vegetables and staple foods, and are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, soy protein is a high-quality protein.

Soybean protein content of up to 35% to 40%, digestion and absorption rate of more than 95%, but does not contain cholesterol. It can lower "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) without lowering "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein). Chinese medicine also believes that soybeans have the effect of sweet taste and stomach, medium, spleen and qi.

How do I arrange it for my child?

1. Children eat an egg every day, and parents should reasonably correct the child's picky eating behavior of not eating egg white or egg yolk.

2, in addition to lactose intolerance of allergic children, it is recommended that other children consume about 300 grams per day, too much intake does not have a greater effect, parents do not need to give their children too much milk supplementation.

3, shrimp contained in the nutrition of children, pregnant women are beneficial, is the growth of children can not obtain the nutritional factors, it is recommended to eat fresh shrimp instead of frozen shrimp, frozen shrimp.

4, chicken has nutrition≠ chicken skin has the same nutrition; frying and other cooking methods will reduce the nutrition contained in chicken ingredients, it is not recommended to eat frequently.

5, lean beef is very good, but children's steak is not recommended.

6, babies over 1 year old can eat lamb. However, lamb is not easy to digest, and it is recommended not to eat in excess.

7, like pork belly containing fat meat should be eaten moderately. Children with obesity problems can eat lean pork in moderation during weight loss.

8, tempeh, curd and other fermented soy products contain too much sodium, it is not recommended to eat for children.

9. Eat fish at 2 to 3 meals a week, and more than 1 meal is a high fat content of marine fish. Preferably steamed, boiled, and filled cooking methods.

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