
These two behaviors of parents will cause children a lot of headaches, and no matter how filial and obedient they are, they cannot tolerate it

Yesterday, when taking children to play in the park near the community, I met several elderly people who helped their children with their babies. When the children went to the bunker to build sandcastles and dig holes in the bunkers, they sat down on the stone bench next to them as usual and began to nag.

They exchanged with each other which supermarket eggs were cheap, the price of green vegetables increased, and where there were discounted pork ribs and fish, and their topics unconsciously shifted to their children.

These two behaviors of parents will cause children a lot of headaches, and no matter how filial and obedient they are, they cannot tolerate it

Most elderly people actually love face on the outside. They also like to show off how good their children are and how smart and cute their grandchildren are. But sometimes, it is inevitable to complain that I am very hard but still thankless.

To be honest, every time I hear a similar complaint, I feel very sad. But sometimes, I have to admit that in fact, it is not that the children are not filial piety, but that some parents' practices make them too headaches, even chills.

These two behaviors of parents will cause children a lot of headaches, and no matter how filial and obedient they are, they cannot tolerate it

Don't wait to see filial piety, but enjoy their good

In reality, there are always some parents who treat their children in completely different ways. They want to have face on their faces and be envied by relatives and friends. Therefore, the one who hangs on his mouth all day and hangs his stomach will always be the child who has strong ability and stays in the field for many years and does not go home. Even if such children have never bought them any gifts, they still feel that they are all good.

And for the children who stay around and bear the knees of Cheng huan, they are all kinds of picky. In their eyes, this filial piety child is stupid and does not mix well, and he will humiliate himself when he mentions it. Therefore, they always enjoy the filial piety to the child's kindness to themselves, but they look down on them in their hearts.

As everyone knows, people's hearts are all flesh, and those filial piety children may have a headache at the beginning, why they pay the most, but they are still not welcomed by their parents. But after a long time, when the heart is full of disappointment, they will also be cold. Even if you are obedient and honest in your daily life, you can no longer tolerate the ruthless eccentricity and indifference of your parents.

These two behaviors of parents will cause children a lot of headaches, and no matter how filial and obedient they are, they cannot tolerate it

The desire for control is too strong, there is no sense of boundaries, and always wants to meddle in the family of their children

The so-called parents and children are actually a gradual separation. But for controlling parents, their children will always have to listen to their own orders and commands. As small as which clothes to wear, which school to report to which major, to what kind of partner to find, they all have to give their own advice.

This would have been a good thing, after all, with their escort, the children's life path will go more smoothly. But the point is that children also have their own sense of independence and the life they want to live. They need to have the ability to carry weights forward so that they can better support their small families.

If parents always have no sense of boundaries, it will cause headaches for their children. Not only will they feel suffocated, but they will also resent having such parents. Like that saying, don't erupt in silence, die in silence.

When they are completely unwilling to endure, they often make moves that catch their parents off guard. For example, the peking university senior student who did not go home for twelve years and broke off relations with his parents.

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