
If you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

Do you often ask the above questions? You know, a large part of the world is suffering from hearing damage, and the importance of ear health is self-evident.

If you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

In 2021, the World Health Organization released the World Hearing Report, which shows that 466 million people worldwide are currently hearing impaired, including 432 million adults and 34 million children.

The World Health Organization also emphasizes that in children, 60% of hearing loss is preventable, but it requires the careful care of parents.

Let's talk about ear health and let your baby hear about a better future.

First, hearing development is regular, and self-testing can be performed at home.

In fact, for small babies, hearing has been formed during the fetal period, whether it is the sound of the mother's heartbeat, the sound of blood flow, or the sound of gastrointestinal movement, the fetus can hear.

As the fetus grows up, the hearing begins to build up when the baby is 3 to 7 days old. Your baby's hearing response varies at different times.

If you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

Some simple self-tests can also help parents better understand their baby's hearing.

If the baby's hearing is not enough after repeated tests, it is necessary to take the baby to the doctor in time.

If you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

Second, guard a better world of sound, these sounds should be kept away.

If you want to protect your baby's hearing, your parents also need to start from some details of life to protect the baby's sound world. If you don't know how to do it, these dry ear protectors must be stored. The first thing to do is to avoid exposing your baby to noise for a long time, such as the following sounds:

x Excessive sound of TV or mobile phone sound: For babies, the TV sound should not exceed 60% of the maximum volume, and the mobile phone sound should be the same as the normal speech size.

x Decoration sound: If you encounter the decoration sound, if you can't stay away, put on the appropriate earplugs or earplugs for your baby.

x Over-loud square dancing or mall activities: Noisy square stages, or shopping malls, should keep your baby as far away as possible.

x Part of the sound toys: Some electric toys with too much sound are not suitable for babies, and parents need to be cautious about purchasing.

x Some short but strong sounds: the sound of firecrackers and ambulances will actually have a certain impact on the baby's hearing.

In addition, many seemingly insignificant details in life can easily affect the baby's hearing, and parents can be eliminated!

Third, be vigilant! These details can damage your baby's hearing

1. Lie down and feed

Young babies should avoid lying flat when feeding, so as not to flow milk into the ear along the baby's straight Eustachian tube, causing diseases such as purulent otitis media.

Tips: When breastfeeding, the mother can sit and put the baby on her lap, one of the legs of the feeding is slightly raised, and hold the baby obliquely in her arms, with her head high and low. If you are breastfeeding on your side, you should also raise your baby's upper body slightly.

2. Wipe your nose vigorously

When helping your baby blow his nose, will you press the sides of your baby's nostrils to make him work hard? However, this is easy to let the germs in the nasal cavity directly invade the tympanic chamber under the pressure of the eustachian tube, causing damage to the ear, which may cause a transient ear blockage, and may cause ear pain, pus in the middle ear, and even lead to perforation of the periosteum and hearing loss.

Tip: Mom and Dad can first press one side of the baby's nose, gently blow out the secretions and then change the other side. Younger infants and young children may consider using a professional nasal suction device to suck off secretions from the nasal cavity.

3. Pluck your ears

Blindly pulling out the baby's ears may damage the eardrum, affect the baby's hearing, cause ear infections, etc.

Tip: In fact, in the process of feeding, eating complementary foods, talking, etc., the baby can drive the jaw movement, and the cerumen is "transported" out of the "conveyor belt". Therefore, if it is just an ordinary cerumen, bao mom and dad don't need to deal with it too much.

4. Swimming infection

Although swimming has many benefits, it is important to pay attention to strengthening the protection of the baby's ears when swimming, otherwise some poor water quality will enter the baby's ears, which can easily induce infection and damage the baby's hearing.

Tips: During the process of swimming, you can consider wearing earplugs, nose clips, etc. for your baby, so as to avoid unclean water entering the baby's ears to induce bacterial infection. Usually when washing hair and bathing, you should also try to avoid water into the baby's ears, pay attention to drying in time after entering the water, and you can use a clean cotton swab to gently dry the water at the mouth of the ear canal.

5. Use medicine at will

Some drugs, if not used properly, are also likely to cause hearing loss in the baby, such as gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, vancomycin, acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, bumetanil and so on.

Tip: When your baby is sick, remember to follow your doctor's advice when giving your baby medication and avoid using some medications on your own.

If you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

In addition to daily cleaning, it is also necessary to improve the baby's immunity in order to better protect every part of the baby's body.

The world is so wonderful because of its various sounds, if you want your child to hear everything better, remember, don't let those bad habits "steal" your baby's hearing!

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