
After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

Cats, dogs and dogs + human cubs are the standard in many families.

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: soogif)

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: soogif)

Being emotionally aroused by a dog/cat can be sweet.

But sometimes, it's also annoying.

For example, when a child is licked or bitten by a cat or dog...

In December 2020, a girl in Hangzhou was scratched by a dog's fingernails. Because there was no bleeding, the parents were careless and did not take her to the rabies vaccine, and unfortunately died of the disease.

There is also a 9-year-old boy from Xinxiang, Henan, who was only licked by a dog and died of rabies...

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!
After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Weibo)

Rabies is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by rabies virus infection.

In addition to dogs, animals such as cats, pigs, cattle, horses, bats, foxes, and raccoons can transmit rabies .[1,2].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

The incubation period for rabies is usually 2 to 3 months, from less than one week to one year [1]. The incubation period is without warning, but once clinical symptoms appear, the case fatality rate is almost 100%[3].

It can be said that rabies is by far the acute infectious disease with the highest mortality rate in humans, and the new crown pneumonia is a small thing in front of it.

According to the World Health Organization, 59,000 people die from rabies every year worldwide[3], which means that 1 person dies every 10 minutes.

As you may not know, there are two other types of rabies: manic and paralyzed.[2]

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

1. Manic rabies

Most common.

It is generally divided into three stages: prodromal stage, excitatory period and paralysis phase.

Prodromal period

There are often fatigue and fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, cough, sore throat and other manifestations, accompanied by tension, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other symptoms.

Afterwards, there will be pain, a tightening of the throat, sensitivity to sound, light and wind, and abnormal sensations such as burning, numbness, pain and itching in the wound.

This phase generally lasts from a few hours to a few days [2].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

Excitement period

There will be very typical water phobia, fear of wind, swallowing, breathing and other manifestations.

Drinking water, hearing the sound of running water, and seeing water can cause spasms in the throat muscles and difficulty swallowing.

Stimulated by the wind, it will show sobbing grinning breathing, facial muscle twitching, bruising of the face, and twitching of the limbs.

This phase usually lasts 1 to 3 days [2].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

Paralytic phase

Gradually quieting down, the movement becomes sluggish, even paralyzed, and then enters a coma, eventually dying of respiratory, circulatory and systemic failure.

This phase generally does not exceed 24 hours [2].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

2. Paralytic rabies

Also known as mute rabies, it accounts for about 20% of human cases [1].

There is no excitatory period for this type of rabies. After the prodromal period, the injured person directly appeared with symptoms such as weakness and paralysis of the limbs.

Paralysis generally begins where it was bitten, spreads around, and then the injured person gradually falls into a coma and finally dies.

The entire process is generally 10 to 20 days or more [2].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

"Our dog has been vaccinated against rabies, so it should be all right, right?"

"The child was just licked by the dog, it will be all right?"

It is this kind of fluke psychology that has led to the tragedy mentioned earlier!

Damaged skin and mucous membranes on a person's body, contact with saliva, secretions, excrement, etc. of the virus-carrying animal, may also cause rabies.

The World Health Organization divides rabies exposure into 3 levels.

Grade I exposure does not require excessive worry and does not require special handling.

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

Wash away exposed skin on it.

However, if you can't determine whether the skin is intact, you still have to go to the hospital and ask a doctor to deal with it, so as not to repeat the tragedy of the child in Xinxiang, Henan.

Both grade II and III exposures are flushed immediately and rabies vaccine given within 24 hours [1,4].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

This is one of the most prone cases of fluke psychology.

At this time, the wound should be thoroughly cleaned immediately with soap, detergent, iodine or tap water, and rinsed continuously for more than 15 minutes to reduce the number of viruses in the wound [1].

Subsequently, immediately (within 24 hours) to the hospital for vaccination.

Of course, this is not to say that more than 24 hours is meaningless, but it is said that the later the time is delayed, the worse the vaccine protection effect!

But as long as the disease has not yet fallen ill, it is time to get vaccinated!

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

The site of inoculation is usually the deltoid muscle of the upper arm.

Children under 2 years of age require injections on the outside of the thighs [4].

If you have been previously vaccinated against rabies but have been exposed, one dose each for 0 and 3 days is sufficient [5].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

At this time, in addition to cleaning the wound and vaccinating, rabies immunoglobulin is also injected.

Immunoglobulins neutralize rabies viruses before vaccines act, providing passive immunity [2,4].

After being licked by a dog, the 9-year-old boy was unfortunately killed! These 2 types of wounds are also vaccinated against rabies!

(Source: Made your own)

Just in case, if you're going to an area with limited medical conditions or traveling outdoors, you can also be immunized in advance to avoid being vaccinated in time after being attacked by an animal [5].

Po, I went to get vaccinated

What seedlings were hit?

Want to join you in the nursery...

Well, no kidding

Live to learn

Hope you can share this article with more people

Every retweet may save a life

Special Author: Li Shihua | attending physician of pediatrics at Beijing Muslim Hospital




[3] HampsonK,CoudevilleL,LemboT,et al. Estimating the global burden of endemic canine rabies[J]. PLoS Negl Trop Dis,2015,9(4):e0003709. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003709.

[4] Dong Guanmu translation, Yin Wenwu translation, Wang Chuanlin translation, et al. Attached: Rabies Vaccine: WHO Position Paper (April 2018)[J].Chinese Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine, 2018(11):1044-1050.

Gong Zhenyu. WHO Opinion paper on rabies vaccine[J].Disease Surveillance,2012,27(002):166-168.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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