
Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

The growth of the child is the most concerned issue of the parents, the child is shorter than others, and the parents are worried that he is malnourished. The child is taller than other children, and we must also be vigilant about whether the child develops early.

A fan friend sent a private message saying that he took his child to the children's hospital the other day to check his body, because his mother found that her 9-year-old daughter actually had a bulging chest, as if she wanted to develop. The child has always been the tallest girl in the class, and the mother has always thought that her child is well nourished, and the child is very proud to grow tall.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

However, I did not expect that the child's bone age was already 15 years old after the doctor's test. At the age of 15, it is the end of puberty for girls, and the bone scale line is almost completely closed. If this continues, the child's height may stay at about one meter and four meters, and it will not grow tall again.

What are the obvious symptoms of the child's body developing in advance? Parents observe their children, and if they have these symptoms, they should quickly take their children to the hospital for examination.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

The child's body develops in advance, the body will have these obvious symptoms, and parents should intervene in time

Characteristic 1: Whether the child has developed secondary sexual characteristics.

The 9-year-old girl has a bone age of 15 years old: the "killer" who hinders the growth of the baby, and the parents must correct it

The effect of hormones on the child's body will prompt the child's secondary sexual characteristics to develop early. If the girl has breast development or menstrual leave before the age of 9, the boy has a long beard, throat knots and other phenomena, it is an early development.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

Characteristic 2: The child's height and weight increase too quickly.

In general, those who are too obese are more likely to develop their bodies in advance. The growth of children's height is regular, generally around puberty, the child's height growth will have a stage of rapid growth.

So, if your child is not yet in puberty, the height will soar quickly, and then the weight will also grow a lot. Parents should be vigilant about whether the child is overnourished, and there is a possibility of premature development of the body.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

Girls like this belong to the body to develop early, although the doctor has taken medical interventions and also reminds the child's mother that the child's early development is related to many habits in life. Parents with children at home should pay attention to the fact that these bad habits may promote the early development of their children and affect the final height of their children after adulthood.

These bad habits will prompt children to develop early and affect height

Sleep at night, it is best not to turn on the night lights.

Many families have a small lamp at the head of the bed, especially after having children. At night, in order to take care of the child conveniently, the mother generally lights a small night light at the head of the bed to facilitate the evening to see the child. However, this constant light at night has a great impact on the child's body.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

At night, our bodies go to sleep, and there is no need for lights at this time. In the dark of the night, our brain secretes a melatonin, which has many functions such as regulating jet lag, promoting sleep, improving the body's immunity and so on. Most importantly, it has the potential to cause endocrine disorders.

If we sleep with the lights on at night, not only will it affect the quality of sleep, but it may also cause endocrine disorders in the child's body and the body to develop early. Therefore, after the child falls asleep, we should maintain a dark environment, which is the most suitable for the child to sleep.

Estrogen-rich foods are best served with less.

Previously, there was a case of precocious puberty in children. A grandmother was at home with her granddaughter, and when she ate ejiao cake herself, she always had a small piece left for her three-year-old granddaughter to eat. Grandma is in her fifties, and eating ejiao can supplement estrogen and slow down the aging rate of the body. However, for the child's body, the impact of these estrogens on the body is very large. Because of Grandma's ignorance, the child's physical health has problems.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

Estrogen-rich foods, we should also try to give children to eat less, such as ejiao, bird's nest, soy milk, and some broiler chicken and poultry meat. They are inherently hormone-rich, so children should eat less. Excess nutrition is often accompanied by excessive hormone secretion, many fast food, junk food will make children fat, should also let children eat less.

Nutritional health products, hormone-rich drugs, we must give children caution.

In addition, some nutritional health products, which also have some hormone components, parents do not eat indiscriminately for their children. When the child is sick, parents should not give the child medicine indiscriminately, should go to the regular hospital to see the doctor, some hormone drugs, the child can not be used casually.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

Try to avoid cosmetics.

Some children are also very beautiful, and many children's cosmetics are also dazzling. If the child is a little makeup on a special holiday, it does not matter much, but the frequent use of cosmetics has an impact on the child's body. Because some of the hormone components in cosmetics exceed the standard, they can penetrate into the child's body through the skin, and the hormone will also affect the child's physical development.

Bad habits will prompt children to develop early, and even affect height, parents should correct them in time

The growth of children needs parents to take care of them carefully, nutritional balance, strengthen exercise, punctual work and rest, and hope that every child can have a healthy body and good character.

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