
When school starts, how do parents discipline their children?

School has started, will you encounter the following scenes:

Scenario one, my child is a child with epilepsy, it is all because of me, I am sorry for the child, so as long as he is happy, he can do anything.

Scenario two, my child is a child with epilepsy, too humiliating, or don't go to school;

Scenario three, I have told the teacher that the child's health is not good, I am busy at work, so the child's learning things, there is a teacher to discipline, we are very relieved

Scenario 4: I'm afraid my child will be bullied, so I won't let him go anywhere?

Scenario 5: The teacher said that our children are stupid and can't keep up with learning, what should I do? Should I tell the teacher that my child has epilepsy?

Dads and moms, do you have any such troubles? Talk to you today about how parents discipline their babies with epilepsy.

When school starts, how do parents discipline their children?

This is not unique in both outpatient and ward areas. Many parents of children with epilepsy are obedient to their children, regardless of teaching, one is to feel that the children are sick, and they are reluctant to manage, and the other is afraid that the children will cry or be emotionally excited, aggravating the condition.

Love the son, the parents' mood can be understood, if it is an acute short-term disease, three or five days is good, parents spoil a few days is harmless, but epilepsy is a chronic disease, the course of the disease for several years, if you have been reluctant to discipline, have you ever thought about the future of your child? When the illness is cured, the child is lawless, just like the little boy, now so young and slightly unhappy to beat the father and scold the mother, who knows what can be done out of the ordinary when he is older?

For our parents, our children's mental health is just as important as their physical health! Therefore, whenever parents ask me , "If my child has epilepsy, can I still discipline normally?", I answer without hesitation: Of course I can! Whatever you want! Epilepsy is not a reason why a child is not disciplined! Discipline will not aggravate the child's condition!

When school starts, how do parents discipline their children?

Many times, we will encounter some epileptic babies who are rude, grumpy, and serious performance will be unhappy and will scold their parents, and parents will helplessly tolerate it for a while because their children are sick, and they dare not even say a word of criticism.

In fact, after the child has epilepsy, it is right for parents to pay more attention to and love, but they cannot be pampered and indulgent. The cultivation of children with epilepsy should be patient and reasonable, and children should not be afraid to discipline because the child is sick. Parents should take appropriate measures to insist on the management of children under the condition of avoiding strong stimulation to ensure the healthy physical and mental growth of children.

For parents, the most important thing is to set the right mindset. Some parents can't bear the diagnosis of epilepsy for a while, or feel that the child is sick and feel sorry for the child; or feel that the child has epilepsy, and his face can't go over. Therefore, the method of coddling or abandoning it is adopted to reduce the requirements for the child.

When school starts, how do parents discipline their children?

On the issue of children's learning, even teachers can relax their discipline of children. Some parents do not even dare to let their children contact with outsiders, lock them up at home, and do not let their children go to school. Some parents are afraid that something will go wrong with their children, simply stop working, take care of their children full-time, and take care of their children like prisoners. These practices of parents make the sick personality of the children more and more serious, which not only affects the child's learning, but also affects the child's recovery.

Many people smell "epilepsy" discoloration and always feel that it is an incurable disease, in fact, epilepsy is not so terrible. Epilepsy is not an incurable disease, excessive anxiety and excessive tension can not solve any problems, but will increase the psychological burden on children. According to the child's age and personality characteristics, moderate communication with the child can be carried out to let the child recognize his own disease and alleviate the child's fear.

For children whose seizures have been controlled or whose seizures are rare, try to give a normal living and learning environment. Don't overprotect your child, and don't just teach your child because you're sick. In layman's terms, it's what to do. Of course, for children who go to kindergarten and school, parents should tell the teacher truthfully about the child's condition, and in case of a sudden attack, the teacher can also respond quickly.

Achieve regular work and rest, healthy and balanced diet. Avoid excessive fatigue, excessive excitement, and try to avoid over-tension and over-stimulation of the rides. Adhere to follow-up. The treatment of epilepsy is a process of up to several years, requiring parents and children to adhere to it, follow the doctor's advice to review on time, and adjust the medication according to the doctor's instructions.

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