
Dr. He Xutao took everyone to correctly understand pediatric epilepsy

Pediatric epilepsy is a more complex neurological disease, this disease after the emergence of treatment is very difficult, and the pain to the child is also very large, the cause of this disease may have a great relationship with the genetic environment, but pediatric epilepsy is divided into many types, the next take you to understand the pediatric epilepsy is divided into several types.

Dr. He Xutao took everyone to correctly understand pediatric epilepsy

1, children's occipital discharge focal epilepsy: this epilepsy onset age span is relatively large, in the child from one to seventeen years old may be sick, in the first time there will be visual symptoms, such as light hallucinations, black shadows, etc., after the seizure will be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headache and other symptoms, and this epilepsy incidence is not a specific time, but this epilepsy will rarely have seizures in adulthood.

2, pediatric benign emotional epilepsy: pediatric benign emotional epilepsy is also a more common clinical epilepsy, this type of disease is usually more common in children aged 3 to 10 years old, at the time of the onset of the patient will panic, shouting and other emotional symptoms, may also be accompanied by swallowing, chewing and other automatic diseases, the child is conscious when the onset.

Dr. He Xutao took everyone to correctly understand pediatric epilepsy

3. Benign familial neonatal epilepsy: this epilepsy is a familial disease that will onset within the second to third day or weeks of the child's birth, and individual patients will have frequent seizures in the first three months of life.

4. Benign turnpital seizure epilepsy in children: 1/4 of patients with this type of epilepsy have a family history, and benign turnpital seizure epilepsy in children usually occurs while sleeping, and this type of epilepsy usually begins in late childhood or adolescence.

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