
The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The new boss is the old two, and the seams are repaired as the third.

Diligence and thrift are a virtue, especially in families with many children, there is a lot of pressure to raise children, and the family can save money. In many families in the past, the clothes worn by the eldest brother and sister were almost worn again.

Nowadays, the family conditions have become better, and more and more couples fighting for the second and third children, sugar mothers have found that the habit of "second-hand goods" for the second child has been gradually picked up.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

Parents are accustomed to it, thinking that their children are still young and it doesn't matter what they wear. But children grow up to have their own ideas and may not accept old things.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The second-born sister cried: she always uses "second-hand goods"

Recently, a second-born girl's cries to her parents resonated, and the girl faced her mother's camera and asked why she always used "second-hand goods".

The car is second-hand, the shoes are second-hand, and the clothes are second-hand, all of which are used by her sister after she uses them. Even if you want to buy a new school bag, it is also a luxury, and you can see that your sister is very wronged.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The mother recorded the complaints of the second daughter and quickly promised to "buy, buy, buy". But the girl's mood just eased up a little, and the sister behind her suddenly made up the knife: "I forgot one thing, my mother's stomach is also second-hand."

This sentence was even more poignant, and the sister directly collapsed and cried even harder. The sister was still calm, and even showed some proud looks, laughing loudly.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

Where did my sister bear this grievance? Originally, I thought that I would only use second-hand goods after birth. Unexpectedly, when I was still in my mother's belly, I had already begun to use second-hand goods. Netizens have lamented that the second child is indeed living at the low end of the food chain.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The second child may not be favored, may live at the "bottom of the food chain"?

It is often assumed that parents will only favor younger children at home. But I don't know that there is such a group of second children, and it is indeed not easy to live.

With the "second-hand goods" of my brothers and sisters, in addition to the food is basically old, it is really as netizens said, living at the bottom of the food chain.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

After looking at the sisters in front, some people think that the sister is too ignorant. It's normal to wear sister clothes, there's no need to complain so much, every little kid comes this way.

But there are also people who feel that the parent is too picky, and every child is worth using new items, not because the money is more willful, but to ask for a bowl of water to be flat. The parent did not buy new items for her younger daughter, and also recorded the picture of her daughter's grievances, which was also a big blow to the child.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

Sugar mom wants to say that in fact, for children to use second-hand items, there is no need to go on the line. Sugar Mother also has two babies in her home, and Erbao has indeed used many of her sister's "second-hand goods".

But when I choose "old things" for the second treasure, I do not accept them all, but consider the following things. It can save a part of the cost, but also take into account the feelings of the second treasure, and the parents of the second child can be used as a reference.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

For children with "second-hand goods", pay attention to 3 things

Children grow up very quickly, and some things have become smaller or unsuitable for continued use before they have time to use them a few times. Throwing it away directly is very wasteful, so it will fall on the younger siblings.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

It is a fact that this can save some money, but parents should also be clear that some "second-hand goods" are not suitable for the second child, otherwise it is likely to hurt the baby's body and feelings.

1) Don't pass down old shoes

In the past, when the conditions were not good, it was possible for a pair of shoes to wear from the boss to the "old five", until the tip of the shoe was worn and the sole was worn thin. But now after all, it is different from the past, and if conditions permit, try not to let the second child wear old shoes.

No matter whose old shoes they are, they are very uncomfortable to wear. Because everyone's walking posture is different, the degree of wear of the sole is also different, and it hurts the foot" to wear it wrong.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

The "wearing life" of a new pair of shoes is up to about 2 years, and when the shoes are worn out or worn, they have a negative impact on the child's foot shape and leg development.

2) Give the second child a special item

In fact, many children are reluctant to wear second-hand clothes or not use second-hand items, not because of the simple "old" word. More often because the clothes did not conform to his aesthetic, or because of certain objects he did not like at all.

Such items are not to be said to be "second-hand", even if they buy a new model, they may not necessarily enter their eyes.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

If conditions permit, parents try to buy items that meet their children's personality and preferences, and if they want to use second-hand items, they must also carefully select the styles that children like.

3) Try not to use second-hand items related to "face"

The girl mentioned earlier asked her mother why she couldn't buy a new school bag, which reflected the "good face" psychology of many children.

After the school bag is carried to the school, the students will see that if the child carries an old school bag at the beginning of the school, then the new school bag with other students is carefully brought, the difference is too big, and it will inevitably produce a psychological gap.

The second child at the bottom of the food chain: the younger sister is dissatisfied with the use of "second-hand goods", and the sister is more poignant with a god repair knife

Some items children want to prepare new, not because of vanity, but because there is a certain "self-esteem" in it. If parents have been deliberately suppressing the child's face, it will cause the child to have higher requirements for various items.

Candy Mother's Heart:

It doesn't matter if the child appropriately uses some "second-hand goods", but after parents pay attention to the above choices, they must also correctly counsel the child's psychology. Although the two children of the second child have "first come, first come, first come, but give them as equal love as possible."

You can't let the boss laugh at his younger brothers and sisters for this matter, and at the same time, don't emphasize to the second child that this is someone else's item, but pay attention to the value of the item itself, so that he understands that he is "worthy" of the new item.

【Today's topic】Will you give your children "second-hand goods"?

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