
As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

As soon as the season changes, children are particularly prone to illness, which is a headache for many parents.

During this time in my children's class, about 10 children took leave of absence due to illness every day. Coupled with the epidemic in our city, everyone is very nervous when the child gets sick.

Why are children prone to getting sick as soon as they go to kindergarten?

Many parents have found that their children are always particularly susceptible to illness during the first semester of kindergarten. Just a few days after the start of school, the child either had a headache, cough or diarrhea.

Is it because the teacher didn't take good care of it? Not really.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

Children around 3 years old, the epidemic system has not yet matured, before the child at home parents careful care, the child has adapted to the family environment, just went to kindergarten environment has changed, the child will have fear, anxiety, psychological pressure becomes larger, will make the child's body in a state of stress, resistance decline, naturally easy to get sick.

Of course, it may also be that the child has not developed good living habits, for example, do not love to wash hands, do not love to brush their teeth, and eat indiscriminately, which may lead to the child's illness.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

If you want your child not to get sick, parents need to work harder in the following aspects:

Strengthen physical exercise and enhance children's own resistance

Frequently take children to participate in outdoor activities, so that children can get sufficient oxygen and sunlight, but also help children grow and develop, improve children's immunity.

Moreover, in outdoor activities, children can also make more friends and interact with children, which is also very helpful for children's social development.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

Dress carefully

Some parents are afraid of their children's illness and always wear a lot for their children. However, parents ignore a point, the child's body temperature itself is higher, and the child is active, the amount of activity is large, if you wear too much for the child, the child is prone to sweating when he is active, the clothes are wet, a hot and a cold, the child is more likely to get sick.

Parents can follow a principle: children wear one less piece of clothing than adults. Don't let your child feel too hot.

Children's clothes should also choose pure cotton, easy to absorb sweat.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

Pay attention to hygiene and avoid the invasion of germs

Children are lively and active, always like to touch and run around outside, there is no strong sense of hygiene, often do not remember to wash their hands, dirty hands to take food to eat. These can cause germs to invade and make children sick.

The disease comes from the mouth.

Therefore, parents should let their children develop the habit of hygiene, remind children to wash their hands frequently, do not eat indiscriminately, and strictly prevent diseases from entering the mouth.

My children always forgot to wash their hands after playing before, and they especially like to eat ice cream when the weather is hot, and their throats are inflamed at every turn.

In order to correct these bad habits of the child, I also specially bought a set of "Bacterial Human Adventure Picture Book" for the child. Let the child know that if you do not pay attention to hygiene, germs may enter the body, eroding his teeth, intestines, stomach, etc., resulting in illness.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

After a period of habit formation and picture book reading, the child gradually changed those bad problems.

Around the age of 3 is a critical period for cultivating children's habits and rules awareness, and the "four-step method of habit formation" is shared with parents, hoping to help everyone.

Step 1: Develop a list of rules

In order for children to develop good living habits, it is indispensable to formulate family hygiene rules.

Parents must make corresponding rules for their children according to their age.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

For example, when you return home from outside or go to the toilet before eating, be sure to wash your hands first.

For example, don't eat things outside casually.

For example, don't be picky eaters. When you encounter a hard time that you love to eat, when you encounter something you don't like to eat, you don't eat a bite, which hurts the child's stomach.

For example, in the morning and evening, remember to brush your teeth on time, do not allow sleep without brushing your teeth, and do not let your child easily develop tooth decay.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

Step 2: Get your child to accept and agree with the rules

Parents set the rules, the child does not agree or forget, what to do?

Parents and children are advised to work together to set rules and follow them together.

The rules can't just be verbal, children are easy to fall into account. You can print it out and paste it on the wall of your home to remind your child at all times.

Step Three: Enforce the rules gently and firmly

With rules in place, there is also practice to enforce them. Because children around the age of 3, the sense of rules is not strong, parents need to be gentle and firm to implement the rules, in order to let children understand to act according to the rules. We must not let the child cry and make a fuss, and the parents will compromise.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

For example, it is stipulated that children must wash their hands before eating, and if children do not wash their hands, then do not let children eat until the child washes his hands clean.

Parents can't watch their children cry and leave the set rules behind, which will make the children think that crying is the way to solve the problem, let alone take the rules seriously.

Adhere to the principle, there can be no exceptions, let the child develop a sense of rules, the formation of good habits.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

Step 4: Parents should know how to let go

When the child goes to kindergarten, he cannot eat, and the parents call the teacher to ask the teacher to feed the child. It is difficult for such children to adapt to group life in kindergarten.

Parents do not let go to a certain extent is to hinder the development of children's self.

Love children, not to do everything for children, but to learn to let go, teach children to do what they can, and let children achieve self-management.

If your child is also often sick because of bad habits such as eating indiscriminately, not paying attention to hygiene, not washing hands, not loving to brush teeth, picky eating, etc., then I suggest that you read to your child the "Picture Book of The Adventures of the Human Body" is this set of picture books.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

This set of picture books vividly and in detail describes the wonderful journey of germs into the human body for children. Present the mysterious microbial world to children clearly and vividly. Let the child understand the situation and consequences of various parts of the body after being germicidal, guide the child on what to do to prevent the germs, and help the child develop healthy living hygiene habits.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

It was with the help of this set of picture books that I let my children understand the importance of washing hands, brushing teeth, not eating indiscriminately, and paying attention to hygiene.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

This set of "Picture Books on The Adventures of the Human Body with Bacteria" consists of six volumes, namely "The Invasion of Bacteria," "The Diary of a Tooth Decay," "The Human Body Is Coughing," "The Great Cleansing of the Intestines," "The Sore Throat," and "The Great Adventure of the Stomach." Especially suitable for children aged 3-6 years.

For example, if a child reads "The Invasion of Fine Bacteria", he will know that there are countless germs in the air that are invisible to the naked eye, some of which are beneficial to the human body and some of which are harmful to the human body. If you accidentally fall and do not deal with it in time, the germs will burrow into the body from the wound and cause damage. Children will understand the importance of wound detoxification, and know that there are powerful immune cells in the human body that will fight against invading germs.

As soon as the season changes, the child will get sick, pay attention to three aspects, let the child stay away from the germ and not get sick

For example, if a child reads "The Diary of a Tooth Decay", he will understand why his parents must let him insist on brushing his teeth. It turns out that if you don't brush your teeth, germs will live in the mouth, which will cause all kinds of dental diseases and tooth decay. The child will no longer be lazy and brush his teeth well.

For example, a child read "Adventures with the Stomach" and knows that they cannot eat too full, too fast, eat too much cold things and drink too much drinks, and learn to nourish their stomachs.

Each picture book has a theme, close to life, the scene is real, and the picture book is mainly based on picture reading, supplemented by text reading, and the painting style is in line with children's preferences, so that children can be attracted by the cute image in the picture book.

Cultivate children's healthy living habits, improve children's self-care ability, and change children's bad problems, this set of picture books is really a good choice.

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