
2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

According to the statistics of Che quality Network, a leading domestic platform for the collection of defective automotive product information, the total number of domestic SUVs complaints in 2021 was 45,673, an increase of 751 cases compared with 2020.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

Judging from the changes in the number of SUV complaints from 2012 to 2021, after the number of SUV complaints exceeded 40,000 for the first time in 2020, the number of SUV complaints in 2021 hit a new high again, an increase of about 1.7% compared with 2020, and the increase was significantly narrower than before 2020.

1, the new model problems are still more

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

According to the data of the car quality network, in the domestic SUV complaints in 2021, the 2020 model became the most complained about annual model, and the number of complaints increased by 40.3% year-on-year. As the 2021 models are put on the market, the number of complaints will also show explosive growth in 2021. In addition, the number one model in 2020 in 2019 saw a significant drop in complaints this year, but the number of complaints still exceeded 7,000. It is worth noting that the 2022 model also appeared in the complaint list, although the listing time was not long, but the number of complaints also reached 428. As can be seen from the chart above, most of the current domestic SUVs complaints are concentrated in models that have been on the market for 1-3 years.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

From the statistics of the SUV problem time period in 2021, it can be found that for domestic SUVs, the number of complaints about models with problems in 1-3 years of car purchase is the highest, reaching 10,942 cases, and the proportion of complaints is also significantly higher than that in 2020. In contrast, the proportion of complaints that have problems within 1 month of car purchase and 6-12 months has dropped slightly compared with 2020. It is worth noting that the sum of complaints that have problems within one year of car purchase, although it has decreased from 2020, is still close to 60% of the total.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

In addition, in the 2021 SUV vehicle mileage statistics, the proportion of complaints with problems in the mileage of 20,000-30,000 km, 30,000-50,000 km, 50,000-60,000 km and more than 60,000 km has increased compared with 2020. The proportion of complaints about new cars with problem mileage of 0-3000 km, 3000-10000 km, and 10000-20000 km decreased slightly compared with 2020.

From the SUV problem time period and vehicle mileage statistics, it can be found that the complaints of domestic SUVs are still concentrated in new models within 1 year of purchase and within 20,000 kilometers of driving mileage.

2. The number of complaints about simple quality problems has increased significantly

The proportion of service problems and comprehensive problems has decreased significantly

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

According to the data of the car quality network, in the complaints of SUVs in 2021, the simple quality problem is still the focus of complaints, and the number of complaints increased by about 21% compared with 2020, accounting for an increase of 12.4 percentage points. In addition, the number of complaints about other issues has also increased significantly compared with 2020, with an increase of 42.3%, accounting for an increase of about 0.4 percentage points. From the perspective of specific complaints, the problems of "suspected design defects" and "suspected allocation reduction" are more concentrated, and the number of complaints increased by 5.7% and 24.7% respectively compared with 2020. Affected by the continuous tight supply of chips and some raw materials, some enterprises choose to deliver new cars in the form of reduced allocation, which has caused serious dissatisfaction among consumers and requires enterprises to adjust production strategies in a timely manner to solve the problem as soon as possible.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

Judging from the proportion of SUV quality complaints and failures in 2021, the engine, gearbox and body accessories and electrical appliances are still the three systems with the highest proportion. Among them, the number of complaints about engines and gearboxes has increased compared with 2020, of which the number of complaints about the former has increased by 60.9%, and the proportion of complaints about faults has increased by 8.9 percentage points. In addition, in addition to the two types of problems of the engine and the gearbox, the proportion of complaints about the remaining fault points has decreased compared with 2020, of which the largest decline is in body accessories and electrical appliances, which has decreased by 7.2 percentage points.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

Judging from the complaint problem points of SUV service problems in 2021, the promise of non-fulfillment replaces sales fraud as the service problem with the highest proportion of complaint problem points, an increase of 13.2 percentage points over 2020. In addition, the proportion of complaints about personnel technology, service charges, parts disputes, and imperfect service processes has increased compared with 2020. In contrast, the problem points and proportion of complaints about sales fraud and service attitudes have dropped significantly compared with 2020. It is not difficult to find that consumers who currently buy SUVs in China pay more attention to the commitments given by enterprises and dealers in the complaint and protection of service problems. In addition, consumers' attention to the process of the dealer's after-sales service and the quality of accessories is also increasing year by year.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

Judging from the complaints about other problems in SUV in 2021, the complaints are mainly concentrated on the problem of "suspected design defects", accounting for more than 50%, and the increase in complaints mainly comes from a German brand model. In addition, the number of complaints about "suspected allocation reduction" is also relatively high, with the number of complaints increasing by 24.7% compared with 2020, accounting for more than 40%, and most of the complaints come from some independent brand models. The number of complaints about "unreasonable recall schemes" has decreased significantly compared with 2020.

3. Joint venture brand complaints accounted for more than 40%.

Ashkenazi brand complaints rose the most

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

According to the complaint data of the car quality network, in 2021, independent brands will still be the main body of complaints about SUVs, but the number of complaints will be reduced by about 16.2% compared with 2020, and the proportion of complaints will fall to the lowest point in the past four years. In contrast, the annual number of complaints about joint venture brands reached 19,685, accounting for more than 40% of complaints for the first time. It can be seen that the short-term reputation of independent brand SUVs has shown signs of improvement, while the joint venture brand SUVs have deteriorated.

2021 domestic SUV complaint analysis report

From the perspective of complaints by country, the number of complaints about independent brand SUVs still far exceeds that of other brands in other countries, and the complaints are mainly concentrated in the problem of "video and audio system failure", with the number of complaints approaching 3,000. It is worth noting that the number of complaints and complaints of legal brands have decreased compared with 2020, of which the number of complaints has decreased by 25.9% year-on-year, and the proportion of complaints has decreased by 0.35 percentage points. In contrast, the number of complaints from other brands in other countries has increased to varying degrees compared with 2020, of which the highest increase is in German brands, reaching 94.8%, which is related to the continuous increase in the number of complaints about some German hot models.

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