
Family education | no good teacher can replace parents, these 5 things can only be done by parents themselves

Family education | no good teacher can replace parents, these 5 things can only be done by parents themselves
Family education | no good teacher can replace parents, these 5 things can only be done by parents themselves

A good teacher may be able to influence children for three or five years, but the influence of parents is a lifetime. The child is not the teacher, it is yours, the parent is the child's first teacher, but also the child's eternal role model, please be a competent parent!

Parents are the best teachers for children, and their words and deeds and every move affect their children's growth. Today, although children spend most of their day in school, their character, good habits, interest in reading, strong willpower, and happiness stem from simple family life. Educating your children well is a lifelong undertaking for every parent.

Good character, from parents

Whether a person's grades are good or bad, character is the key. Morality can compensate for the defects of ability, and ability can hardly cover up the defects of morality.

However, the child's conduct is largely related to his tutoring. The teacher is only a preacher and a solver, but the parent is the influencer of the child's life. Parents' words and deeds are always greater than the teacher's 45-minute classroom education.

Therefore, if you want your child to have good conduct, family education is the key!

Good habits, from parents

Children who grow up at mahjong tables and in front of televisions are definitely very different from children raised by parents who love to read. This is why many parents watch TV while urging their children to read seriously, often receive strong rebellion

How can you force your child to do something you can't do?

Most of the children raised by parents who are proactive and have good living habits are people who love learning and can arrange their time reasonably, and parents will save a lot of heart in education.

So, when you can't figure out why your child has so many bad problems, first review yourself, maybe you will find the root cause!

The interest in reading comes from parents

Many parents complain that their children do not love to learn and do not love to read, but they do not ask themselves whether they love to read.

Children's interest in reading is cultivated from an early age, and two- or three-year-old children should start reading, rather than waiting for school to let the teacher cultivate your child's reading habits.

The more books you have in your family, the more books your children read. If the parents play a good role model, the child will follow suit, and conversely, the child can only imitate you to do other things.

Strong will, from parents

Teachers teach children more textbook knowledge. Good living habits, the principle of being a person, and a strong will are all cultivated by parents.

Teachers have no way to help you cultivate, these can only be cultivated by parents from an early age in daily life.

If you ignore it, the child may have good grades, but the will is weak, can not withstand the slightest setback, and will not become a talent, so emotional intelligence education is also very important.

Long-term happiness comes from parents

A person's original family has a great impact on his life, husband and wife love, family harmony, children who grow up in a loving environment are destined to have a lot of sunshine in their hearts than children who grow up in families that are not sound or noisy all day. This is what the teacher can't give, but can decide the child's life!

Educating your children is only part of the teacher's job, but you are different, the child is your only one, and educating your own children will always be your most important thing.


Source: Jincheng Family Education Association

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