
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

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First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

10 years after my father's death, under my "soft and hard" situation, my mother finally agreed to come to Zhengzhou to live with me, her youngest daughter. This year, my mother was 70 years old and I was 40 years old.

The 70-year-old mother was thin, originally only one meter and five meters tall, but it was reduced by the years by a few centimeters, looking more thin, but the face was still smooth, there were not too many traces of vicissitudes, the hair was not completely white, and some black hair grew stubbornly.

We borrowed a car to pick her up, and she had already packed up her decades-old house and packed her bags.

Among those bags were two bags of noodles, which she had specially ground for us with the wheat from the house, and this noodle had a wheat aroma.

But that day, I decided not to bring those two bags of noodles, because the trunk of the car was too small and we had too many things to bring.

But the mother insisted on carrying the noodles. Be sure to bring, she said.

When she said this, I was suddenly stunned, looked at her, and then I understood something, signaled my husband to move the noodles to the back room, and I reached outside and tentatively touched it.

Sure enough, at the bottom, there was a small clump of hard stuff in the soft side.

If I'm not mistaken, it was the money my mother was going to give us.

Putting money in the grain was a secret for my mother for many years.

More than ten years ago, I just got married and rented a very small house in Zhengzhou, which is the most difficult time for life.

At that time, what I wanted most was not a house, not a more promising job, just a decent wardrobe.

It was that winter that my mother brought half a bag of millet.

Later, when mr. Xiaomi poured it into the rice bucket, he found that there was 500 yuan hidden inside, and there was a small note, which was his father's handwriting: buy a wardrobe for Mei.

When I got married, my mother already had money for a wardrobe in the dowry I gave me.

Later, she learned that I had diverted the money for other purposes, so she made up for it again.

That night, I took 10 yuan and a thick wad of money and cried.

In those years, my mother put the money she saved in the grain again and again, let people bring it to me, bring it to the eldest sister and the second sister, and still supplement our lives after we were all married for many years.

But how she saved that money from those acres of land, we don't know.

This time, even though she was with us, she put the money in the dough bag, which in her opinion was the safest.

After the noodles were brought back, I took out the money and returned it to my mother, who said that I had bought a car for tong tong.

Tong Tong is her grandson, during this time he has always wanted a racing car, because of the expensive, I did not buy it for him, the last time I returned to my hometown, he may have said to his mother, and her mother wrote down this matter.

2,000 pieces is a year's harvest in her acres of land, we are not willing to do it, but she is willing to do it.

In memory, my mother has always been a willing person, to us, to relatives, to neighbors, love is willing to pay, things are willing to give, money is willing to borrow, strength is willing to spend.

Sometimes I don't know why she, a skinny rural woman, is so willing.

My mother stayed, and every morning, she got up early to cook, millet porridge, small buns, egg cakes... Tricks up.

We no longer had to rush to buy vegetables after work at noon, all the housework mothers took care of it, and two new pots of green garlic seedlings were added to the balcony.

With my mother's home, there is more indescribable ease.

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

The mother brought two bags of noodles, one of which was poured into the bucket, and the other bag was placed on the balcony by the husband.

After a few days, I found that the bag of noodles on the balcony floor had been moved to a higher platform to dry.

The gentleman is a careless person, it should not be him to put it, I asked my mother doubtfully, she said, ah, I put it on, sunbathing, don't spoil it.

As soon as I heard it, I was anxious with her, the platform, more than a meter high, the bag of noodles, sixty or seventy pounds, less than one meter and five meters tall, and the mother who weighed less than 90 pounds actually moved it up herself.

I yelled at her, how did you get it? So heavy, flashing waist what to do? What if it hits you? What if something happens... Murdered her in a row.

But she just smiled, stood there in the apron, and when I finished throwing a tantrum, whispered, Isn't this okay?

It's too late! I was still afraid, but more than that, it was heartache.

It wasn't until my mother assured me that I wouldn't do any more heavy work in the future that I slowly lost my temper.

Shortly after my mother came, one day I said to my husband, On Sunday, you called your classmates to come home for dinner, I have been here for more than half a month, and I have not seen them come.

Mr. is a university in Zhengzhou, the city does have a lot of classmates, the relationship is also good, at first will be between the family door, but now, everyone has become accustomed to gathering in the hotel.

City life is so bustling and indifferent, not very close, generally not at home.

I explained to my husband, Mom, they often get together outside.

The mother shook her head, where there is a good home outside, the outside food is expensive, not to say, it is not hygienic.

Besides, where can you not come home?

Come home to appear pro.

Then, the mother was determined to let the husband bring the classmates home for the weekend. We couldn't beat her and agreed.

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

Mr. Li called several of my classmates who were closest to each other and invited them to come to our house for the weekend.

All day on the weekend, my mother was busy in the kitchen.

In the afternoon, Mr. Mister's classmates came one after another and symbolically offered some gifts.

I brought out my mother's meals one by one, and the men who had successful careers and socialized in restaurants almost every day were immediately attracted by a few small dishes and a few pasta snacks.

One of them couldn't help but reach out and grab a dumpling and murmured that when he was a child, he loved to eat his mother's dumplings and hadn't eaten them in many years.

My mother brought the whole plate of dumplings to him and said, "If you like it, eat more, and often come to the house to eat it in the future, and I will make it for you."

The man nodded, his eyes suddenly red, his mother had been dead for many years, and he had not returned to his hometown for a long time.

That night, everyone drank less, but ate enough and talked a lot.

The content of that remark is not something that is said in a business field or unit or in society in a restaurant on weekdays.

Family affairs that are rarely mentioned are slowly talked about, talking about hometown, talking about parents... It was a long-lost closeness.

Since then, the family has never been more lively.

Mother said that this is good, people live in the world, always have to be close to each other.

One weekend afternoon after my mother's arrival, there was a knock at the door, and it was the woman who lived opposite, carrying a pot of washed cherries.

The woman said a little embarrassed, and gave it to the eldest lady to taste.

I was surprised that when I first moved here, we had a little conflict with her family because of the problem of decoration lines.

Originally, I was not familiar with the network, so the relationship was even colder, and I lived for more than 3 years without any contact.

Even the corridor in front of the door is a small piece of the place where each sweeps.

She coldly brought fresh cherries that had just been listed, and I was confused and didn't know what to say for a while.

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

Her face is so red, a little incoherent, the snacks made by the eldest mother, the cute children eat it... I suddenly understood that it was my mother.

My mother didn't know that we were a bit of a holiday, in fact, even if she knew, she would still do that, and in her mother's opinion, "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors" is the most reasonable sentence.

So she knocked on people's doors first, sent small snacks to others, sent her own wrapped rice dumplings, and sent her own fresh garlic seedlings... Sincerely helped us open the door of the neighbor's house.

Later, I became friends with the woman, and her children often came to our house, and Grandma followed her shortly, kissing like a family.

Neighbors, not just on the door, front and back, left and right, many people living in the same community, the mother took care of it.

She often chats with the parents of her husband's colleagues in the community garden and helps them take care of their grandchildren.

Not only that, but there are also material exchanges, and the mother often makes some small flavor snacks and warmly gives them to the neighbors, which is also a habit that the mother developed when she lived in the countryside.

Although small snacks are not expensive, they are full of strong human touch because they have a mellow flavor that cannot be bought outside.

Once, when we learned that the child of one of my gentlemen's colleagues was suffering from leukemia, my mother asked us to send us some money.

Because it is a colleague who is not close to each other, we just want to symbolically express it, but my mother resolutely does not agree, saying that in this life, anyone may encounter difficulties, you are willing to help others, and when you have a problem, people will be willing to help you.

Children are sick is a great difficulty for others, we meet, we can help, you have to help. We listened to my mother.'

Six months after his mother came, his husband was unexpectedly promoted, and in the recommended election of the unit, his votes were obviously dominant.

The gentleman came back and smiled and said, this time it is the credit of the mother, I have this ticket for the mother to pull.

We have only just discovered that our interpersonal relationships have recently become unprecedentedly good, and that kind of goodness is obviously less polite and more sincere.

The mother, who didn't know a word, just because she was willing to give up, quietly won so much for us, which we had always wanted to win but never got.

Think about what she said again, if you are willing to be good to others, people will be willing to be good to you.

To her, this is the most simple and authentic word of a rural woman; for us, it is undoubtedly a truth that is too profound.

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

On a warm day, I wanted to take my mother everywhere.

However, because my mother was born with motion sickness, she was seriously ill in the car, so she often refused to go out.

That weekend, I decided to take her to the zoo. The mother said she had never seen an elephant.

The zoo is not far from home, a few stops down the road. Mother said, let's go.

I disagree, a few stops down the road, for a 70-year-old, or too far.

But she was determined not to take the car, I had a clever move, Mom, I rode to take you there. The mother smiled and agreed.

I pushed out of the car and carefully carried her to the beam in front of me, one arm just wrapped around her.

When I hugged, my heart hurt, she was so light, curled up in front of me, like a child.

On the way, you have to pass through two intersections, one of which happens to be in the downtown area.

Carefully riding to the intersection, it was a red light, I gently got out of the car, not yet standing, but a policeman passed through the crowd, walked up to me and said, don't you know that you are not allowed to take people?

Also in front of the belt. When he finished, he bowed his head and issued a ticket.

My mother was stunned, grabbed my arm to get down, I hurried to help her, said sorry to the young policeman, explained that my mother was motion sick, old, could not take the car, I wanted to take her to the zoo to see...

The policeman was also stunned, and only then did he see that I was carrying an old man, and before he could say anything, my mother rebuked me, why didn't you tell me that I was riding in the city and not letting people take people?

Then insist on coming down.

I was at a loss, the policeman reached out and grabbed the mother, the eldest mother, sorry, I didn't see clearly, the city just doesn't let you ride with the child, you sit well.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and gave me a serious salute.

Then he turned to let the people in front of me make room for me, gestured to stop the vehicles on all sides, and beckoned me to pass.

I took my mother and slowly crossed the wide intersection, the vehicles on all sides stopped at a standstill, and only I took my mother and proudly walked in the eyes of everyone.

It was the first time in my life that I had received such a generous courtesy.

Because my mother, because she was willing to give her a little love, a young policeman who met in pingshui was willing to make an exception for me and give me such a high level of respect.

This courtesy was given to me by my mother.

My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in the third year after I followed me.

After the results came out, a friend who was a doctor sincerely said to me, if it is good for the old lady, don't do the operation, and resign yourself to the fate of the people.

This is something a doctor should not say to a patient's family, but it is true.

After consulting with the husband, he decided to obey the doctor's arrangement and bring his mother home.

He decided not to hide it from his mother, so he told her the truth.

Mother listened to us very calmly, nodded, and said, that's right. Then, my mother offered to go back to my hometown.

During the last period of my mother's life, I was with her.

Drugs are only used to relieve pain, and cannot resist the ravages of cancer.

Her body was so haggard that she could no longer stand, and when it was good, I would carry her out and carefully place her on the recliner to accompany her in the sun.

She gradually could not eat, and she would spit out her saliva, but she never showed any pain, those black hairs were still stubbornly vigorous, her face was emaciated but smooth, as long as she was awake, there was a slight smile on her face.

First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"
First Prize in the Literature Competition: "Home with a Mother"

That day, my mother said to me, your father missed me.

Mom, but I can't help it. I held her hand, held it in my palm, wanted to hold it firmly, but did not dare to use force, only gently.

May, this time, you have to give it up. She laughed, gently withdrew her hand, and clapped my hand.

But this time, Mother, I couldn't help it. I couldn't say it, and my heart hurt so much that it shattered.

On the day my mother left, the funeral procession was huge, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, in addition to relatives, there were also my classmates, friends, colleagues and colleagues of my husband and me, and the neighbors in our community before and after...

Many, many people, not only adults, but also children, are rare big scenes in the countryside.

The procession slowly passed through the village, out of the village, and vaguely heard some of the passers-by who were watching talking about it, is it an official?

Or maybe the child is out there as a high official...

In this life, my mother had a son and three daughters, all of whom were the most ordinary people, not official or business.

Mother herself, even more ordinary as grass, has never seen the big world, has not read books, has not received any formal education, she just has a heart willing to love people.

And the last grand scene of her life was inadvertently won for herself with the willingness of her life.

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