
Parents note: With these 2 manifestations, it may be the beginning of the child's inferiority

There are two children, one cheerful and optimistic, dare to act, one introverted and inferior, cowering in everything. As a result, the future and destiny of the two children are also very different, and the optimistic and cheerful child dares to act boldly, bravely moves forward, and finally succeeds in his career and has a brilliant life. And the introverted and inferior child is indecisive, avoids competition, and finally achieves nothing, sad and poor!

In fact, whether a child is inferior or not, and what the future fate of the future depends largely on the family education received by the child. Some parents do not have enough understanding of this, believing that the education of their children lies in the school and the teacher. Hu Pingping, deputy director of the Basic Education Quality Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Education, said that the first factor affecting children's scores is the student's family and himself, accounting for 60% to 65% of the share, while the impact of school education on children accounts for only 10% to 15%.

Improper family education is the root cause of a child's inferiority. Low self-esteem will affect the healthy growth and even future destiny of children. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the 3 performances of their children, discover and guide education in time, and avoid their children's inferiority complex in time.

Parents note: With these 2 manifestations, it may be the beginning of the child's inferiority

First, see people twisting and being afraid.

Some children, at home is still a little imposing, but out of the house, to the public, they dodge, timid and afraid, do not dare to talk to people, even if they talk to people, it is twisted and pinched, the voice is as small as a mosquito, and the preface does not match the afterword. If he is allowed to do something alone, he always dares not go alone.

Such a child is likely to meet a particularly strong and powerful parent, the child's words and deeds must meet the requirements of the parents, everything has the parents to make up their minds, the child can not make their own claims. And children may be often criticized and reprimanded at home.

Second, we dare not compete in everything.

Some children, things between peers and classmates, such as play, such as competitions, all things dare not come out, do not dare to preempt, always willingly follow behind others, willing to be the tail of others. Such a child is always worried that he will make mistakes, will do the wrong things, and will be ridiculed by others.

Parents note: With these 2 manifestations, it may be the beginning of the child's inferiority

If the child avoids all kinds of competition, it means that the child is a little inferior. In reality, there are such children. If the child lacks a little courage to do something, dare to fight, dare to compete, it is extremely unfavorable to the growth of the child. I have seen such a child, from childhood to adulthood, everything does not dare to compete, do not dare to fight and dare not break in, as a result of growing up to do things without opinion, shrinking hands and feet, and finally achieving nothing.

If the child has low self-esteem, parents should reflect on whether their education is appropriate, and correct it in time to improve the educational method. For example, encourage more and criticize less, be good at discovering and discovering and affirming the advantages of children, so that children become confident little by little. Another example is to provide more opportunities for children to exercise and performance, let children interact with others more, take children to participate in appropriate social activities, slowly exercise children, and let children get rid of inferiority.

I have seen some teachers, often to create opportunities for students with low self-esteem to exercise, such as intentionally asking him questions in class and affirming and encouraging him in time, such as letting him accept homework, letting him organize related class activities, etc., which is worth referring to parents.

I don't know what you think about this, what suggestions you have, welcome to discuss, welcome to leave a message. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the "three-foot podium all the way to the bar"!

Parents note: With these 2 manifestations, it may be the beginning of the child's inferiority

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