
Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

According to past experience, we all know that years ago was a wave of peak car purchases, at this time, although some manufacturers will increase their preferential efforts to reduce inventory, but at the same time there are some popular models will reduce discounts, coupled with last year's chip panic, some hot cars actually floated up the year before the actual transaction. So, when the car buying boom recedes, will the next year be a good time to buy a car? To this end, we decided to visit the market to see if the hot models will increase their discounts to survive the off-season of car purchases.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

Looking back at the SUV sales list for the whole year of 2021, Haval H6, Changan CS75 PLUS, RAV4 Rongfang, XR-V, Tiguan L these models are among the best, with average monthly sales of more than 15,000 units, just ask these cars.

Haval H6

First, let's take a look at the Haval H6, which is in the top position of sales all year round, and the current second and third generation H6 models are still sold in the same hall. I learned in the 4S store in Guangzhou that the current second and third generation H6s are only 3,000 yuan of discounts, which is the same as the discount level of previous years, compared with 8,000 yuan in the middle of last year, which is almost meaningful. Of course, the sales staff said that this offer is a preliminary offer, and the final offer can be discussed in detail.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

However, in terms of picking up the car, there is a big difference from the end of last year, at the end of last year, when we surveyed the sales said that it takes about 2 months to pick up the car, and this time said that each configuration has a current car, the fastest can be picked up within 3 working days, if the individual configuration or color needs to be booked, it can also be picked up within 1 month.

Changan CS75 PLUS

The situation is somewhat similar to the Haval H6, the current CS75 PLUS can enjoy a cash discount of 4,000 yuan, which is the same as that of the previous year, but there is a discrepancy with the 5,000 yuan reported online by the store. At the same time, sales said that because the manufacturer no longer produces mechanical gears, friends with low selection will spend 1,000 yuan more to select electronic gears, and other configuration models are standard.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

In terms of car pick-up, due to the hot sales volume before the holiday, and the production capacity after the holiday has not been fully restored, it takes 15 to 30 days to pick up the car. We also learned from the store that many friends who are ready to buy a car compare between CS75 PLUS and UNI-T, which is not difficult to understand, after all, the consequences have a newer design and powertrain, and most consumers will still think about buying new instead of buying old.

Dongfeng Honda XR-V

Let the independent brands and joint venture small SUVs emerge in an endless stream, before the wave after the wave, Honda's Binzhi + XR-V combination is still the most popular 150,000-level home SUV choice, last year due to chip supply reasons, Honda's overall production capacity is tight, the year-end delivery is also relatively tight, so we also came to Dongfeng Honda's 4S store to understand the current market of XR-V.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

Asked about it, at present, Guangzhou can enjoy a cash discount of 16,000 yuan, as a reference, a friend around the car purchase discount of 15,000 yuan a year ago, it can be seen that it has improved. In terms of car pick-up, most of the current models have existing cars, basically 3 to 5 days can complete the car pick-up, it can be said that the delivery pressure has also returned to normal state.

FAW Toyota RAV4 rongfang

This generation of RAV4 Rongfang, the value of the line, coupled with Toyota's usual good reputation, can be said to have achieved a "flip" of the sales performance of the previous generation, the cumulative sales of 95,000 vehicles in the past six months, 15,000 more than cr-V, the overall momentum is still good.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

We learned in the store that the current dual engine two-wheel drive elite version model is more popular, the guidance price is 225,800 yuan, the total landing price is 230,000 yuan, the cash discount is about 25,000 yuan, most of the configuration models in the store have current cars, which can be taken away within a week.

SAIC Volkswagen Tiguan L

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

Let's take a look at the German system to carry the sub-Tiguan L, up is the whole series of cash discount of 20,000 yuan, after the discount price is lower than rongfang, the price is similar to the size is larger, I believe this is the reason why many people choose Tiguan L. In terms of car pick-up, although the sales said that the car can be picked up within a week, it is equipped with Tips on the exhibition car, indicating that the actual car configuration and delivery time are subject to the manufacturer, and the overall is more rigorous than other manufacturers.

Offers are still at a low point

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

After some visits and investigations, I found that most of the models are still stuck in the state of the previous year in terms of preferential strength, and do not have an attractive price as usual, mainly because the production capacity is still recovering, and the chip problem has not been really solved, if you want to have the same preferential strength as before, maybe after February, March will rush to the sales volume in the first quarter.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

Interestingly, I found that dealers also have some reverse operations, in the past many stores will quote higher preferential prices online, thereby attracting users to negotiate in offline stores, but now they are quoting lower preferential prices. This time I paid special attention to these models, and the online quotations of the stores I visited, are all the same, taking Tiguan and RAV4 Rongfang as an example, the online price is a discount of 10,000 yuan, but the actual discount is 20,000 yuan. It seems to be to allow consumers to return more to online negotiations, rather than comparing prices on the Internet.

Traditional brands still need a price tug-of-war

All along, due to the traditional 4S shop agency model, even the market price of the same car is opaque, and there will even be a variety of "pits", consumers buying cars to have a wave of wits and courage with 4S stores, no one wants to buy expensive or spend money unjustly. But in fact, such a wave of tossing down, may be happy to become "worried", originally happy to buy a car, but made physically and mentally exhausted. The good news is that some new forces now adopt a direct sales model to promote the transparency of terminal transaction prices, and these additional costs such as insurance do not need to be "bundled sales" like traditional brands, but can be selected by users themselves, giving users a higher degree of freedom, so that we can buy a car more worry-free and comfortable. I like this way, after all, if the price is not different, I can save my mind and effort.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

However, after all, the overall sales model of traditional car companies has been determined, and there are so many related partners, it is difficult to turn around and do direct operation at once, and it is difficult to manage their own national sales for more than 100,000 units a month. Therefore, at least for a period of time, traditional brand users still need to engage in a price tug-of-war with sales, which is also no way to do it. Of course, we also hope that more and more brands will innovate in the sales process, promote transparent and open transaction prices, reduce the loopholes of 4S store pits to deceive consumers, and can refer more to new forces to transfer the location of selling cars to such as shopping malls or exhibition halls in urban areas, so that it is more convenient for consumers to go to the store to see the car experience.

Cheaper and cheaper to buy a car after years? Anti-peak season car price field survey

The editor said: In general, the current price discount on the major popular models is still in the recovery stage, and users who hold the coin and wait and see feel that they can wait a little, and in the traditional car buying off-season such as March and April, there is a chance to usher in higher price concessions. At the end of last year, Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association of Passenger Vehicles, said that new energy vehicles will increase sharply this year, so under the similar purchase price, on the one hand, there is a more convenient car environment, on the other hand, there is a lower cost of use, and whether users will move closer to the other side, so that new energy can really achieve curve overtaking in sales, we will wait and see.

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