
Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinking could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff clever trick to dissolve (above) the founding generals of new China, worthy of the title of "only a great hero can be true, is a real celebrity from the wind"

author:Nairobi Dreams

Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinkage could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff's clever tricks were resolved (Part 1)

Among the founding generals of New China, there are not a few people who deserve the praise of "only a great hero can be his true color, and he is a true celebrity who is a true celebrity from the wind", but there are very few heroes who are true to the hero, the style of the celebrity, and the temperament of the jianghu hero, and the typical of this is none other than General Xu Shiyou.

General Xu Shiyou not only captured the flag militarily and made outstanding military achievements, but also had a cheerful and vengeful personality, straightforward and arrogant.

Such a temperamental person, life is naturally indispensable to the company of "wine".

1. Shaolin warrior monk, enlisted in the Red Army

In early 1906, General Xu Shiyou was born in a remote village called Hepu Village, where the mountains are dangerous and the traffic is blocked. Like most of the people in his hometown, Xu Shiyou's family was poor, and to make matters worse, his father died prematurely, leaving him and his mother to live together.

By chance, Xu Shiyou became acquainted with a Yunyou martial monk and followed him to the Shaolin Temple to learn art. In this martial arts holy land, Xu Shiyou's skills have improved by leaps and bounds, especially in boxing and stick techniques.

Later, the news came from his hometown that his mother was critically ill, and Xu Shiyou singled out more than 100 martial monks in accordance with the temple rules and opened four mountain gates. Although he was only sixteen years old at this time, his martial arts and filial piety were evident.

After returning to his hometown, Xu Shiyou found that his mother's serious illness was only a rumor, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. But soon after, Xu Shiyou bid farewell to his mother again, for no other reason than him - to join the army!

Xu Shiyou's hometown was located in the junction area of Eyu-Anhui, where the reactionary forces of the landlords were particularly rampant, and the people who could not bear exploitation joined the ranks of the Communist Party, and Xu Shiyou joined the Red Army at that time.

Xu Shiyou's military career was roughly divided into four stages, the first stage was the agrarian revolution period, Xu Shiyou participated in the construction of the Eyu-Anhui Soviet District, and subsequently participated in the Long March.

Whether in the Soviet zone or on the Long March Road, Xu Shiyou was not afraid of death, took the lead, and repeatedly used mobile tactics to defeat enemy troops whose numbers and equipment were far higher than his own.

The second stage was during the War of Resistance Against Japan, when Xu Shiyou turned to Taihang and Shandong, during which he repeatedly used guerrilla tactics to break the enemy. Both the Japanese army and wang pseudo were afraid of the Shandong column led by Xu Shiyou.

The third stage was the Liberation War, in which Xu Shiyou served as the commander of the Ninth Column of Huaye and defeated the enemy in the Battle of Laiwu and the Battle of Jiaodong.

In particular, in the Battle of Menglianggu, the "Reorganized Seventy-fourth Division" of the Kuomintang ace unit was annihilated in one fell swoop, and the division commander Zhang Lingfu was killed, which dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of the Kuomintang reactionaries. Subsequently, he led his troops to capture Jinan and liberate Shandong.

The fourth stage is a local war after liberation, the most typical of which is the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. At this time, he was old and had to sit in the rear, but he was still undiminished, and he repeatedly broke through the enemies in his strategizing, and cut down the hostile forces on the border.

Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinking could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff clever trick to dissolve (above) the founding generals of new China, worthy of the title of "only a great hero can be true, is a real celebrity from the wind"
Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinking could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff clever trick to dissolve (above) the founding generals of new China, worthy of the title of "only a great hero can be true, is a real celebrity from the wind"
Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinking could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff clever trick to dissolve (above) the founding generals of new China, worthy of the title of "only a great hero can be true, is a real celebrity from the wind"
Xu Shiyou only drank Moutai, the salary shrinking could not afford to buy Moutai, and the staff clever trick to dissolve (above) the founding generals of new China, worthy of the title of "only a great hero can be true, is a real celebrity from the wind"

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