
Li Bai no. 1, Wang Bo no. 9 point 9, Su Shi no. 10, 2345678 vacancies. The first part of "Will Enter the Wine" is now circulating in the Song version; in 1900, the Tang version was discovered in the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave

author:There are magic debts in the heart of the stock to the gold

Li Bai no. 1, Wang Bo no. 9 point 9, Su Shi no. 10, 2345678 vacancies.

The first part of "Will Enter the Wine" is now circulating in the Song version; in 1900, the Tang version was discovered in the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave, called "Xi XuanKong", which means that unfortunately the wine glass is empty and empty.

The text is also slightly different, a little bit worse, and the result is not a little worse.

You don't see the water of the Yellow River rising from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning.

Jun did not see the bedside mirror sad white hair, towards the clouds twilight into snow.

Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden sky to the moon.

I was born with talent, and I have come back after a thousand golds.

To cook sheep and slaughter cattle for pleasure, one must drink three hundred cups at a time.

Cen Fuzi, Dan Qiusheng, and JunGe a song, please Jun pour for me.

The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive, but I hope that I will not wake up after a long time of drunkenness.

All the sages of the ancient world are dead, but the drinker keeps his name.

King Chen used to feast peacefully and enjoy it, fighting wine and ten thousand people's indulgences.

What the master says is less money, he must sell it to the

Five flowers and horses, thousands of gold qiu, Hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine, and Er will sell all the ancient sorrows.

Jun does not see the bedside mirror sad white hair, is the head of the bed, not the high hall, more grounded, more lifelike, so more moving.

As soon as Li Bai opened his mouth, it was a sea of stars, three thousand miles away.

Say it's too late, it's fast, one pulls you back, falls on the bed, you see, you look up in the mirror.

Ah, wouldn't you?

Those who abandon me shall not stay on yesterday's day.

Those who mess with my heart, how troublesome today is!

I'm white on the outside, white on the inside, I'm "Li Bai"?

I am born to be useful.

Are you sure?

I am born to be handsome!

It's true!

Cen Fuzi, Dan Qiusheng, will enter the wine, the cup does not stop. With a song of Jun, please listen to it for me.

After drinking three hundred cups, the glasses are empty, and the wine glasses will not stop, empty cups to drink?

Sing without wine, don't listen, just pour, serve, just kneel!

The ancient sages were all lonely, but the drinker kept his name.

Playing a lonely game?

Lonely or playing a ghost? Let's all die, die!

Just leave me, I am Li Bai, Sheng Tang opened for me!

Tang Xuanzong did not think so, Sheng Tang was opened by his Li family.

Although Tang Xuanzong invited Li Bai to his home as a guest and personally went out to greet him, the guest returned to the guest, and the Lord returned to the Lord.

Just ask Li Bai to write poems for him and his wife Yang Guifei for fun, eat and live, the salary is also high, a lot of points, never in arrears, can it?

I think back then, I Li Bai bragged with my wife before going out:

When I went out, my wife forcibly pulled my clothes and asked me how many days to return from the west?

When he returned, if he admired the golden seal, Mo Xue Su Qin would not take the opportunity.

I Li Bai Guan Zhong's talent, Zhuge Zhizhi, Wenneng Anbang, Wu Neng Dingguo, not Ma Baoguo, happy to meet the prosperous world, respect for knowledge and respect for talents, worship will enter the phase of this small goal is not too much, right?

Therefore, I went out of the sword gate in the west and looked at the world:

Yang Tian laughed and went out, my generation is a basil person.

It really turned out!

It also caused me to climb a lot of high mountains and my legs were lame.

Whoops, whoops, whoops! The difficulty of the Shu Dao is difficult to go to the Qingtian!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What am I going to do to climb this ghost mountain, why not go up to the sky?

Speaking is the most beautiful language, and the inner language is the most moving poem.

Li Bai's poems, just like speeches, speak from the heart, open the mouth, and shake the earth.

Therefore, Du Fu is Li Bai's little fan brother, and he has exaggerated the "brother of my family" to the heavens: the pen fell in a storm, and Wencheng cried ghosts!

Li Baidou wine hundred poems,

Chang'an City sleeps at a restaurant.

The Son of Heaven does not come to the ship,

He claimed to be a wine immortal.

Therefore, Li Bai said that I was not convinced, borrowed wine to go crazy, asked Colliers to wear slippers for him, and then carried and lifted shoes.

Who is Colliers?

The Grand Eunuch, Li Lianying's predecessor, Lafayette's "predecessor", Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei's "pimp", Yang Guifei was originally the wife of Tang Xuanzong's son, and Ming Media was marrying.

Therefore, Li Bai sleepwalked in heaven and stayed behind.

The lake and the moon shone on me and sent me to The Creek.

Half of the wall sees the sea and the sun, and the sky smells of the rooster.

The clouds are green and rainy, and the water is full of smoke.

And put the white deer between the green cliffs, you must ride to visit the famous mountain.

Ann can crush the brow and bend the waist of the magnate, so that I can't be happy!

Li Bai, the person with capital letters!

Ren Wulin who leads the way, but I only bend your waist for you!

One punch smashed the Yellow Crane Tower, and one kick overturned Parrot Island.

The yellow crane is gone, and the white clouds are long in the air.

From now on, the resignation must be read less, and only Li Wangsu should be read.

Ercao's body is divided from his name, and he does not waste the rivers and rivers for eternity!

Li bai!

My heart

You are the heaviest

You use true love to chivalry

Change my pride

Sword in hand

There are fairies

Ask the world who is the hero

Reign in this world

Return to the Red Sun!

Li Bai no. 1, Wang Bo no. 9 point 9, Su Shi no. 10, 2345678 vacancies. The first part of "Will Enter the Wine" is now circulating in the Song version; in 1900, the Tang version was discovered in the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave
Li Bai no. 1, Wang Bo no. 9 point 9, Su Shi no. 10, 2345678 vacancies. The first part of "Will Enter the Wine" is now circulating in the Song version; in 1900, the Tang version was discovered in the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave
Li Bai no. 1, Wang Bo no. 9 point 9, Su Shi no. 10, 2345678 vacancies. The first part of "Will Enter the Wine" is now circulating in the Song version; in 1900, the Tang version was discovered in the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave

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