
Gu Ailing: The biggest noble person in life is the mother

On February 8, Gu Ailing made the world's most difficult action in the event on the freestyle ski jump, reversing the gold.

This 18-year-old genius girl has become a national idol.

Starting to ski at the age of 3, Gu Ailing won more than 50 gold medals at the age of 14, some of which have a high gold content.

After becoming a Chinese citizen, she won 11 gold medals for China in two years.

Watching the documentary "Gu Ailing: I, 18", there is a detail that moved me very much.

Mother Gu has always regarded Ailing as a friend and grown up together.

She often said to her daughter: You don't have to thank me, you don't owe me anything, I just thank you.

This sentence is really touching.

Training a skier is very expensive.

But my mother did not say: How much money I have spent for you, you must fight for it, what award you want to get.

What she said was: You don't owe me anything.

Such a tolerant education made Gu Ailing extremely self-disciplined.

She has a strong internal drive.

She lost her first adult competition, and with her illness, she was in a bad state.

Although her mother always said that it didn't matter, the strong Gu Ailing said:

"Flying so far to the game, packing everything over, mom has worked so hard for so long, I think it shouldn't be."

Such a cognition is much deeper than constantly saying "you have to be sensible" and "you have to be grateful" around your child.

Too many parents like to treat their children with guilt-based education:

"Mom and Dad have paid so much for you, you have to be worthy of us."

"We are thrifty, not for you, why don't you fight?"

Making children feel guilty, which translates into motivation for moving forward, is a trick that many parents have tried and failed.

In the short term, it is true that the purpose can be achieved quickly, and in the long run, it will have a great negative impact on the establishment of a benign parent-child relationship.

Children do not dare to have their own ideas, and can only find their own value in pleasing and obeying others.

Gu Ailing: The biggest noble person in life is the mother


The importance of homeschooling

Gu Ailing is indeed the chosen daughter.

She's pretty, hardworking, smart, cheerful... Almost all the good qualities are concentrated on her.

And she's only 18 years old, and the possibilities are endless.

It is difficult for ordinary people to reach her height in their lifetime, but don't forget that behind her, a strong mother is supporting her.

The more we feel gu Ailing's family education experience, the more it reflects a common phenomenon:

Too many parents, giving their children what they can't do, put their hopes on their children.

Parents don't get into college and want their children to get ahead.

Parents do not have a glamorous job, and they want their children to work hard to earn face for themselves.

They can't accept that children are ordinary, even if they are ordinary people.

They spur their children to grow, even if they only lie flat.

Can such an educational environment raise a Gu Ailing-style child?

There are too many variables in the growth of children.

They are not mass-produced products, and everyone will have a different personality and thoughts.

We can decide our own life goals, but we can't make decisions for our children, and what parents can do is guide.

Children are born not with the unfulfilled wishes of their parents; they come into the world as experiences, not tasks.

Encouraging children to work hard and accept their ordinariness is the best way to educate.

As Mother Gu said:

Most importantly, always keep the curiosity and never give up learning for the rest of your life.

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