
I suggest that children's shoes in the south can apply for universities in the northeast, and there are more high-quality universities in the northeast, but the score is low (geographical reasons). The weather in the northeast is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the climate is dry, which is suitable for human habitation.

author:Yi Yi Yi

I suggest that children's shoes in the south can apply for universities in the northeast, and there are more high-quality universities in the northeast, but the score is low (geographical reasons). The weather in the northeast is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the climate is dry, which is suitable for human habitation. Why say winter warmth: because there is heating equipment in winter, the indoor temperature reaches more than 25 degrees, which is very comfortable.

In addition, the winter vacation in the northeast is very long, from New Year's Day to the beginning of March is a holiday, a full two months. In this way, the time for New Year's entertainment is very sufficient. Unlike the south, after the Lantern Festival, the school has begun one after another, and the New Year has not played enough, and I always feel unhappy. On the contrary, the university summer vacation in the south is very long, because july and August are too hot, squeezing the class time forward a lot, in short, you will not be disappointed when you come to the northeast.

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