
This is a narrative novella about the history of Ningcheng County in Chifeng City, and the content is true - the fifteenth (4) Muhua Li attacked liaoxi liaodong Aotun xiang defended Beijing Dading Taizu nine years (AD

author:Golden Autumn Vision

This is a narrative novella about the history of Ningcheng County in Chifeng City, and the content is true - the fifteenth of Daning

(4) In March of the ninth year (1214 AD) of the ninth year (1214 AD) of the Mongol army in the northern suburbs of zhongdu (present-day Beijing), the capital of Jin, Muhua Li attacked the Liaodong Liaodong Aotun Xiang defending Beijing, and sent envoys to threaten the Jin court, extorting many golden warriors, 3,000 horses, and 500 boys and girls, and the Jin state also offered Princess Qiguo, the daughter of King Wei Shao, to Genghis Khan, in exchange for the retreat of the Mongol army. In April, Genghis Khan led a large army to Yu'erpo (in present-day Keshketeng Banner, Chifeng City) for a summer retreat; MuhuaLi led the historians and other hundreds of thousands of troops north to the Mongolian plateau to recuperate. In May, in order to avoid the Mongol army, the Jin Emperor moved the capital to Kaifeng Province. Genghis Khan was furious and organized a large army to prepare to go south to conquer the Jin Dynasty. At this time, Shi Tianni suggested to Mu Huali:

Jin abandoned Youyan and moved the capital to Yubei, which had been a mistake. Liaoshui east and west counties, the heart of Jin also. If I have Daning (press, refers to the late Jin Dynasty Beijing Road Governance Office Dading Province, this road was changed to Daning Road in the Yuan Dynasty, and there is also Daning County In Dading Province. This article uses the title of "Daning", which is the inaccurate word used by those who repair the "History of the Yuan") to strangle his throat, then although Jin has Liaoyang, it cannot be guaranteed in the end. ”

Mu Huali agreed with this suggestion and presented it to the emperor. The Khitan Shi Moyexian (also known as Xiao Yexian) suggested to Genghis Khan to first capture Tokyo (present-day Liaoyang). After considering these two opinions, Genghis Khan ordered Muhua Li to lead an army to capture Beijing in western Liaoning and Tokyo in eastern Liaoning. It is expected to capture Zhongjing first, and then liaodong.

Judging from the overall strategic deployment of the Mongol army, this is a larger-scale all-round attack on Gold launched by the Mongols in the name of requisitioning Jinting to move south. Among them, Muhua Li's forces captured Liaodong in western Liaoning, which could not only cut off the mutual support between the Jin court and the northeast Jin army, but also establish a new and stable defensive strategic base for the Mongols in Daning. The Ming Dynasty's "Yuan Shi Taizu Ji" is very rough and erroneous in this account: only nine years (1214 AD) was recorded: "In the winter of October, Muhua Li marched on Liaodong", and Gaozhou (belonging to Liaoxi) fell. In February of the tenth year, Muhua Li attacked Beijing, and Marshal Jin replied to the tiger and Ugulun to surrender the city."

Early Ming Dynasty revised the "Yuan History? Although the Taizu Chronicle can be used in the Taizu Records, this record was only written and revised 60 years after Taizu's death, that is, after the four dynasties, while the Taizu Dynasty in the early days of the Mongol Khanate was the first to create a dynasty, busy with war, and there was no "Notes on Living", and literature was scarce. The revision content of the "Records of Taizu" is mostly based on recollection, or the summarization or extraction of the relevant contents of some personal biographies, which leads to the roughness or inaccuracy of the "Records of Taizu", which is inevitably unsatisfactory. In the "Records of The History of Meng'er" written by the Influential Qing Dynasty in the field of historiography, the "Yuan Shi Taizu Ji" only recorded the southward movement of the Mongol army as "Conquest of Liaodong" and changed it to "Conquest of Western Liaoning". This revision has its correct side, but it also lacks the "conquest of Liaodong", which is also inappropriate.

In the autumn of the ninth year of Taizu (1214 AD) (probably in the late second half of the year), Muhua Lihua's division marched south from the Mongolian plateau through Linhuang Province, with General Wuye as the vanguard, and several generals of the Shi family accompanied the army. After arriving at Gaozhou (高州, in present-day Tuchengzi Village, Fengshuigou Town, Yuanbaoshan District, present-day City) on the sixth day of October, the jin garrison generals were so frightened that they surrendered the city without a fight. The Mongol army then marched south to Dading Province.

Dadingfu on Beijing Road is one of the five capitals of the Jin Dynasty, and because it is the military stronghold in the northeast region that the Jin dynasty values most, it naturally attaches great importance to the garrison here. Grain and grass were prepared, and more than 200,000 troops were mobilized to guard the city. In February of that year, the imperial court dispatched Marshal Aotunxiang to conduct military affairs in beijing, and in May, Jin Ting promoted Aotunxiang to be a beijing retainer (正三品, chief judge and head of the Terracotta Army), and concurrently held a former post. Soon he was promoted to the post of Envoy and Remainer of Beijing Road. The Jin court also appointed Yan Xilie as the "Beijing Xuancha Raising Control" sent by the imperial court to supervise the army in Dadingfu to assist in the defense of the city.

After Otunxiang learned that the Mongol army had forced the defenders of Gaozhou to surrender in the south, he believed that he had heavy troops and failed to accurately judge the combat strength of the two sides, believing that the Mongol army had come from afar and could make a surprise attack on it without rest. Therefore, Yinqing (also written as Yimuqin) personally led 200,000 Jin troops north to fight against the Mongol army.

In a place called "Flower Road" (the latest version in recent years is that it is the town of Gushan in the present-day Yuanbaoshan District), the two armies fought a fierce battle. Due to the low morale of the Jin soldiers, they were far less courageous and good at fighting than the Mongol army, especially since the Mongol army went south, it had not carried out a decent battle, and it was in a state of high morale and combat effectiveness. As a result, the Jin soldiers were defeated by the Mongol army, and about 80,000 people were killed. The remaining 100,000 remnants of the Jin army (including the wounded) had to retreat to the city of Beijing, holding on to the danger and not daring to slacken off in the slightest.

This is a narrative novella about the history of Ningcheng County in Chifeng City, and the content is true - the fifteenth (4) Muhua Li attacked liaoxi liaodong Aotun xiang defended Beijing Dading Taizu nine years (AD
This is a narrative novella about the history of Ningcheng County in Chifeng City, and the content is true - the fifteenth (4) Muhua Li attacked liaoxi liaodong Aotun xiang defended Beijing Dading Taizu nine years (AD

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