
"The Pain of Work" No. 6 - the pain of entrepreneurship, work is a dead end, entrepreneurship is a dead end. Continue to share today, Fudan University teacher Liang Yongan shared online, the theme is the pain of entrepreneurship. First of all

author:For the good sister

"The Pain of Work" No. 6 - the pain of entrepreneurship, work is a dead end, entrepreneurship is a dead end.

Continue to share today, Fudan University teacher Liang Yongan shared online, the theme is the pain of entrepreneurship.

First of all, almost everyone has the desire to start a business, why? Because standardized production deprives people of their creative type, and the refined division of labor simplifies and formats people. So in human nature, we want to start a business.

Then, starting a business is about creating a way of life that unleashes your own passion and cherishes the people you meet along the way. [We may not be able to achieve the original intention, but we can stick to the original intention].

Finally, entrepreneurial failure is highly likely. But people are most afraid of not having vicissitudes, and failure itself is a rich experience of human nature.

Of course, after listening to this lesson, there is no need to start a business, but Teacher Liang recommends the logic that young people are difficult to go first and easy later. If it is easy to start first, such as entering a highly standardized unit, it seems very safe, but there are more difficulties after the age of 35.

The above is the course collation, I have more experience and recognition of the first two points.

I am for the good sister, to provide temperature can operate the career counseling - competitiveness scan, career problem diagnosis and action advice, Holland career planning analysis, resume modification, mock interview 1-2 times each 30 points, OFFER selection advice. #创业 #

"The Pain of Work" No. 6 - the pain of entrepreneurship, work is a dead end, entrepreneurship is a dead end. Continue to share today, Fudan University teacher Liang Yongan shared online, the theme is the pain of entrepreneurship. First of all

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