
22M | comes from the child's unconditional love


One year and ten months, all aspects have entered a relatively stable stage.

Sleep is very regular, maintain 12 hours of sleep every day, turn off the lights after reading three books at night, turn off the lights in bed for half an hour, and fall asleep around nine o'clock. Wake up at 7:30 in the morning, play by yourself until 8 o'clock and then get up with the adults, read 2 books before the lunch break, and then sleep for an hour or two in one breath.

Eat well, not picky eaters, like to eat vegetables and steamed buns, eat with adults, whether at home or eat out is very interesting. If you are crying, ask him if you want to eat kiwifruit, you will immediately say eat with a crying voice, and then turn your attention to food. He doesn't eat snacks much, and he doesn't often offer snacks at home, and even if he does, he will be asked to share them. You can eat independently and do not need family support. Finally gained a little weight, almost 25 pounds, but the height is relatively high, so the overall is a normal weight.

Still maintaining an interest in cars, cars occupy 2/3 of the toys, and most of the picture books are also cars. Recognize the names of various cars, including rare cars such as car carriers, tire rollers, breakers, etc. I don't like to brush my teeth and wash my hands, but I can discuss it, such as taking a car to brush my teeth, choosing my own toothpaste flavor, gargling my mouth, and pretending to wash my hands for adults.

According to my own assessment, big exercise may be lacking, do not jump on both feet, usually walk barefoot at home, and when you go out, you can easily fall down when you run with shoes.

Social skills [probably] like me and my spouse (but don't want to label him too early), see the living person will hide behind adults, do not like to be hugged by strangers, and occasionally say "no" when being hugged, only he can take the initiative to hug others. He does not often play with other children, and even if he plays together, he will be immersed in his own world, and when others talk to him, they do not know whether they have not heard or are distracted, and they often ignore people. He will say xx is his friend, but he doesn't interact with each other very often when they meet. Most of the time is spent at home or in nature, and there is a lack of opportunities to socialize.

Have a sense of property rights, see your favorite toy when shopping, and ask him if this is yours? He said no, then let go of his hand don't. If it is not their own toys, others will not react, it is their own toys that others will cry when they take them, but they will not take them back. Will share toys with familiar friends, not often with strangers.

Don't like the noise and playground, may be annoying, such as the playground of the train, carousel, sit on the cry, see the kind of cackling or singing of the kind of amusement facilities said "go fast", do not want to stay on the side.

Will memorize 2 ancient poems, will count to 2, will sing a song, basically know the number within 10, know most of the colors, there are concepts of size, height, left and right, this is not what I teach, I do not approve of teaching children these early.

The boundaries are clear, everyone in the home has their own slippers, mobile phone, seat, can not be confused use, otherwise he will intervene. In some aspects, he has a strong sense of consciousness, such as when he goes out for a walk, he has to take the initiative to choose the route, if he does not listen to him, he will not be satisfied. But it is easy to be persuaded, as long as you tell him the reason, you will basically listen to it and then obey.

There is unlimited enthusiasm for picture books, the theme is not limited to vehicle traffic, and most of the picture books are more interested. Picture books are part of everyday life, and they are read when eating and going out to play. You can remember the contents of several picture books that you often read, and when an adult tells you, he can pick up the next sentence, and he can also connect the contents of the picture books with real life.

Can say simple sentences, such as "Pippi does not eat kiwifruit, mother eats kiwifruit", the pronunciation is vague, and many of the content said is still guessed, such as not making f sounds, and the bee pronounces it as Honeydon. I would say eight hundred times a day that I loved my mother and hugged my mother, and his love for me was unconditional, and I could feel it. I know the names of everyone in the family, and once said that I called my name in the middle of the night in a dream.

Frequent drooling and habitually not shutting up, I suspect this is caused by adenoidal hypertrophy, but without a doctor's diagnosis, it is impossible to assert.

22M | comes from the child's unconditional love

Run like a penguin

Socializing is for children

The parenting books I read before said that the personality of the child can be felt through fetal movement during the fetal period, which does not necessarily have a scientific basis. Now that the child is nearly 2 years old, his personality is indeed gradually revealing. Sooner or later, parents will realize this, no matter how they are raised, their children will eventually become more and more like themselves.

Psychologists have been working on whether human growth is more genetically or environmentally affected, and many experiments have been designed to control variables, such as twin experiments. No matter which factor has a greater impact, there is no doubt that genes come from parents, the environment is chosen and created by parents, and no matter how parents intervene, children will grow up more and more like their parents.

Family members occasionally worry about their children's social skills because neither I nor my spouse are very extroverts, and they worry about their children as well. I think it's okay that the child is still young, can't directly label him as unsociable, don't have to force him, continue to accompany him to grow up. Even if he grows up to find that he really doesn't like socializing (and not what others suggest), it doesn't matter. When I think about my own upbringing, the biggest impact of introversion on me is not introversion itself, but that my family does not accept my introversion, so much so that I feel that it is a shortcoming. Now I have accepted this trait of my own, thinking that it does not matter whether it is good or bad, just like some people like apples and some people like oranges, people are different, each has its own characteristics.

But acceptance and acceptance, creating a social environment for their children, is what parents must do. Socialization is very important for children, unlike adults who have the ability to self-regulate and can be self-consistent without too many friends, children need to gradually learn how to get along with others. The social skills I understand are the ability to express myself clearly and honestly and to have empathy to understand others, and I believe that sooner or later my child will do it, because that's how I get along with him.

22M | comes from the child's unconditional love

Wearing my beret to help me get the courier, my hands were frozen red

Coping with parenting anxiety

It seems that every once in a while I write about parenting anxiety. At this stage, I don't have too much anxiety, the only worry is that the children who may have to change to urban work in the future will not be able to adapt, but this matter has not been skimmed and is not worth mentioning. And the worry comes from my own projection, I have a little difficulty adapting to a new environment, sometimes afraid of change, but the child may like it.

I like to look at things in terms of Brown Finnbrenner's ecosystem theory, where human growth is influenced by many factors that interact together to shape a person.

22M | comes from the child's unconditional love

This gives me a lot of inspiration, in fact, the part of parents that can influence their children is limited, there are many factors that are uncontrollable; in this part of the factors that parents can control, parents can never be perfect.

Therefore, the most direct thing parents can do is to be themselves. If you want your child to be what kind of person, you become that kind of person yourself. If you live like your ideal, but the child does not follow this path, the parents cannot do anything else. You can only give the child the greatest freedom, and after he falls, he does not blame but gives him to rely on. Thinking through these is equivalent to acknowledging that parents are not omnipotent, and parents in the future of their children will face many factors that are powerless to control, and it is normal to have depression, so that it is much easier psychologically.

So I didn't have much anxiety. My family and I are good people, and so are our children. I have a passion and habit for lifelong learning, and so will my children. I want him to grow up and love sports, and he will. He will eventually become the person who is responsible for his own life. Kindness, staying enthusiastic about learning, being healthy, being responsible for myself, these are more important to me, the backbone of a tree. As for whether he drools or not, when he will count, I don't really care about these things (I don't rule out that the child has not yet grown to an age to care), just the branches next to the trunk.

But at the moment my peace is not based on ignorance, the child has grown to almost 2 years old, the parenting books I have read are about the same height as him, these books have no effect on how to raise a good child, the biggest role is to let me know where the boundaries are. For children who lack love, parents need to pay more attention to their children and need to relearn how to love. For doting children, parents need to restrain their efforts, and it is more important for parents not to do anything than to do it. It is difficult to be just right, the standards of each family are different, I am groping for the boundaries between the two, and I am also forming a parenting model that suits me, and gradually settling down in the process of groping and growing. Moreover, I believe in my ability to perceive, to perceive and reflect, to be my gift, and it has taught me that I will not make the same mistakes over and over again. I also believe in children because I know that his love for me is as strong as I am to him, and no matter what happens later, this will not change.

22M | comes from the child's unconditional love

A small jiojio when I was 3 months old

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