
How to relieve menopausal discomfort symptoms? Talk about the idea of Chinese medicine # Healthy too big year # A series of discomfort symptoms before and after menopause are collectively called "menopausal syndrome". Whether it is insomnia night sweats, spleen

author:Dr. Xu Siyue of orthopedics

How to relieve menopausal discomfort symptoms? Tell us about the thinking of Chinese medicine

#健康过大年 #

A series of discomfort symptoms before and after menopause are collectively referred to as "menopausal syndrome". Whether it is insomnia night sweats, poor temper, poor memory, or menstrual changes, these are not called diseases, but just a signal of the body.

The essence of producing them is actually the same: estrogen deficiency, and Chinese medicine says eight words: yin is below, yang is floating above. Simply put, the "liver yin" and "kidney yin" are insufficient, it seems that the yang is too hyperetic, and the yang goes up, and this "yin and yang imbalance" state appears.

How to understand it?

Menopause is caused by a sudden decline in estrogen in the body, that is, Chinese medicine says that "women are exhausted for seven or seven days", the kidney yin declines, and people turn from middle age to old age and enter menopause.

Why is it that I have a grumpy personality and am prone to anger? It is because the liver and kidney are homologous, the kidney essence is deficient, the liver yin is also insufficient, the yin does not make the yang, the liver and yang are hyperactive, and the liver is soft, so it is easy to lose temper.

Why hot flashes night sweats? It is because the yin is not making the yang, the heat is steamed, and the heat is forced to the surface of the body and discharged through sweat. Especially when sleeping at night, people are in a state of "yang into yin" after falling asleep, but at this time the body is in a state of "yang floating on top", the two yangs are added together, and the heat forces the jin liquid to leak out, which becomes night sweats.

Why insomnia? To fall asleep, you have to return to the state of "yang into yin", but in menopause, yin deficiency makes yin and yang lose intercourse, so insomnia occurs.

Speaking of which, let's talk about the idea of solving this series of problems

One is to "regulate emotions"

The ancients spoke of fifty and knew the Mandate of Heaven.

When people reach 50, they should look at life. Those who could not think of it and could not see it before, at this time, we must also learn to put it down, do not worry about others, do not calculate with ourselves, and avoid further aggravating the "hyperactivity of the liver and yang".

Second, we must "nourish the yin and replenish the decay"

Especially to supplement liver yin, kidney yin, while eating more natural estrogen (decoction) rich in substances, the best substance is soybeans.

Chinese medicine says that eating soybeans often can "grow skin, benefit color, fill bone marrow, add strength, and supplement the deficiency and eat", which is the result of alleviating the symptoms of menopause.

It is inconvenient to eat soybeans directly, "compound calcium iron zinc soy protein powder" is really a good alternative choice, and it is also convenient to make up. Serve 2 cups daily. From a Western medical point of view, it can supplement soy isoflavones, which are natural estrogens. It also adds calcium, iron and zinc, which is needed by the body during menopause.

I am @Orthopedics Dr. Xu Siyue, today I will tell you about the ideas of Chinese medicine.

【Calcium iron zinc】Compound soy protein powder

How to relieve menopausal discomfort symptoms? Talk about the idea of Chinese medicine # Healthy too big year # A series of discomfort symptoms before and after menopause are collectively called "menopausal syndrome". Whether it is insomnia night sweats, spleen

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