
The year has passed, what should I reflect on the new year painting? At the moment, some Westerners ridicule Chinese have no religious beliefs, some Chinese

author:Comment on the painting

The year has passed, what should I reflect on the new year painting? (Talk 3 of the Annual Culture Series)

Section 3: Chinese-style worship

At present, some Westerners ridicule Chinese have no religious beliefs, and some Chinese also defame themselves for having no religious beliefs.

In this regard, we can take out the dusty pottery pieces and tell them in a calm tone that the religious beliefs of the Chinese were born in ancient times, older than the oracle bones of the old dragon clock. Moreover, Chinese religious beliefs are even more generous, not exclusive.

For thousands of years, China's religious beliefs have been continuously open sourced and expanded, inclusive, inclusive, ancestor worship and nature worship, local religions and foreign religions, local religions and industry religions in parallel, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and other major religions in space mixed, in the concept of convergence, even Confucianism is also to a certain extent religious.

Various localities have also created a large number of familial, regional, and industrial religions, such as ancestral halls, which are symbols of ancestors, coastal areas that believe in Mazu, Tai yi mountain districts that believe in Taishan's old mother, Hong Kong who believe in Wong Tai Sin, who do business believe in the god of culture and martial arts, carpenters who believe in Lu Banye, who rely on mountains and eat mountains, who believe in mountain gods, tea farmers who believe in Lu Yu, liyuan people who believe in laolang gods, and literati students who believe in Wenchang Emperor Jun, which can be described as a hundred flowers blooming and a garden full of spring colors.

These various religious beliefs have woven a moral law and woven the moral code and value system of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has endured hardships, but it has never stopped, shining the world several times, if it is a nation without religious beliefs, how can it create a brilliant civilization? Why should all nations be admired? How did you get here?

Unfortunately, we later denied too much self-denial, spilled children with dirty water, and the traditional moral code and value system were shattered, so that we lost our cultural self-confidence in the wave of modernization and globalization.

Unlike the strong exclusivity of some religions, Chinese religious beliefs are inclusive and pluralistic, and the cultural influence of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and local and professional religions can be found in every family and in every individual.

Unlike the Western religious ceremony of going to the church once a week to pray, the New Year of the Chinese is actually the most concentrated, solemn and grandest religious ceremony, which is the annual big worship!

The whole annual custom activity is actually a series of worship and belief ceremonies, and the main line running through these rituals is people's sense of sacredness, reverence, filial piety, benevolence and other noble consciousness and emotions. In this annual "great prayer", interpersonal relationships are adjusted, feelings are promoted, moral standards are tightened again, and the soul is re-examined and baptized.

From a series of annual activities, we can deeply feel the warmth of this thousand-year-old river, and we can see the light of moral benevolence shining on the river for thousands of years.

Ren Tiandao, as an illustrator, cooperated with Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House, China Peace Publishing House and other publishing institutions to complete more than 400 works of illustration, representative works include "Chinese Mythological Stories", "Greek Mythological Stories", "Little Fart Child Diary", "Great Detective Pineapple", "Magical Mathematical Kingdom", etc., which sell well throughout the country and have a high influence in the children's group.

As an illustrator, I try to draw out the new year customs and let people understand what the Chinese new year is.

The year has passed, what should I reflect on the new year painting? At the moment, some Westerners ridicule Chinese have no religious beliefs, some Chinese

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