
#What's the stupidest thing you did when you were a kid #In my hometown village, on the extension of the north street of the county town, a straight dirt road connects to the bell tower. I remember it was very hot that summer, more than three years old

author:No, it's too late

#What's the stupidest thing you did when you were a kid# In my hometown village, on the extension of North Avenue in the county seat, a straight dirt road connects to the bell tower. I remember that summer was very hot, when I was a little more than three years old, I ripped off my belly wrapped, and embarked on the road to the county town without any clothes, after a long journey of about 500 meters, I slipped into the County Qin Cavity Theater, the theater was very large, the front row position seemed to be reserved for someone, I was not polite, and I sat up with dignity, looking on all fours. The gong and drum sounded, and the depressed Qin Cavity sent me to sleep, and at the end of the play, the cleaning uncle politely swept me out of the VIP seat, so he swung home again. I still don't understand whether this is stupid or whether it is a jigong possession. What I didn't understand was that after my mother heard about her heroic son's feat, instead of expressing concern, she laughed loudly. There were no rumors of child trafficking in that era.

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