
It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

author:Recipes to relieve worries

In the height of summer, we all want to find something in our diet that is both nutritious and delicious, leaving our bodies feeling light and our skin glowing. At this time, purple potatoes became the star of the table, and they were popular for their bright purple color and rich nutritional value. It is the "king of anthocyanins" and is rich in powerful antioxidants that help scavenge free radicals and slow down aging. Regular consumption of purple potatoes can also promote skin metabolism, reduce the formation of dark spots, and keep the skin bright and radiant.

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

The nutrition of purple sweet potato is much more than that, it is also rich in dietary fiber, which can help intestinal peristalsis, relieve constipation, and maintain gastrointestinal health. In addition, its low-fat and low-calorie properties are ideal for people who want to maintain a slim figure. Purple sweet potato contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can replenish energy and enhance physical fitness, and is a truly all-round nutrition star.

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

In terms of cooking, purple potatoes are extremely malleable, from simple steaming, boiling, and baking, to making purple potato pastries, purple potato salad, or purple potato porridge, each way can make it fully show its unique charm in taste and nutrition. Next, let's learn four purple potato recipes to skillfully incorporate this delicious and beautiful ingredient into your daily diet to add more healthy colors to this summer.

Recommended Recipe 1: Steamed purple potato

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Purple potatoes are very high in anthocyanins, a natural pigment that acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps fight aging and prevent cardiovascular disease. The simple steaming method maximizes the retention of nutrients in purple potatoes, including their rich vitamin C and potassium, which are essential for healthy skin and normal heart function.

Main ingredient: purple sweet potato

Here's how:

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Wash the purple potatoes and use a brush to remove the dirt on the surface.

Place the washed purple potatoes in the steamer.

Once the water is boiling, steam for about 20 to 30 minutes, gently prick it in with chopsticks, and remove it without resistance.

Peel and eat after cooling, and the sweet taste is perfect for a healthy snack.

Recommended Recipe 2: Purple Sweet Potato Puree

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Purple sweet potato puree not only has a delicate taste, but also is rich in dietary fiber, which helps promote intestinal health and prevent constipation. The antioxidants in purple sweet potato can effectively remove free radicals in the body and help you maintain youthful skin.

Main ingredients: purple sweet potato, milk, a little sugar

Here's how:

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Wash the purple potatoes, steam them, peel them, and put them in a large bowl.

Add an appropriate amount of milk and puree with a fork or mashed potato.

Add a pinch of sugar to taste, stir well and serve.

Recommended recipe 3: purple potato oatmeal porridge

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Purple sweet potato oatmeal porridge is a healthy breakfast option that is high in fiber and low in fat. The combination of purple sweet potato and oats not only provides the energy needed for the day, but also helps lower cholesterol, which is especially good for heart health.

Main ingredients: purple sweet potato, oats, water, milk

Here's how:

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Wash the purple potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

Put the oats and purple potato cubes together in a pot and add an appropriate amount of water.

Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the oats are cooked through.

Finally, add an appropriate amount of milk, bring to a boil and serve.

Recommended Recipe 4: Purple Sweet Potato Shake

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Purple Sweet Potato Shake is a healthy and delicious drink option where the high antioxidant properties of purple sweet potato and the high calcium content of milk work together to enhance your bone health while giving you plenty of nutrients.

Main ingredients: purple sweet potato, milk, honey

Here's how:

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Wash the purple sweet potato, steam it, peel it, and cut it into small pieces.

Place the purple sweet potato wedges, milk, and honey to taste in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour into a cup, add ice cubes or refrigerate for a while for a better taste.

It is the "king of anthocyanins", which girls often eat in summer, the pigmentation is gone, and the skin looks younger!

Whether steamed, boiled, pureed or made into a shake, purple sweet potato is delicious and can be easily integrated into different recipes, whether it is steamed, boiled, pureed or made into a milkshake, it can easily bring you both delicious and healthy enjoyment.

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