
Story: She married for love, and after getting married, she regretted not knowing each other's family earlier

Story: She married for love, and after getting married, she regretted not knowing each other's family earlier


Su Cicada bought a new house, facing the lake, with a wide view and a charming night view. The lake is blue and autumn, which is pleasant.

At that time, her husband Lin Bei's career had just started, and he took a loan, and buying this house could be described as fighting for half a life. For a long time to come, she may not be able to buy a lipstick of her choice.

But she doesn't think there's anything, life is good, the future is wonderful!

She had just given birth to her second child and had taken more than a year of maternity leave, during which the burden of the family was all on Lin Bei's head. Lin Bei is a self-motivated young man, working in a state-owned enterprise, and in a few years, he has risen two liters, and everyone praises him, saying that he has a good future.

Of course, if he didn't have this potential, Su Cicada wouldn't look up to him, let alone marry him.

Su Cicada's hometown is from the north, Lin Bei is from the south, the two learned civil engineering, and after graduation, they built bridges and roads in the northwest borderlands.

There were not many female employees on the construction site, and there were three people chasing Su Cicada at that time. Although she is thin, she is better than sweet, a baby face.

In this post, Su Cicada can't contact more of the opposite sex, not to mention, if someone can chase, her heart is always happy.

After several tests, Lin Bei finally won the hearts of the beauties with a "Moon and a Half Serenade" in KTV.

Both of them are old, twenty-something, stable love for a year, and they have considered marriage.

Lin Bei took Su Cicada back to his hometown, and the mountain road was eighteen bends.

The drivers of the motorcycle could not send it into a small southern village.

The House of the Lin Bei family is adobe, and the toilet is open-air. A temporary bathing room was built with wooden planks, and it was a big winter, and the cold wind drilled the cracks.

At that time, Mo's driver heard that her accent was not right and asked, "Girl, where are you from?" ”


"Oh, marry so far!" Such a broken place, do your parents know? ”

"I don't know." Su Cicada did not dare to tell her family.

After seeing this situation, she actually flinched in her heart, but she couldn't stand her love for Lin Bei. I thought it was a big deal to work for a few more years and buy a house in the city.

Lin Bei is hardworking, down-to-earth, handsome, playing basketball well, swimming is a good stick, anyway, everywhere is in line with her heart. If she gave up, she was almost certain that she would never meet someone she liked so much in the future.

Although the days are a little tight at present, there is always hope.

The young couple worked the construction site for several years, and made a down payment to buy a house in the city. Good location, parking lot through the subway entrance, the house is also large, three bedrooms and two halls of small western-style buildings.

But Lin Bei was still not satisfied, pointed to the villa area on the other side of the lake, and said to Su Cicada in a spirited manner: "Wife, you have been wronged here for a few years, I will definitely change you for a big one." ”

At that time, Su Cicada did not think so far, and the current life was exactly what she wanted.

As for the future, grit your teeth and it will only get better and better.


After Su Cicada gave birth to her second child, after a year of breastfeeding at home, she decided to return to the construction site.

Now the eldest is in kindergarten, and the younger is more than one year old. She thought that it was the time when she was under pressure, and she could earn some money when she went out, and when the child went to elementary school, she had to bring it herself no matter what.

She gave birth to two girls, and Lin Bei didn't say anything. It was only the day she went out, the mother-in-law hugged her little daughter to send her, and said on the side: "Ermao, my mother went out to make more money, and then came back to give you a brother." ”

When Su Cicada married, the in-laws did not clearly show a preference for sons and daughters.

But the in-laws' family relationship is special. Lin Bei's grandfather gave birth to four daughters, his mother Lin Jixiang was the eldest, and his father-in-law was the son-in-law who came to the door. In this way, I want to keep an incense.

If Su Cicada did not give birth to a son, it meant that the incense was in danger of being broken.

Su Cicada herself acquiesced, but listening to her say this, there was still a layer of "giggling" in her heart, and she just smiled stiffly.

The Great Northwest enters the autumn cold, and the frost flows every night. Although Su Cicada had prepared a sweater when she got off the train, she was still crushed by the wind at first.

Lin Bei came to pick her up, carried the bulky suitcase behind her, and dotingly reprimanded: "They all said don't bring so many things, what is missing here to buy!" ”

After saying that, a taxi took her.

Su Cicada leaned on him, didn't say anything, and unloaded his tiredness. The wind is long outside, and the night is boundless.

At that time, she had both a kind of satisfaction and attachment to accompany her husband, and she also thought of the young children in the family, full of unable to put it down.

Her mother-in-law is good at everything, not to mention the child, the kind that tells her to dig a heart out and she can do it immediately. But the old lady had a problem and liked to play cards.

Two years ago, when I brought a big treasure with the construction site, I once ran to the shed to read the cards, and I didn't come back in the middle of the night. Lin Bei thought that she had been taken away by wolves, so he urgently mobilized a dormitory person to find her, and finally escorted her back from the workers' shed.

Before getting married, Su Cicada had been staying with Lin Bei, and her heart was full of him. Coupled with the geographical reasons, he did not know the language, and did not want to go to the past to learn more about his family situation.

All kinds of drawbacks are revealed after marriage.

Fortunately, her mother-in-law was still a well-known person, and she knew that she was not right, and she had not had a similar situation since that night. I also played cards when I came home for the New Year, but I wasn't too out of line.

Where did Su Cicada know that she had only been out for more than two months, so she received a call from a neighbor in the middle of the night, saying that her mother-in-law was still running outside at ten o'clock, and the child always got up in the middle of the night to cry.

At that moment, her heart seemed to have leaked the wind, and it was covered with ice slag, and it was cold.

Lin Bei asked half-dreamingly, "Wife, who is looking for you in the middle of the night?" ”

"Your mother left the child and went out!" Su Cicada said.

Lin Bei was not assured: "Go out to buy something, right?" ”

"The neighbor called me and said she was running outside," Su Cicada tried her best to restrain her anger, "you called and asked, what is she doing?" ”

Lin Bei was particularly busy this time, sleeping less, and some reluctantly got up and dialed his fucking phone. The other party only picked up half a day, Lin Bei said: "Mom, where are you leaving, the child is crying at home!" ”

"The noodles at home are gone, tomorrow morning Dabao wants to eat, I will go downstairs to buy some."

The two nagged a few more words, and after hanging up the phone, Lin Bei fell asleep.

Su Cicada couldn't sleep, worried: "If the child only cries for one night, the neighbors won't call me, and I don't know them well." It must have bothered them, they said. ”

Lin Bei didn't know if he was asleep or how, he turned over and didn't say anything back.

The matter was closed.

Until the New Year's home, the one-year-old Erbao pulled her around the community, went directly to the mahjong hall, and happily told her: "Play mahjong, play mahjong." ”

Her face instantly darkened, and she also secretly swore in her heart that she would let her mother-in-law take these two years at most, and no matter how difficult it was, she would have to come back.

Story: She married for love, and after getting married, she regretted not knowing each other's family earlier


Linbei causes The Day on.

Because of this relationship, he found an idle job on the construction site for his father. The salary is not high, but it is comfortable.

His father lost his mother at an early age, and was abused by his stepmother, and the first half of his life was very bitter, otherwise he would not have run away from the Lin family to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

This environment led to his well-known personality.

The food in the canteen was eaten for free, and he couldn't eat it, so he had a three-high danger in half a year.

Usually, the rotten copper and scrap iron on the construction site, as long as it can be used, he will try his best to go to the dormitory. The big guys didn't want to live with him, and eventually he was alone in a room.

Inevitably, some people laughed: "It is good to have a son who is a leader!" ”

Lin Bei was very distressed about this, and now his career was climbing, and he was careful step by step, and he couldn't go out of the pool. He talked to his father many times, saying that now that the conditions are comfortable, there is no need to be so provincial. His father did not enter the oil and salt, and finally scolded him for forgetting his ancestors and not knowing the disease.

The old man is more sharp than the cow, he can't say it, and he remembers your revenge when he says it's heavy, and finally he can only sigh and give up.

Until once, the old man returned to his hometown, and there were more than a dozen large parcels and small parcels.

Lin Bei asked two employees to move things for him, the two young men moved and moved, even if the knot of the bag was not tightly tied, two kitchen knives fell out of the inside, almost smashing their feet.

At that time, Lin Bei was carrying a bucket on the side, and when he saw this, his face turned green.

The two boys were also frightened, but his father was quick in his eyes, two steps over, and pressed the kitchen knife back into the bag.

One of the guys said, "Can this pass the security check?" ”

Lin Bei walked over silently and took out the two kitchen knives.

His father was displeased and went to grab it: "What are you doing?" ”

Lin Bei said, "This thing will not let you enter the station with you." ”

"I'll just wrap the inside of my clothes."

Lin Bei didn't want to ignore him, turned around and left.

He shouted angrily from behind, "You perverted son." ”

Then a large section of scolding old-fashioned words flew out, and although the people next to them could not understand it, they could also guess what was happening. Looking at this old man again, he was depressed, with patches on his body, and lin bei did not honor him in both light and dark.

After this incident, Lin Bei was afraid, and took this opportunity to plan to let him help watch the child at home. In addition, his mother is not hiding her cards now, and it is always uneasy for people to take two babies alone.

His father agreed, and asked Lin Bei to send back a pile of broken copper and iron hidden under his bed. Lin Bei did not want him to come, although the freight was more expensive, but he still sent him back.

His father was a meticulous man, and he had no leisure, and his eyes were glued to the child on weekdays. With him there, Su Cicada was finally able to relax his mind.

But the days are not smooth.

The wrongs of these two couples in their past lives and the sins of this life. After giving birth to Lin Bei's sister and him, they separated and have always been separate.

This suddenly lived together, sparks with lightning, full of scratches.

Lin Bei's mother, because of the fact that the eldest in the family has to take care of her sister, has developed the personality of a more grandfather, and she is also exceptionally good-looking.

Usually in and out of the slot for a long time, in terms of degree, never short, and his father is completely two extremes. This old man and wife lived together for less than two months, and then there was a contradiction.

The reason was that there was a half-turnip in the house, and his mother wanted to throw it away, but his father refused. The two argued, and eventually his mother Shangwu swung a knife on his father's back and went to the hospital overnight.

At that time, Lin Bei had something to do and could not leave, Su Cicada booked the earliest flight to rush back, and it was also the middle of the night.

Lin Bei's sister came to the hospital where his father was taken, and the mother-in-law of the family took two children and slept deeply. The next morning, the eldest daughter nervously asked her, "Is Grandpa going to die?" ”

She didn't wait for a reaction, and her mother-in-law said fiercely on the side: "That old thing, it's better to die." ”

Su Cicada did not know what to say.

After this incident, the family was shocked, but they no longer dared to let these two old people live under one roof. Finally agreed, his father returned to his hometown, and her mother continued to stay here.


After a year of this, when the eldest daughter was in elementary school, Su Cicada resigned and returned home, planning to be a full-time wife.

Her mother-in-law yawned: "Now is the time to earn money, you are not rich, and it is not too late to bring your children back when they go to junior high school." ”

Su Cicada looked at her three-year-old daughter who could already recognize all 108 pieces of mahjong, and said that she would not let her mother-in-law take it anymore. Besides, now Lin Bei's family is still quite loose, but the husband and wife gather less and leave more, which has a certain impact on feelings.

Under the choice of the two, Su Cicada still chose to stay at home, and every summer vacation will take the children to the construction site, which is also a family of four.

Su Cicada found a job in her own city, the "885" system, and it was also brisk to mix up the days. Her mother-in-law was here to help with some housework and look at the children in her spare time.

As early as Lin Bei paid off his mother-in-law's gambling debts several times, he cut off his mother's financial road and never gave a penny. His mother didn't have money to play cards, and she always had to find something to do at home, so she asked Su Cicada when she would have three children.

"The state doesn't have this policy!" Su Cicada prevaricated, "Your son is now on the rise, and violating family planning is not good for him." ”

"Then you have to have a son!" Her mother-in-law urged.

"What if it's not a son again?" Su Cicada asked.

"I heard people in the community say that after getting pregnant, they can go to Hong Kong for blood tests..."

Su Cicada did not want to talk about this topic again, and interrupted her: "Okay, I know." ”

In the evening, she told Lin Bei about this. Lin Bei was eating outside, perfunctory, and could faintly hear the laughter inside.

She hung up the phone silently and looked sideways out the window at night. The lake reflects the lights, the stars are dotted, like the Milky Way has fallen into the world.

At that moment, she didn't care about the scenery, and thought that there was a long river in front of the door of her hometown. The water was alive, with excitement and rage, running into the unknown far away.

A year later, Su Cicada became pregnant again.

Lin Bei was in her prime of life, her eyes were full of the spirit of the mountains and the sea, and she touched her stomach and said, "This time, we must have a son." ”

In fact, Su Cicada wanted to ask him, in case it wasn't!

But the light in his eyes set off a storm, and she was not good at pouring it out.

Another point, she herself didn't want to admit. She was afraid that this sentence would come out, and it would really become a slur. Her own children, the people whose fates are linked, she doesn't care about gender. But everyone around her cared, forcing her to care together.

Today's Lin Bei, not the same day, can easily support the family. It can give her the dignity and glamorousness of being a woman, and bring her the unique experience that money can bring.

She depends on him for everything she has now.

This child is in her place, and there is a sense of gambling. She is already an elderly mother, and it is unlikely that she will fight for four children.

If you let her bleed, you won't be able to pass the psychological level.

She hung on for a few days, and finally she couldn't help but secretly find a private institution and draw a blood to send to Hong Kong. It didn't take long for the results to come out, and it was a son.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, her heart was empty.

A marriage has come to this point, and it has deviated from her original intentions. In the past few days, she always thinks of her parents, married for more than ten years, and returned home no more than ten times.

In her impression, she loves to eat the noodles cooked by her mother. On top of it, small minced meat will be added, sprinkled with small green onions, and a whole bowl will be left for her to eat the soup.

Always hungry in the middle of the night after pregnancy, she groped up and made a bowl of noodles according to the process, but it was not the taste of memory.


Lin Bei's grandparents are alive, and after his father returned, he lived with his grandparents, and he was not very happy. Coupled with the fact that his grandmother had a stroke and needed to be taken care of, he changed her mother-in-law back.

At this time, the father-in-law and daughter-in-law live under the same roof, which is even more difficult.

Su Cicada reached the third trimester of pregnancy, and her sleep was not very good.

Lin Bei's father somehow developed the habit of going to the toilet in the middle of the night, and he couldn't get on it and was still there, hmmm, ah, this magic sound penetrated the double door and circled around her ear.

The old man was a difficult person to talk to, and she didn't say anything, but just bought more fruit and asked him to eat it together. The old man was not interested: "Children must also eat, adults must also eat, where there is so much to eat." ”

Not in the same channel.

After more than a month, she couldn't stand it and told Lin Bei about it. Lin Bei estimated that he was really in a bad mood, and his speech was a bit rushed: "Then you take my father to the hospital for a check-up!" ”

"How do I check this?" Su Cicada was also annoyed, "And your father, I can't open my mouth, I'm afraid I'll accidentally poke his self-esteem!" ”

The two argued and finally hung up the phone unhappily.

The next day, Su Cicada was embarrassed and still asked, "Dad, what is that..."

Finally, he whispered, "Have you been unwell lately?" ”

His father was sensitive, guessed what she was referring to, and walked away without replying. Since then, he has not gotten up in the middle of the night, but Su Cicada listened to the number of people when he returned to his hometown: "Why do you even have to abandon your father when he goes to the toilet?" ”

Seeing that the delivery date was approaching, she deliberately asked her parents to come over. Her marriage to Lin Bei was in the northwest, which is also ridiculous, and now more than ten years later, his parents have not come to her house.

I told the old man about this idea, and they readily agreed. Probably also pregnant with a wish, want to see what kind of place the daughter married, live happily or unhappily.

A week before her due date, she booked a plane ticket for her parents and flew straight over. At that time, the plan was to live for two months, wait for her to give birth to a child, serve the confinement, and then go out and around together.

However, within a few days, her parents were dissatisfied. Eating is not accustomed to eating, even the wind in the air is not right, and the face is getting worse and worse every day.

Her mother couldn't stand it and threw up twice, looking like she had suffered a great sin.

The child in her belly had no sign of starting, and she thought about putting up with it any longer, and if nothing else, she had to ask her parents to see the child before leaving.

After staying up like this for two more days, even her father began to vomit, and the two of them lost a lot of weight. Her heart ached, she decided not to keep them anymore, and booked them a ticket back.

At the airport, his father tearfully told her, "Girl, you just have a good life." After saying that, she went to the security checkpoint with her mother.

She watched from behind, slow to move, and before long, tears welled up in her eyes.

She knew that her parents would never come here again.

The people who could hold up a piece of the sky for her in her memory also gradually waddled and eroded by the years.


The third child was a boy, and when she was born, the whole family was relieved.

During this period, Lin Bei's grandmother died. His mother was unregulated at home, in gambling debts everywhere, and eventually ran out of land and groped back here.

And the old house has been leaking, Lin Bei wants to build a new place for the elderly, so he transferred his father back to build a house. To be honest, his father is here, and Su Cicada's life is not as good as before.

His father's grocery shopping is always turnip cabbage, and the next meal that cannot be eaten continues, so the newly purchased vegetables always have to be cooked until they are half rotten. His cooking skills are also difficult to open, all rely on water to boil, children do not like to eat, so only left.

In this way, asking him to make something fresh, he refused to do it again, and he must do it before eating, Su Cicada told him to throw away the leftovers, and he chanted for an afternoon.

What's even more frightening is that every time Su Cicada loses something, a good part will eventually appear in his own home. A few times, when Su Cicada went to throw away the garbage, he found that he had followed him downstairs. As soon as she left, he went up and flipped over.

The messy toys found in the garbage can are also played with by children. Su Cicada took it and lost it, and he continued to pick it up, and so on.

In the process, he accumulated resentment towards Su Cicada, feeling that Su Cicada spent generously and would not run the family. In short, after the two daughters-in-law lived under one roof for a while, he began to see that Su Cicada was not happy with anything.

Before returning to his hometown, he also pointed to a pile of rags under the bed and said to Su Cicada: "Don't move these things, I am all useful!" ”

Her mother-in-law came back for a while, and the two of them carried three babies, which was quite harmonious.

But before long, the nature gradually revealed, and the old lady's hands itched again. But she had no money in her hands, and she couldn't help it, so she thought of stealing.

Once Su Cicada came back from outside and found that her bag was missing hundreds of pieces. At that time, she wasn't sure if she had misremembered or something else, and although she had a shadow in her heart, she didn't think too much about it.

After this incident, she also kept an eye on her heart and locked the bag where she had stored the money.

A few days later, she found that the lock of her bag had been torn, and the money inside was missing a thousand pieces. At the same time, her eldest daughter told her that the money was lost.

Only then did she realize the seriousness of the matter, and it didn't look like she had entered the thief at all. But there is no evidence at the moment, and it is not good to blame the mother-in-law in a hurry.

So when her mother-in-law said to go out for a walk, she quietly followed. Seeing that the old lady was wandering around a few corners, she went to the mahjong hall with a familiar way.

Only then did she tell Lin Bei about the matter.

Who thought that Lin Bei would ask back at that time: "Knowing that my mother is like this, won't you hide the money?" ”

She was aggrieved: "My bags are locked, and who knows in their own home, they still have to guard against thieves." ”

Lin Bei did not salty and perfunctorily said two sentences to her and hung up the phone.

When her mother-in-law returned, she was embarrassed and asked with a dark face: "Mom, did you take the money from me?" ”

Her mother-in-law was stunned and did not say a word.

"If you have anything you need money for, tell me, I won't be short of you," Su Cicada gritted her teeth and looked at her, "but what do you do?" ”

Her mother-in-law was immediately unhappy: "I made you a cow and a horse, what is wrong with taking some money from you?" Please nanny, a monthly salary is still several thousand! ”

After a few scoldings, he turned into the kitchen and said in a voice that he wanted to suppress: "Besides, this money is what my son earned outside..."

This is a piece of Su Cicada's heart disease.

She wanted to go out and work, but she had three children, and this idea was at least not possible at this stage. Moreover, now the family's expenses are extremely large, and everything is given by Lin Bei.

She felt more and more that the balance of marriage was beginning to tilt.

Obviously, both sides are paying, and her pay is natural and insignificant, and this relationship is sliding in an unpredictable direction.

Story: She married for love, and after getting married, she regretted not knowing each other's family earlier


Since marrying Lin Bei, Su Cicada has rarely returned to her mother's house, and she only pays some money to go back during the New Year's Festival.

Her family environment is not very good, and her parents cut off her younger siblings' way to study in order to provide her with education. Of course, she has excellent grades, and the junior high school is the second best in the school.

When she was in high school, the family really couldn't come up with money, the school could be exempted, and gave her the opportunity to work and study, and she barely climbed to college.

Now that her life is rich and she has more money on hand, she also wants to honor her parents well. It is to go back with two thousand yuan a month, although it is impossible to fulfill filial piety around, it is also another kind of compensation.

Who knew that Lin Bei began to check her account, but she did not hide the money. After Lin Bei heard about it, he didn't say anything, just checked her account more and more frequently.

At that time, her brother wanted to buy a mechanical equipment, and he still had tens of thousands of dollars on hand, and asked her to borrow it. She is now changing cars and building houses, all dressed in glamorous, Lin Bei is eager to try to mix with the villa opposite.

Tens of thousands of dollars are not a thing for them. But what made her feel indescribable was that she couldn't get it out at all. In the end, it was not good to extinguish his brother's eagerness, so he had to swallow the bitter place and agree to it.

She told Lin Bei, and Lin Bei replied yes. However, the money was delayed for two days before it was given. She was sullen, like a fish in her throat, and her mouth was difficult to open.

Last year, her eldest sister-in-law bought a house and wanted to pay the full amount, but it was missing a part. Lin Bei didn't say a word, and directly sent 200,000 yuan to his sister's account.

To this day, there is no mention of returning. She didn't dare ask about the stubble either.

If you ask, it seems to be more talkative and eventful, and it will spoil the friendship between sisters and sisters- If you don't ask, now, there is a tragic contrast, how to sting yourself.

What's more, less than half a year after lending her brother money, Lin Bei began to ask for it. Saying what investment she wants to do, where she needs money, she hints in the dark that her brother should pay back.

She had no choice but to make a vague mention to her brother.

Her brother said that he didn't have enough money on hand now, so could he pay back some of it first. In this way, after dividing it three times, half a year before and after, he finally returned the money to Lin Bei.

Even more depressing is yet to come.

The eldest sister-in-law is old, and she is too overworked, and her face begins to grow spots. But she is a beauty lover and wants to go to a beauty hospital to remove spots. But she had no money in her hands.

Without money and really thinking, he set his sights on his brother's body and came to cut first and play later. Get it once first, pay a part of the deposit, and the final balance, and more than 20,000 yuan, directly sent to Lin Bei.

Of course, Lin Bei didn't let Su Cicada know about this. His account, she wanted to check it and couldn't find it.

How much money a man makes, if he has a heart to hide, you will never know. When I finally learned of this, it was from a relative, who thought Su Cicada knew and said it loudly.

At that moment, Su Cicada thought of him changing the method to ask for her brother's money, saying where to use and where to use, anyway, there was no half a penny. Coupled with the significant reduction in her living expenses during this time, she thought that this was true.

The sky was clear and the sun was warm, but she had a bone-chilling chill for no reason. The solid ice in my heart broke every inch, and the space became a heavenly graben.


The life of the three children, although not short of money, but really live, it is really hot. The mother-in-law made a meal here, thinking that she had a great merit, and the nose was not the nose and the eyes were not the eyes, and she scolded and grinned without giving money.

She wanted to go out to work, but no one came to pick up and drop off the children, and the children needed homework after school. And the small one, the mother-in-law with a hundred obedience, the ancestors like tribute, has raised a stinky disease.

The father-in-law built a house in his hometown for nearly two years, but it was not implemented well. Some things also require her to run back, in short, there are many things that pull her steps.

Her father-in-law is the kind of person who picks up small leaks and can never tell the importance of things. The house has been rubbed to this day, the interior decoration has not been carried out, and the cost of materials has soared. Lin Bei calculated this account, calculated the flesh pain, and blamed her for not rushing to do something.

She had never been responsible for this matter from the beginning to the end, and now she had to complain about her, and she was still aggrieved: "That is your father can't do things, but anyone who is a good person can drag on for so long?" ”

"My dad is old, can he be like you?" Lin Bei was probably used to training people in normal times, and when he talked to her, he began to carry the power of leadership.

"Okay, I'll go back and do things, ask your dad to see the kids, and I'll finish it for you in two months." Su Cicada said angrily.

Her family of three babies, one more careless than the other, the eldest rubbing, the second seven years old also want her mother-in-law to feed, the third is naughty and mischievous.

If Su Cicada wasn't around, they could break the roof.

In the end, the couple had a big fight and hung up the phone.

Just after dinner, she came out of the room, her heart in a mess. Seeing her mother-in-law holding her rice bowl, she said to her: "Ermao always does not eat, you feed her something!" ”

"Love to eat or not to eat." When the child was three years old, Su Cicada had not been fed. But can not stand the enthusiasm of the mother-in-law, feel that full is the only criterion to measure the quality of the child, no matter when, always fort a bowl of rice for the child to eat.

When the child is still very young, it is easy to accumulate food, damage the spleen and stomach, and more and more do not like to eat. But the mother-in-law said not to listen, seeing Su Cicada replied with such a sentence, immediately unhappy: "The child you gave birth to, you don't know how to care, where are you so a mother?" ”

As he spoke, he broke Erbao's head and shoved a mouthful of rice into her mouth.

Erbao obviously did not want to eat, waved his hands vigorously, screamed, and finally was gagged, looking at Su Cicada with tears.

Su Cicada was furious: "My child, I will take care of it!" ”

This was the first time that Su Cicada was angry at her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law was stunned, and then the dark clouds covered the top, and even Mandarin was not used, and a series of old-fashioned words slipped out. Rao was unable to understand Su Cicada, and he also smelled several unbearable words.

That night, her mother-in-law threw the door away. Faintly, she also heard her calling Lin Bei.

Fight and fight! Anyway, it's already like this, the frost on the snow, but it's colder.

But to her surprise, she did not receive a call from Lin Bei before going to bed, and it was already ten o'clock when she finished tutoring her child's homework. Let the two big wash and sleep, and coax the small one, and finally go to sleep quietly at eleven o'clock.

She was so tired that she didn't take off her clothes and collapsed on the bed.

Who knew that in the middle of the night Lin Bei called over and said that his mother had fainted in the mahjong hall and asked her to go and see. She didn't have time to think of anything else, so she quickly got dressed and got up and fished for people in the mahjong hall.

When she got into the car with someone and was about to drive to the hospital, the old lady suddenly opened her eyes and said calmly: "Stop." ”


The old lady said: "I lost a lot, borrowed money was entangled, and I didn't know how to get out." ”

"..."Su Cicada didn't know how to reply for half a day.


Because of playing mahjong for a long time sitting and holding back urine, her mother-in-law's body finally collapsed. At first, it was painful urine and blood in the urine, and she didn't say it, but she couldn't stand it until later, so she told Su Cicada that Su Cicada had to take her to check.

After a bunch of examinations, the doctor looked serious and said that the situation was serious, and he had to arrange surgery in these two days.

Su Cicada called Lin Bei: "Come back, your mother needs someone to serve, I can't get out." ”

Lin Bei said: "My mother's operation is not small, please nurse I am not at ease, I must have relatives around, and it is not easy for others to pay money to run errands." ”

Finally he said, "I'm busy now, I can't come back, you see the children at home..."

Su Cicada didn't wait for him to finish speaking, so he grabbed the words: "Then tell your sister to go to the hospital." ”

Lin Bei paused, as if unhappy, but finally said, "Okay, so be it!" ”

The old lady finished the operation, stayed in the hospital for a week, and when she returned home, she had to lie in bed. Therefore, everything in the family fell on Su Cicada's head.

Su Cicada hadn't cooked a few times, and this suddenly made something that could only be swallowed reluctantly. Her mother-in-law didn't say anything for the first two meals, but as she ate, she began to be dissatisfied: "Children don't like to eat, and if you do it like this, how are they good?" ”

Lin Bei had mentioned asking a nanny to come back. But at the same time as he said this, he also said that the wife of one of his brothers, with two children at home and the care of his paralyzed father-in-law, still had a solid life.

And now the family's economic situation is not unable to afford a nanny, but Su Cicada feels that it is really unnecessary. In two months, my son will be in kindergarten, and it is not too late to hire someone.

And her mother-in-law stayed here, and whether she could get along peacefully with the nanny was a matter. The old lady thought strangely, as long as it was someone she didn't know who was responsible for her food, she always harbored inexplicable hostility, as if others were going to poison her whole family.

When the house is built and the old one is sent back, everything in this mess may change.

With this hope, it was because when her mother-in-law repeatedly provoked trouble, Su Cicada did not say anything. Usually, her mother-in-law nagged incessantly, and the east parents and the west family scolded briefly, and she ignored it.

Once, Su Cicada went out to buy vegetables and came back, just when her eldest sister-in-law was there, and the mother and daughter talked happily.

Her eldest sister-in-law cried poorly, saying that her husband's business had not been good recently, and he was in debt.

Her mother-in-law said, "I really can't get by, so let's ask your brother for it!" ”

"Then the sister-in-law will certainly not agree."

"The money is not earned by her, and it is her turn to say it?" Her mother-in-law's voice rose sharply, "Besides, she asked your brother to lend money to her brother before, and she didn't know if she had repaid it." You don't want your brother's money, is it difficult to let her move to her mother's house? ”

Su Cicada couldn't listen any longer and pushed the door open. (Title: Backwater, Author: Xi Shi.) From: Read a little story every day)

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